• 英语花体书写字体

    Who has the English curlicue to write character style?


  • 使用文字提示平原线字母叶茎花体轮廓

    Use the writing tip's plain line for letters, leaf stems, squiggles, dots and outlines.


  • 就能报纸乐谱对我来说,只是片黑不溜秋的花体字。

    And though I could read a newspaper when I was four, scores were only pretty black squiggles.


  • 下面文本显示相同单词应用上下文花体前后的效果。

    The following text shows the same word before and after a contextual swash is applied.


  • 使用上下文花体可以使用生成外观美观的替代花体标志符号

    Using a contextual swash allows you to use a substitute swash glyph that produces a better appearance.


  • 花体标志符号某些组合可能导致外观不够美观,临近字母重叠下沉

    Certain combinations of swash glyphs can cause an unattractive appearance, such as overlapping descenders on adjacent letters.


  • 昨天来福广场的一支神奇的可以花体英语字母,写出来很漂亮

    Yesterday I bought a pen in Raphis Square. With this pen, you can write very beautiful English Character. like master's script!


  • 现在80们有一手标志性的字迹:结构松散、字体幼稚而且几乎没有会用花体

    People born after 1980 tend to have a distinctive style of handwriting: a little bit sloppy, a little bit childish and almost never in cursive.


  • 顾客上刻姓名时,他不再用构成以前作品特色各种别出心裁的花体字了。

    When employed to engrave names on silver spoons, he now omitted a variety of fanciful flourishes that had heretofore distinguished his work in this kind.


  • 我们或许得想办法这种单调的沟通媒介上极为有型的花体签名,我们完全清楚工作原理

    We might still grapple with the right stylistic flourishes for this flat medium, but we understand the principle perfectly.


  • 花体消逝部分是因为循环逻辑。这个逻辑是来自纽约15岁亚历山大·麦卡特强烈支持的。

    Cursive's demise is due in part to the kind of circular logic espoused by Alex McCarter, a 15-year-old in New York City.


  • 一页上文字时,在眼睛分辨出白纸黑色花体字时,在你感到地心引力把你固定在地球上时,醒。

    As you read the words printed on this page, as your eyes distinguish the black squiggles on white paper, as you feel gravity anchoring you to the planet, wake up.


  • 艾米丽·波斯特研究所建议一张手写的感谢条不过至于花体还是印刷字体写无所谓,只要整洁就行了。

    The Emily Post Institute recommends sending a handwritten thank-you but says it doesn't matter whether the note is in cursive or print, as long as it looks tidy.


  • 到了二战时期,印刷字体美国已经相当普及了。现在,孩子们通常幼儿园学习印刷体,从年级开始学习花体

    By World War II, manuscript, or print writing, was in standard use across the U.S. Today schoolchildren typically learn print in kindergarten, cursive in third grade.


  • 是因为主体文本打破一致性原则尤其是标题字体serif字体时候(serif字体一些花体比如字母“y最后一笔的末尾)。

    That's because body text gets to break the consistency rule, especially if your heading fonts are serif fonts (serif fonts have the little squiggles, like at the end of the downstroke of the "y").


  • 密度可能破碎花岗变晶构成。

    Perhaps this low density body is composed of broken granoblastic.


  • 对于小规模经济体来说,这些钱多不清,结果加剧了全球储蓄供过于求这种供过于求要近年过高金融流动性负部分责任

    It is too plentiful for small economies to spend, and has therefore added to the glut of global saving that is in part responsible for the financial excesses of recent years.


  • 考试要有充分时间意识你们应该不断地往下做不是太多时间在不到答案某一具体问题上。

    You should remain conscious of time limits during the test, and you should move on rather than spending too much time on a particular question to which you are unable to find the answer.


  • 考试要有充分时间意识你们应该不断地往下做不是太多时间在不到答案某一具体问题上。

    You should remain conscious of time limits during the test, and you should move on rather than spending too much time on a particular question to which you are unable to find the answer.


  • 我们室内吧台后面应用同样元素,一个平整金属墙面盛开成一朵金属花,原来的形式,就像是鲜活的生命体一样。

    The same we applied on the interior wall behind the bar, rise from a flat metal wall, bloom, and then return to its initial stage, like the breathing of a vivid life.


  • 公司专业从事转移印花产品花型款式的设计开发,集设计、生产、销售一体

    I transfer printing company specializing in products and flower-style design, development, design, production and sales as one.


  • 工作上花时间实在太多了!是不是因为这样体你重才加了公斤呢?。

    You spend so much time at your dest! IS that why you've put on a few kilograms lately?


  • 如果一年休整时间某一具体职业做好准备,那么就要参与相关职业活动

    If you want to spend a gap year setting yourself up for a specific career, then choose activities that a relevant to that job.


  • 染色体末端帽子保护内部DNA不受破坏鞋带头上的绳花让鞋带不散毛。

    These are caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect the DNA in them from damage, much like caps on shoelaces prevent fraying.


  • 任何属于萝芙木属灌木小树,有轮生体叶子聚伞花序产生物质医药上,特别是催吐剂剂。

    Any shrub or small tree of the genus rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.


  • 任何属于萝芙木属灌木小树,有轮生体叶子聚伞花序产生物质医药特别是

    Any shrub or small tree of the genus Rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.


  • 布格重力异常地质图对比表明,本区局部重力异常主要玲珑花岗质杂岩体引起的。

    Comparison of the Bouguer gravity anomaly map with geological map shows that the local negative gravity anomaly is caused by the Linglong granitic complex.


  • MS培养基加入不同植物激素研究果腺肋花楸叶片愈伤组织诱导及其再分化。

    Callus induction and redifferentiation of black chokeberry leaf in vitro were studied when a diversity of plant hormones were added to MS media.


  • 西准噶尔庙尔沟岩体主要包括钾长石花岗岩、角闪二长花岗岩花岗闪长岩

    Rock types of the post-collisional granitoids in Miaoergou, West Junggar, include K-feldspar granite, hornblende monzogranite and granodiorite.


  • 西准噶尔庙尔沟岩体主要包括钾长石花岗岩、角闪二长花岗岩花岗闪长岩

    Rock types of the post-collisional granitoids in Miaoergou, West Junggar, include K-feldspar granite, hornblende monzogranite and granodiorite.


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