• 大多数英国移民怀念政府住房国家健康计划以及他们亲戚以前邻居

    Most British migrants miss council housing, the National Health scheme, and their relatives and former neighbors.


  • 总的来说,澳大利亚仍然偏爱英国移民而且英国移民挑剔其他国家移民少得多

    By and large, Australia still prefers British migrants, and tends to be rather less selective in their case than it is with others.


  • 英国移民署曾尝试量化签证骗局发现私人继续教育上钻空行为尤其(语言学校其次)。

    An attempt by the UK Borders Agency (UKBA) to quantify visa fraud found much flouting of the rules at private further-education colleges in particular (and, to a lesser extent, at language schools).


  • 十八世纪保皇党安省忠于英国,十八世纪后期人口增长迅速美国英国移民纷纷到来寻求美好生活

    In the 1700s, the United Empire Loyalists came to Ontario to remain British. By the late 1700s, the population grows rapidly. Newcomers from United States and Britain came for better life.


  • 根据英国移民顾问的说法,如果政策没有其他变化,外来务工人员及其家属定居人数到2016年至2010年人数的一半以下。

    Without any changes, the number of workers and their dependants settling in 2016 would be less than half the 2010 figure, according to the government's immigration advisers.


  • 简单的解决办法特定时间段内所有居住英国移民提供公民身份,以此换取居住欧盟国内的英国移民获得相同待遇

    The simplest solution would be to offer citizenship to all those resident in Britain at a particular date, in return for a similar offer to Britons living in other parts of Europe.


  • 英国移民大臣利亚姆·伯恩(LiamByrne)表示:“有了强有力的控制,外来移民英国更为富裕正是我们上议院明言。”

    Liam Byrne, immigration minister, said: "with powerful controls in place, migration can make Britain richer and that's what we're blunt about with the House of Lords."


  • 移民许多方面英国文化有所贡献

    Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.


  • 表示移民英国房价的罪魁祸首。

    She also said immigrants were responsible for pushing up UK house prices.


  • 1817年,第一移民大潮中,一位英国游客观察到:“古老美洲似乎正在分裂西移动。”

    "Old America seemed to be breaking up and moving westward," observed an English visitor in 1817, during the first great wave of migration.


  • 英国一直澳大利亚移民主要来源国——90%澳大利亚人英国后裔,自二战以来英国已经提供了100万移民

    Britain has always been the principal source—ninety percent of Australians are of British descent, and Britain has provided one million migrants since the Second World War.


  • 英国人不同的是欧洲大陆移民必须努力适应陌生语言新的习俗

    Unlike the British, continental migrants have to struggle with an unfamiliar language and new customs.


  • 所有这些中的一个特征明确地区分了17世纪30年代前往英格兰21000人和1700年移民美国37.7万英国中的大多数

    Each of these characteristics sharply distinguishes the 21,000 people who left for New England in the 1630s from most of the approximately 377,000 English people who had immigrated to America by 1700.


  • 于了解英国人的语言和习俗,斯宽托在很多方面都帮助了清教徒前辈移民,包括教他们如何捕鱼。

    Knowing the language and customs of Englishmen, Squanto helped the Pilgrims in many ways, including teaching them how to catch fish.


  • 移民英国带来了费边社会主义

    From Britain, the new immigrants brought Fabian socialism.


  • 今天澳大利亚超过四分之一人口国外出身的,大多数移民不是来自新西兰英国的就是来自印度、中国其他亚洲国家

    Today over a quarter of the population were born abroad, and most migrants, if they are not from New Zealand or Britain, are from India, China or some other Asian country.


  • 第一1945年以来,英国接受了大量移民他们不能轻易地现存阶级概念匹配,同时可能还有自己金字塔需要攀登

    First, since 1945 Britain has received large Numbers of immigrants who do not fit easily into existing notions of class and may have their own pyramids to scramble up.


  • 美国英国例外它们大量工作妇女生育率接近替代水平(不足部分有移民补充)。

    The odd ones out are America and Britain, which both have lots of women at work and fertility rates close to replacement level (with immigration making up the rest).


  • 减少本国每年移民人数,应对国内居高不下的失业率英国内政部计划提高留学生签证的门槛。

    The UK`s Home Office intends to tighten visa regulations for international students to reduce the country`s annual net migration and cope with high domestic unemployment.


  • 上个月,主张激进的《每日星期日快报》就移民抢夺英国年轻人工作标题,将移民问题推上了头版

    Last month the Daily and Sunday express-which also specialise in indignation-put immigration on the front page six times, under such headlines as "Migrants Rob Young Britons of Jobs".


  • 十一月发布数据显示,2007年有五十七万七千移民来到英国2006年少一万四千(虽然移民减少,但移民增加)。

    Data released in November showed 577,000 immigrants arrived in Britain in 2007, 14,000 fewer than the year before (although emigration fell faster, lifting net migration).


  • 辩护驳斥了上议院委员会要求允许进入英国移民工人数量设定上限的呼吁——这种政策得到了保守党(Conservatives)的支持。

    It also rejected calls from the Lords committee for a cap limiting Numbers of migrant workers allowed into Britain - a policy supported by the Conservatives.


  • 尽管英国国家党青睐日本风格移民控制政策,喜欢日本学校填鸭式教育,但是他们却强烈反感进口日本汽车摩托车。

    (the BNP likes Japanese-style immigration controls and rote learning in schools, but strongly dislikes the import of Japanese cars and motorcycles).


  • 此次遏制每年英国留学300,000人数数量的提议源于英国保守党承诺,即将每年欧洲以外移民人数从2009年的184,000人控制100,000人。

    The move to curb the annual flow of 300,000 students into Britain stems from the Tory pledge to reduce net annual migration from outside Europe to below 100,000 from the 2009 level of 184,000.


  • 同时,文章说,移民降低自然失业率因为那些移民相对迟钝英国人来说工作选择方面要灵活

    And it heard evidence that migrants may push down the "natural" rate of unemployment, since they are more flexible than sluggish Britons about which jobs they take.


  • 同时,文章说,移民降低自然失业率因为那些移民相对迟钝英国人来说工作选择方面要灵活

    And it heard evidence that migrants may push down the "natural" rate of unemployment, since they are more flexible than sluggish Britons about which jobs they take.


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