• 结果表明夹层设置方式水泥混凝土荷载应力影响规律几乎相同

    The results show that the set modes of two different interlayers have the almost same influence law on stress of old cement concrete slab.


  • 建立有限元模型计算配置两种材料道面的荷载应力翘曲应力进行比较

    By setting up finite element model, the load stress and the warping stress of the two materials pavement are calculated and compared.


  • 结构型式上,采用纵向简支带面板,钢筋受到较好保护降低构件荷载应力

    The longitudinal free slab with rib is selected, thus the steel bars can be better protected and the strain in construction members is reduced;


  • 混凝土用于路面基层由于受到荷载应力温度应力反复作用研究疲劳特性

    Fatigue property of lean concrete should be studied when the material is set as base course since it withstands the repeated actions of load stress and temperature stress.


  • 水泥混凝土路面面层混凝土基层界面接触状况,不仅直接影响到路面的接缝间距,同时也对路面的荷载应力有较大影响。

    The contact condition between PCC surface layer and poor cement concrete base course directly influences the space between joints and the loading stresses in the pavement.


  • 荷载作用边界时间变化动力荷载作用下,网格生成器应力集中区域变化而动态退化加密网格。

    When the load boundaries vary with time and under the dynamics loads, the mesh generator can derefinement and re-refinement dynamically mesh with moving of stress concentration region.


  • 利用土体塑性流动理论,提出了用于描述饱和砂土在单调荷载作用应力—应变反应性质塑性本构模型

    Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the stress-strain behavior of the saturated sands under the action of monotonic loading is developed.


  • 判断半刚性基层振动实能否造成下承层早期破坏,对半刚性基层在移动—振动压实荷载作用的下承层动态应力响应进行分析。

    The dynamic stress response of the lower course by moving-vibrating compaction on semi-rigid base was analyzed to judge whether it caused early wreckage to the lower course.


  • 脱硫吸收结构荷载形式复杂常规设计计算方法不能给出应力变形分布情况

    The structure and load form of the absorbing tower is complex and regular design and calculation method cannot give its distribution condition of the stress and deformation.


  • 如果应力达到EN 10138中的最大荷载延伸规定值,则可以假定延伸时有足够塑性

    Adequate ductility in elongation may be assumed if the prestressing tendons obtain the specified value of the elongation at maximum load given in en 10138.


  • 计算结果表明,复合地基是否具有应力扩散效应很多因素影响加固几何性质荷载分布的几何性质等。

    It can be seen from the results that the properties of stress dispersion of composite ground are affected by many factors, such as geometrical properties of reinforced layer and load.


  • 采用实验研究方法探讨锚固体界面力学特征、在荷载作用变形规律以及界面上的应力分布规律。

    The stress characteristic of the interface, deformation rule under the action of load and the stress distribution rule were discussed by adopting the experimental research method.


  • 本文论述温度应力、温度荷载取值,并根据实际情况提出结构设计施工时裂缝控制构造措施

    This paper states the temperature stress and load value, puts forward the conformation measures of crack control in structural design and construction.


  • 如果基础本身未能正确设计承受荷载产生应力,基础就可能产生结构破坏

    The structural failure of the foundation may occur if the foundation itself is not properly designed to sustain the imposed stresses.


  • 本文研究荷载分布、应力路径非线性变形地基性状影响提出了一个新的基础沉降量计算公式

    The influence of loading distribution stress path and nonlinear deformation on foundation behaviour are studied in this paper. A new settlement formula for foUndations is proposed.


  • 观测试验研究基础上,对温度荷载产生的温度应力混凝土箱梁作用进行了探讨

    On the base of actual bridge observation and test research, this paper discusses the temperature stress effect to concrete box girders which caused by temperature load.


  • 沥青混合料疲劳试验荷载控制模式应力控制模式应变控制模式。

    There are two kinds of load controlling mode for asphalt mixtures fatigue testing:stress controlling mode and strain controlling mode.


  • 同时研究数值分析温度荷载作用下应力边界条件位移边界条件温度应力影响

    To investigate the influence of mechanical boundary conditions on the thermal stress, a comparison of the results between displacement boundary and stress boundary is made.


  • 同时降低桥头地基的荷载基础应力减少沉降增加填料密实度,台背回填采用液态粉煤灰填筑。

    At the same time, liquid coal ash is used in backfilling of abutment, so as to reduce the load and basic stress, reduce settlement and increase the dense of fillings.


  • 设备供应商应提供沉降温度应力引起荷载

    The equipment sellers also indicate the loads caused by settlement, temperature stresses, etc.


  • 另外,对叠层橡胶支座的阻尼应变应力荷载频率变化情况进行了分析

    Moreover, this paper analyses the shear strain and compressive stress and loading frequency dependence of the damping ratio.


  • 作用桥梁结构应力可以分为二类荷载荷载和静荷载

    The forces that act on bridge structural members are produced by two kinds of loads - static and dynamic.


  • 定义便于实际应用荷载效应等效应力换算系数

    Moreover the load effect ratio and conversion coefficient of equivalent stress is defined for practical application.


  • 阐述作用PC轨道梁桥结构上荷载曲线pc轨道梁内力计算,应力计算,应力计算及组合。

    The article have expounded the load acting on PC single track beam, and the calculation of curved PC single track beam including force, prestress and the stress etc.


  • 分析了烟囱陶瓷管道特殊构件明火燃烧循环高温荷载条件下应力变形

    The stress and deformation of chimney and other special tube elements under fire and cyclic high-temperature loads are presented.


  • 采用函数解法,研究地面荷载作用浅埋圆形隧道围岩平面弹性应力问题

    The complex variable method analytic solution of stress is given for the plane elastic stress problem of surrounding rock of shallow circular tunnel under ground load.


  • 粘结变形符合截面变形假定因此荷载引起应力计算比较复杂

    The computation of stress resulted by external load is relatively complex because the deformation of unbonded prestressed strand cannot comply with the plane section assumption.


  • 并且构件荷载影响应力释放

    And the stress release did not be influenced by the load on the component.


  • 通过预应力吊杆将楼面荷载转移梁上,安全地实现托梁拔目的

    The purpose of transferring loads to the joist and wiping out the columns can be achieved safely.


  • 通过预应力吊杆将楼面荷载转移梁上,安全地实现托梁拔目的

    The purpose of transferring loads to the joist and wiping out the columns can be achieved safely.


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