• 英国教会儿童圣餐礼方面意见不统一。

    Church of England at sixes and sevens over child communion.


  • 我们知道爱德·华金当然不是英国教会牧师所杀!

    We already know that Edward King -of course he wasn't killed by the prelates of the Church of England!


  • 英国教会一天腐朽主教神职人员未能他们职责

    English Church of his day was decayed, and its bishops and clergy failing in their duty.


  • 如果教皇倡议倡议获得成功英国教会进一步削弱陷入混乱中

    If the Pope's initiative succeeds, the Church of England will be further weakened and plunged into even greater disarray.


  • 组建普利茅斯殖民地人们摆脱英国教会控制英国清教徒

    The people who comprised the Plymouth Colony were a group of English Protestants who wanted to break away from the Church of England.


  • 英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似被。

    A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.


  • 人们曾经觉得陈旧的教区房子漏风而且不实用(就是为什么英国教会贱卖了它们)。

    Old rectories used to be seen as draughty and impractical (which is why the Church of England sold them off cheaply).


  • 教区助理人员:昔日英国教会雇佣教区教堂礼拜,引人入座、维持秩序的人。

    Beadle: a minor parish official formerly employed in an English church to usher and keep order during services.


  • 英国教会黄铜纪念碑展示中世纪社会百态最佳画廊而萨里市玛丽教堂欧洲历史悠久。

    The brass memorials in British churches provide the best portrait gallery of medieval society. Europe's oldest is in st Mary's church in surrey.


  • 可能说服梵蒂冈采取行动:必须决定怎样面对那些认为英国教会将会取消他们现有地位保守人士

    That may have persuaded the Vatican to act: it had to decide how to respond to conservatives who felt the Church of England was about to make their position untenable.


  • 类似争论可能也正向英国教会逼来,一英国天主教徒正在反对妇女成为主教一事罗马教庭求助。

    A similar row may be looming in the Church of England, where a bunch of Anglo-Catholics are turning to Rome in protest against women becoming bishops.


  • 英国教会黄铜纪念碑展示中世纪社会百态最佳画廊,而欧洲古老的教堂坐落M25高速公路傍。

    The brass memorials in British churches provide the best portrait gallery of medieval society. Europe's oldest is in a church just off the M25.


  • 那个时代剑桥大学教员(均男性)通常会接受英国教会圣职牛顿忠于自己拒绝圣职

    It was commonat the time for Cambridge faculty members (all of them men) to take holy ordersin the Church of England; Newton, true to himself, refused.


  • 过去英国教会学校待了15所以我唱足够多的赞美诗,划了足够多的十字,足以祝福一生了。

    I had spent 15 years in Anglican schools, so I had had enough hymnals and crosses to last me a lifetime.


  • 金融时报由于越来越多担心流感英国扩散英国教会伦敦东南部南华克主管教区推荐了方法

    The Church of England has introduced the measure in its Southwark diocese in southeast London as concerns mount about the spread of swine flu in Britain, the Financial Times said.


  • 金融时报由于越来越多担心流感英国扩散英国教会伦敦东南部南华克主管教区推荐了方法

    The Church of England has introduced the measure in its Southwark diocesein southeast London as concerns mount about the spread of swine flu in Britain, the Financial Times said


  • 不是两个字以往任何时候都用来表示居民一个国家美国同一个专业我们英国教会”,“教会的苏格兰”

    Nor is this word ever used to denote the inhabitants of a country united in the same profession, as when we say the "Church of England," the "Church of Scotland," etc.


  • 英国大国教,英格兰是英格兰国教苏格兰是苏格兰教会长老教)。

    There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and in Scotland the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland.


  • 我们牛津朋友萨拉.梅特兰以及丈夫唐纳德.共度圣诞节。 唐纳德.李是美国成了一位英国教会神父

    We spent Christmas Day with my friend from Oxford, Sara Maitland, and her husband, Donald Lee, an American who had become a priest in the Church of England.


  • 但是新的祈祷获得国会批准时,法律上有必要对1949年的婚姻法做出改动使包含新的结婚公告词,而英国教会律师忘记做这件事了。

    But when the new prayer books were approved, as is legally necessary, by Parliament, Church lawyers forgot to change the 1949 Marriage Act so that it included the new wording of the banns.


  • 英国圣公会承诺开办教会学校会预留部分名额给非英国国教教徒家庭宗教信仰家庭儿童。这仅仅是一项承诺并不受法律强制力约束

    The Church of England has promised to set aside places at its new schools for children whose parents profess other religions or none at all, but the pledge has no legal force.


  • 英国教会阐明减少二氧化碳排放源于教堂教会大楼,教区住所)计划2020年减排42%,2050年减排80%。

    The Church of England spelled out its programme for cutting carbon emissions (from churches, halls and vicarages) by 42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.


  • 英国教会阐明减少二氧化碳排放源于教堂教会大楼,教区住所)计划2020年减排42%,2050年减排80%。

    The Church of England spelled out its programme for cutting carbon emissions (from churches, halls and vicarages) by 42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.


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