• 旧金山获评美国适合步行城市

    San Francisco most walkable U.S. city, website says.


  • 桑德拉·布洛克获评好莱坞收入最高女星。

    Sandra Bullock earns top paycheck in Hollywood.


  • 恭喜苏州维多利亚幼儿园获评苏州市优质园!

    Congratulations! Suhou Victoria Kindergarten received the quality award from the city of Suzhou!


  • 营队获评非常成功举办者也希望德国举办第二营队。

    The camp was judged to be a success and the organizers hope to hold a second one in Germany.


  • 尽管红色电话亭近年来不断减少,但时常获评英国象征性建筑

    Despite their decline in Numbers in recent years, the red telephone box regularly tops polls as one of Britain's most iconic structures.


  • 2011年,爱尔兰获评欧洲慈善国度世界第二年夜最慈善国度。

    In 2011, Ireland was ranked the most charitable country in Europe, and second most charitable in the world.


  • 辗转于珠海市旅游局珠海度假村有限公司等之间,其间获评广东省劳动模范

    She previously worked in Zhuhai Tourism Bureau and Zhuhai Vacation Village Co Ltd, honored as Working Model of Guangdong Province.


  • 大赛上情景剧》获展演金奖获评阅读之星1名、“阅读优秀个人4名

    Provincial competition, the sitcom "the Bridge" by Showcase Award, honored as "Reading Star" 1, "read the outstanding individuals," 4.


  • 1996年以来已经逐步开发成为我国规模最大的冰川旅游地之一目前正式获评国家地质公园

    Since 1996, China has gradually developed into the largest glacier travel and one of the current national geological park formally comment.


  • 一项有关年度调查显示伦敦出租车态度友好熟悉路线的出租车司机获评世界最佳出租车服务。

    London taxis, with their friendly drivers who actually know where they are going, are ranked best in the world, according to an annual poll.


  • 我省三镇获评全国特色景观旅游(村)近日第二全国特色景观旅游名镇(村)名单出炉

    Three National Famous Tourism Towns (Villages) in Hunan Recently, the second batch of national famous tourism towns (villages) with characteristic landscape have been released to the public.


  • 根据本周三发布2011年度最佳最差职业调查软件工程师获评最佳职业,石油钻台工人则排名垫底。

    The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Wednesday.


  • 20个国家40合格钞票设计评选新西兰5元钞票“轻松获胜”,获评2015年度最佳钞票。

    New Zealand's five-dollar note has been named the banknote of the year for 2015, a "clear winner" among nearly 40 eligible designs from a record 20 countries.


  • 根据1月5发布2011年度最佳最差职业调查软件工程师获评最佳职业,石油钻台工人则排名垫底

    The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Jan. 5th.


  • 十一月获评商业周刊》之「五十亚洲成长最快企业」中的第一名,成为唯一从事餐饮行业企业

    In November, the Group was ranked first among the top 50 fastest-growing Asian enterprises of the year awarded by Business Week, becoming the only enterprise engaged in F&B industry on the list.


  • 去年,桑德拉•布洛克因出演《关于史蒂夫一切获评奖,曾亲临现场领奖而今年无一人现身领奖

    Unlike last year, when Sandra Bullock showed up to take the Golden Raspberry for her performance in "All About Steve," no stars claimed their prizes on Saturday at the Razzies, now in their 31st year。


  • 去年桑德拉布洛克因出演《关于史蒂夫一切获评奖,曾亲临现场领奖。 而今年无一人现身领奖

    Unlike last year, when Sandra Bullock showed up to take the Golden Raspberry for her performance in "All About Steve," no stars claimed their prizes on Saturday at the Razzies, now in their 31st year.


  • 今年获评四十以下杰出经济学家的弗里吉特斯教授2001年起对一万名受访者重要人生事件进行了追踪研究。

    Prof Frijters, who was this year named the best economist aged under 40, has tracked major life events of 10, 000 people since 2001.


  • 今年获评四十以下杰出经济学家弗里吉·特斯教授2001年起对一万名受访者的重要人生事件进行了追踪研究。

    Prof Frijters, who was this year named the best economist aged under 40, has tracked major life events of 10,000 people since 2001.


  • 电话银行中心度蝉联“中国最佳呼叫中心”,获评“中国行业影响力品牌”、“亚太最佳客户服务至尊金奖奖项。

    The center has won five straight "China Best Contact Center", "the Most Influential Brand in the Industry" and "Asia Pacific Customer Service golden award of Excellence" etc.


  • 鸡蛋面包果酱,再配酸乳酪的早餐血糖负荷值适中火腿乳酪低脂的全谷物面包血糖负荷值较低,获评最佳

    Scrambled egg, bread and jam, accompanied by a yoghurt, had a medium GL score, while ham and cheese, accompanied by a low-fat spread on wholegrain bread, scored best, with a low GL.


  • 同时公司业绩连续实 现翻番增长获评“2010高科技高成长中国50 强亚太地区500 强’企业”。

    At the same time, the company has witnessed doubled growth rate in a row and was named" 2010 high-tech, high-growth ' Chinese top 50 ' & ' Asia Pacific 500 ' enterprises."


  • 福布斯》网站公布,这个美国南部城市力压达拉斯明尼阿波利斯华盛顿取代旧金山获评美国适合单身人士居住的城市。

    The southern US city displaced San Francisco for the top spot and edged past Dallas, Minneapolis and Washington D. C. to be voted the No. 1 city for singles, according to Forbes. com.


  • 尽管纽约曼哈顿区法国巴黎出租车司机并列获评粗鲁的哥,但纽约的黄色出租车仍以27%的得票率名列第二,比去年上升了10个百分点。

    New York's yellow taxi ranked the second, scoring 27 percent which up 10 percent from last year, notwithstanding both taxi drivers in Mahattan and Paris are be evaluated the rudest.


  • 南非安全级别最高监狱波尔斯穆监狱最近开始狱中实地拍摄真人选秀囚犯身穿统一橙色囚服,摄像机前展示才艺,希望获评狱中明星”。

    Dressed in orange uniforms, inmates at South Africa's maximum-security Pollsmoor Prison sing and act for the cameras in a new reality series where they vie to be crowned "Jail Star".


  • 南非安全级别最高监狱波尔斯穆监狱最近开始狱中实地拍摄真人选秀囚犯身穿统一橙色囚服,摄像机前展示才艺,希望获评狱中明星”。

    Dressed in orange uniforms, inmates at South Africa's maximum-security Pollsmoor Prison sing and act for the cameras in a new reality series where they vie to be crowned "Jail Star".


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