• 艾林乡是围场县十贫困乡之一。

    Ailinghe is one of the poor communes in Weichang County.


  • 卢克·艾林加盟了英甲球队耶奥维尔城队。

    Luke Ayling has joined League One side Yeovil Town.


  • 所以你们知道昨晚可能艾林先生面?

    So you have no idea who might have visited Mr. Ellinghouse's room last night?


  • 艾林琳访问了几位美国专家,听听他们对未来期望

    Linden Ellis asked a group of experts what to expect next.


  • 汤普森饰演达西·伍德姊妹中的姐姐艾林(妹妹玛丽安),《理智情感》所讲述主要她俩的故事

    Thompson accepted the role of Eleanor, the eider of the two Dash-wood sisters (the younger is Marianne) whose stories occupy the main action of Sense and Sensibility.


  • 记得不,指头引发了第一一系列事件劝诱莱莎?艾林丈夫琼恩下毒送信给凯特琳是兰尼斯特家的阴谋

    Remember, Littlefinger set the events of season one into motion when he convinced Lysa Arryn to poison her husband, Jon, and send a raven to Catelyn telling her it was the Lannisters' plot.


  • 天体生物学家安得鲁。艾林培植出一种新的生命体,这暗示着即使在木星木卫二冰层底下极为恶劣环境生命存在。

    A new form of life developed by astrobiology researcher Andrew Ellington, indicates that life could well exist in the hostile environment underneath the surface ice of Europa, a moon of Jupiter.


  • 来自英格兰中部诺丁汉艾林·怀特提交。经字典语言专家评审组的评定,鉴于该词现代英语中的使用频率较高,所以最终几百个候选词中胜出。

    It was submitted by Erin Whyte from Nottingham, central England, and a panel of Collins language experts singled it out from the hundreds of other submissions because of its of use in modern English.


  • 正在编辑赛亚•伯散文集

    He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin.


  • 正如斯顿大学教授伦·德所言:“聪明绝顶,逻辑性强,乐于争论也是一个很好的倾听者。”

    As Princeton Professor Alan Blinder says, "She's smart as a whip, deeply logical, willing to argue but also a good listener."


  • 指出美元1914年还没有成为国际性货币但是1925年在各国外汇储备取代了英镑。

    Mr Eichengreen points out that the dollar had no international role in 1914 but had overtaken sterling in governments' reserves by 1925.


  • 上周斯特在《美国国家科学研究院学报》中著名论断进行了更新

    Just last week Easterlin published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science an update on his famous paper.


  • 琳·来福,一家位于门多奇诺计算机顾问公司合伙人并不担心家庭手机使用

    Elaine Lindelef, a partner at a computer-consulting firm in Mendocino County, says she is not worried about her family's cell phone use.


  • 以后凯西荒野中看到了希斯·克里夫,希斯·克里夫她们呼啸山庄哈里顿

    Three years later, Ellen and Cathy are on the moors when they meet Heathcliff who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton.


  • 时光追溯到1974年,斯特悖论回答了问题

    Well back in 1974 something called the Easterlin Paradox answered this question.


  • 当地媒体引用斯德哥尔摩警察汤姆·说:“这家宾馆大肆美化我们致力于谴责和大几的东西”。

    "The hotel is trying to glorify something that we are working to de-glorify," the Local quoted Tom Eckerling at Stockholm police as saying.


  • 提出设想的是纽约西奈山医学院的细胞生物学伦纳德·奥恩·斯坦美国宇航局气候模型家伊戈尔·列诺夫大卫·

    The scheme has been thought up by Leonard Ornstein, a cell biologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, together with Igor Aleinov and David Rind, climate modellers at Nasa.


  • 隶属奥地利rzb集团造•赖夫森银行行政总裁帕维尔·,盈利能力的考虑取决于何时购买资产以及当时假设

    Views of profitability depend on when you bought the asset and the assumptions made at the time, says Pavel Gurin, the chief executive of ZAO Raiffeisenbank, which is owned by Austria's RZB Group.


  • 对于那些记者评论家,这实在没什么火花。”共和党大会上发言,竭力扮演新纽的角色。

    “Here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators, ” Mrs Palin told the Republican convention, doing her best to channel Agnew.


  • 会谈结束尔维斯尼克松维斯特打声招呼然后椭圆办公室

    Before leaving, Elvis asked Nixon to say hello to Schilling and West, and the two men were escorted into the Oval Office.


  • 国王剧院,这个一代布鲁克市民熟知地方,1929年97号正式营业。首部上映的影片是“文盖琳”并且主演多罗瑞丝也到场助兴。

    The Kings, as it was known to generations of Brooklynites, opened on Sept. 7, 1929, with a screening of “Evangeline” and a special appearance by its star, Dolores del Rio.


  • 来往于巴黎欧洲之行列车呼啸着经过阿森纳酋长球场。 球场位于顿的一角,那里永远法兰西的天下。

    The Eurostar trains to and from Paris even zoom past the club's Emirates Stadium, a corner of Islington that is forever France.


  • 赛诺菲发言人美.奖表示公司正按照FDA要求,“致力于醋酸亮丙瑞使用安全性有效性研究”。

    Sanofi spokeswoman Emmy Tsui said the company was "committed to the safe and effective use of Eligard" and was reviewing the FDA request.


  • 布鲁克被誉为“之城”教堂之城”,虽然这个小小的街区也出了不少像惠特曼伍迪芭拉史翠珊和拳王泰森那样有头有脸人物,却唯独了一样。

    Brooklyn, the borough of churches and trees, Walt Whitman and Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and Mike Tyson, has never lacked for people of distinction — except perhaps in one category.


  • 布鲁克被誉为“之城”教堂之城”,虽然这个小小的街区也出了不少像惠特曼伍迪芭拉史翠珊和拳王泰森那样有头有脸人物,却唯独了一样。

    Brooklyn, the borough of churches and trees, Walt Whitman and Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and Mike Tyson, has never lacked for people of distinction — except perhaps in one category.


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