• 英镑贬值起到支持效果。

    The fall in the pound will also help.


  • 特别是镀金拍卖失败,很可能导致英镑贬值

    A failed gilt auction, in particular, could send sterling tumbling.


  • 近年由于物价不断上涨英镑贬值了。

    Because of continual price increases, the value of the pound has fallen in recent years.


  • 美元日元英镑贬值5%,对瑞士法郎贬值16%。

    It has fallen about 5 percent against the yen and the pound and 16 percent against the Swiss franc.


  • 消费者不会再感到庆幸了,英镑贬值迫使商人国外寻找商机。

    There will be little consumer cheer and businesses will have to look abroad for growth, helped by the lower pound.


  • 经过长达10年汇率(2007年英镑贬值之前),工业变得更有针对性

    And, after a decade of grappling with a high exchange rate (before sterling started to tumble in 2007), industrial firms have become leaner and fitter.


  • 自此英镑贬值幅度超过一半因此燃料进口货物成本变得更加昂贵

    The pound has since more than halved in value, making the cost of imports such as fuel more expensive.


  • 索罗斯曾因1992年一手导演英镑货币危机迫使英镑贬值著名

    Soros is known as "the man who broke the pound" during the 1992 currency crisis, forcing a sterling devaluation.


  • 这些数据可能加深人们英国经济疲软印象,并且增加英镑贬值压力。

    These data are likely to add to the perceived weakness of the UK economy and to the downward pressure on the Sterling.


  • 英镑贬值幅度可能得令人恐惧,但是标志英镑长期高估一个来的调整.

    The fall in the pound may have been disconcertingly large but it marks an overdue adjustment after a longperiod in which sterling was overpriced.


  • 但是2009年英镑贬值已经基本结束因此英镑贬值带来的效应已经逐渐消失

    But that depreciation was essentially over by spring 2009, so its effect has been fading.


  • 而且欧元区较弱国家受到强国制约,反而英国可以通过允许英镑贬值重获竞争力

    And, whereas the weaker members of the euro zone are shackled to the stronger countries, Britain has been able to regain competitiveness by allowing its currency to fall.


  • 由于英镑贬值使他们损失良多,尤其全球外汇储备增速放缓时,他们是否增加购买量便成了个疑问。

    Given the losses they have already suffered through the pound's fall, will they step up their purchases, especially as the growth rate of global foreign-exchange reserves is slowing?


  • 英镑贬值以及中国房地产泡沫结论影响,伦敦房地产市场近期越来越受到中国投资者青睐。

    Chinese investors have increased their focus on London's property market, partly because of the fall in the pound and partly because there are signs of an end to China's own property bubble.


  • 目前通货膨胀失去控制很大程度上是暂时能源食品价格飞涨增值税消费税上调,以及英镑贬值造成的停滞。

    Much of today's inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound.


  • 目前为止最好增长策略即使不得已为之的做法,是一直以来英镑贬值2007年的峰值贬值了25%。

    To date the best growth strategy, if an involuntary one, has been letting sterling depreciate, by about 25% from its 2007 peak.


  • 这种美梦一直到了信用干涸了才结束,现在一夜间,失业率上升,英镑贬值很快银行可能部分国有转变为完全国有。

    Until the credit dried up. Now, suddenly, jobs are evaporating, the pound is falling, Banks may soon proceed from partial to full nationalisation.


  • 英国央行上月所强调一点——英镑贬值引发通膨威胁可能令决策官员心存戒慎,促使其发言支撑英镑汇价。

    An inflationary threat from a falling pound — a point highlighted by the Bank of England last monthcould also alarm policymakers and lead to sterling-supportive rhetoric.


  • 解释一下央行是如何干预汇率市场批判地评论英格兰英航对于过去英镑贬值对于英国经济影响观点

    Explain how central Banks intervene in the exchange rate markets and critically comment on the bank of England's view about the impact of the "past depreciation of the sterling" on the UK economy [1].


  • 比如说1931年9月英格兰银行决定放弃金本位制度并允许英镑贬值并不是为了英国国际贸易中占据出口优势

    Bank of England to abandon the gold standard and allow the pound to fall in value was not a step that it deliberately chose to give British exporters an advantage in world trade.


  • 索罗斯下个将满81岁。1992年被称为“黑色星期三”的货币危机,他因成功押注英国被迫英镑贬值而赚取了数亿美元【注】,一举成名天下知。

    Soros, who turns 81 next month, became world famous after making millions betting that the UK would be forced to devalue the pound during the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis.


  • 大家所熟知1992年英镑钉住汇率制事件外汇交易市场的操盘手实际上已经挑战了英国央行(BankofEngland),不仅如此,他们甚至迫使英镑贬值并从中获利达数十亿英镑

    In the well known case of the GBP peg in 1992, the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England, no less, and forced a devaluation of the GBP, making billions in the process.


  • 英国刚刚经历英镑贬值

    Britain had just suffered a sterling devaluation.


  • 英镑贬值减弱通货紧缩压力不然此压力有可能加剧信用危机因为价格开始下降时,计算债务负担则会增加

    The fall in sterling will also blunt deflationary pressures that might otherwise exacerbate the credit crisis, since when prices start falling the burden of debt rises in real terms.


  • 2007年以来英镑贬值大约25%,这一情况让英国对个事实重希望- - - - - - -出口繁荣进口降温推动GDP增长

    The depreciation of some 25% in sterling's trade-weighted value from mid-2007 had kindled hopes that an export boom and an import slowdown would bolster GDP growth.


  • 这些美元英镑欧元贬值从而使得爱尔兰出口商的日子变得不好过

    Those would tend to weaken the dollar and sterling against the euro, making life for Irish exporters more difficult again.


  • 这些美元英镑欧元贬值从而使得爱尔兰出口商的日子变得不好过

    Those would tend to weaken the dollar and sterling against the euro, making life for Irish exporters more difficult again.


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