• 表演个月梦露药物过量

    Monroe died from a drug overdose just three months after the performance.


  • 他们非法交易导致100多人药物过量必须急诊68例死亡相关

    Their illegal dealings led to more than 100 drug overdoses requiring visits to emergency rooms and were linked to 68 deaths.


  • 如果饮酒使用药物过量降低警觉性,使你容易受伤。

    If you use drugs or drink more than a moderate level of alcohol it will lower your awareness and increase your vulnerability.


  • 一位验尸八月报告指出杰克逊药物过量包括穆瑞曾建议服用的异酚。

    A coroner's report in August said Jackson had died from a cocktail of drugs, including propofol, which Murray has admitted administering.


  • FDA表示死亡服用达尔丰还是因为事实上药物过量所致很难辨别。

    The FDA said it was difficult to show that deaths associated with Darvon use were not, in fact, overdoses.


  • 最新信息意图预防体重、低体表面积血清肌酸酐儿童药物过量

    The update is intended to prevent drug overdosing of children with low body weight, low body surface area, and very low serum creatinine.


  • 但是有些可能机制包括高血糖体重增加、用药药物混用或者药物过量

    Several potential mechanisms have been suggested, including hypoglycemia, weight gain, and individual drugs, drug combinations, or drug dosages (12–14).


  • 产品信息包括用法用量药物相互作用药物过量保质期储存条件管理指标。

    Product information including indication for use, dosage, drug interactions, management of overdose, shelf life and storage conditions.


  • 尽管死因尚未得到官方确认,但鉴于臭名昭著的滥酗酒史,大部分人推断的死是由于药物过量

    Although the cause of death has not been officially confirmed, most assume she lost her life to an overdose given her reported and tumultuous history with drugs and alcohol.


  • 一名堪萨斯州医生妻子由于诊所涉嫌几十名患者药物过量中毒死亡案,以非法开药医疗保健诈骗和洗钱等罪名判刑。

    Kansas doctor and his wife whose clinic has been linked to dozens of overdose deaths are set to be sentenced for unlawfully prescribing drugs, health care fraud and money laundering.


  • 一些缓解胃部不适药物如果服用过量可能会导致严重消化问题

    Some drugs for relief of stomach upsets, when taken in excess, can perhaps cause serious digestive problems.


  • 不太常见原因包括滥用药物过量服用一些处方药

    Less common causes include drug abuse and overdoses of some prescription medications.


  • 其他常见病因包括接触过量噪音头部耳朵受伤衰老服用耳毒性药物

    Other common causes include exposure to excessive noise, head and ear injury, ageing and the use of ototoxic drugs.


  • 医生辩词是杰克逊自行使用过量帮助睡眠药物

    The defence said Jackson gave himself too much of the drug, a sleeping aid.


  • 因为我们花了两个小时来报道一个被过氧化氢漂白无名小卒这个显然是佛罗里达州某个破旧的酒店房间过量吸食某种药物致死的。

    Because we'd done two hours on this peroxide never-was, passing apparently from some kind of drug overdose in some seedy hotel room in Florida.


  • 有些此类症状其它潜在因素导致,这些因素包括药物副作用甲状腺问题抑郁症过量饮酒

    Others can be caused by various underlying factors, including medication side effects, thyroid problems, depression and excessive alcohol use.


  • 验尸官证实杰克逊于“急性中毒”,异丙酚是镇静剂种,他过量服用安定类药物,远远超过了医院规定的麻醉剂用量。

    The coroner said Jackson died of "acute propofol intoxication," an overdose of a hospital-grade anesthetic aggravated by effects of the sedative lorazepam.


  • 瑞格年轻遭受抑郁症,”罗西说道,“自我伤害第一自杀尝试服用过量药物,这是遇到戴维之前了。”

    'Ziggy had suffered from depression from her late teens,' Rosie says. 'the self-harming and the first suicide attempt, the overdose, happened before she met David.


  • 甚者还导致更大问题,诸如服用药物过量饮酒,也有工作家里孩子使用暴力的可能性。

    It could really end into that bigger problem of using drugs and alcohol excessively, potentially leading to a violent episode either at home with your kids or at the job.


  • 45护工曾强迫3喝下洗涤剂,给2注射了过量胰岛素,其他人是被迫致命药物致死。

    The 45-year-old man confessed to killing 3 victims by forcing them to drink household cleaners, an additional 2 with an overdose of insulin and the rest with a deadly mixture of medications.


  • 甚者还会导致更大问题,诸如服用药物过量饮酒,也有工作家里孩子使用暴力的可能性。

    You don't care about anything.It could really end into that bigger problem of using drugs and alcohol excessively, potentially leading to a violent episode either at home with your kids or at the job.


  • 佛罗里达警方正在调查美国男孩死亡事件。这个年轻人视频网站Justin . tv上发布了自己服用过量药物致死的视频。

    Police in Florida are investigating the death of an American teenager after he appeared to take an overdose and die while broadcasting on video website Justin.tv.


  • 首先明显他们很少抽烟过量饮酒滥用药物驾驶超速

    First and most obviously, they are less likely to smoke, drink to excess, abuse drugs or drive too fast.


  • 本杰明男孩现正在服用药物,治疗兴奋剂引起多动症(ADHD)。 由于摄入了过量的咖啡因,才使出现这种症状。

    The boy was already taking stimulant ADHD medication, and the extra caffeine in principle might have pushed him over the edge, according to Benjamin.


  • 这项研究中,安乐死定义为:一个医生给了过量药物(通常是通过注射致死),故意结束病人生命

    For this study, euthanasia was defined as a doctor giving an overdose of medication, usually by lethal injection, to purposely end a patient's life.


  • 最关键的还是担心这些药物使用时没有按照剂量要求过量服用所导致的潜在危害。

    A key concern has been the potential for accidental overdoses if the dosing instructions for those drugs aren't followed exactly as instructed.


  • 最关键的还是担心这些药物使用时没有按照剂量要求过量服用所导致的潜在危害。

    A key concern has been the potential for accidental overdoses if the dosing instructions for those drugs aren't followed exactly as instructed.


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