• 针对航空望远镜结构重量过高问题,提出了航空相机望远镜框架进行拓扑优化设计方法

    In order to reduce the weight of an aerial telescope main structure, a topologic optimization design method of the aerial telescope main frame was presented.


  • 根据美国国家航空宇宙航行轨道运行哈勃太空望远镜收集数据仙女星座美丽少许源自亿年前另一星系的嬉戏。

    The great Andromeda galaxy owes a bit of its beauty to a dalliance with another galaxy billions of years ago, according to new data gathered with NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 美国航空航天局最近发射空间望远镜——太阳动态观测台,首次给我们展现了太阳的图像和视频。

    NASA’s latest space telescope, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, is delivering unprecedented images of our local star.


  • 科学家NASA(美国航空航天局)的红外望远镜对准距地球63光年、位于狐狸星座中的行星HD 189733b

    Scientists pointed Nasa's Infrared Telescope Facility at a distant planet called HD 189733b some 63 light years away in the constellation of Vulpecula.


  • 现在由于美国航空航天局(NASA)一项合作,微软世界望远镜做出了迄今为止详细宇宙球面还有新的火星表面3D真彩地图

    Now, thanks to a new collaboration with NASA, WorldWide Telescope has produced the most detailed spherical image of the heavens to date, along with a new 3-D, true color map of the surface of Mars.


  • 当然如果直接跑彗星根本需要用双望远镜正是美国国家航空航天管理局的EPOXI宇航飞船114日的使命。

    No binoculars are needed, of course, if you go right up to the comet's nucleus, as is the plan for NASA's EPOXI spacecraft on November 4.


  • 天文学家使用美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的皮策太空望远镜于20078月末距离地球30亿光年的银河系首次发现了这个超新星

    Astronomers first spotted the supernova in a galaxy some 3 billion light years from Earth in late August 2007 using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.


  • 美国航天航空希望这个望远镜格外敏感探测器探测与地球世界

    But the US space agency (Nasa) hopes that the telescope's extraordinarily sensitive detectors will lead it to worlds ever more like our own.


  • 美国国家航空航天局表示天文学家使用地面望远镜搜寻太阳系之外行星发现了上百个不同的天体。

    According to NASA, "Astronomers using ground-based telescopes to hunt for planets outside our solar system, dubbed extrasolar planets, have nabbed more than a hundred alien worlds."


  • 太阳动态观测台现在美国航空航天局观测太阳最好的“眼睛”,它分辨率远超过其它任何望远镜

    The Solar Dynamics Observatory is now NASA's best eye on the sun, with a resolution far-exceeding any previous telescope.


  • 按照美国航空航天局的示意图上所描绘的,费米伽马射线望远镜所观测到气泡X射线射电波长均有显现

    AS depicted in this NASA illustration, the twin "bubbles" seen in Fermi's gamma-ray observations also manifest themselves at X-ray and radio wavelengths.


  • 斯皮策红外太空望远镜美国国家航空航天局最新一个大型观测平台。

    The last of NASA's Great Observatories, Spitzer is a space-based infrared telescope.


  • 波尔航空航天JakeLewis正在向我们展示组镜子—詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜阵列它正在低温X射线进行测试

    Ball Aerospace's Jake Lewis is reflected in one of the mirrors on a James Webb space Telescope Array, in the X-ray and cryogenic facility for testing.


  • 之前美国国家航空航天局也望远镜进行过维修但大多只是小修小补。

    NASA had repaired the telescope four times before, for mostly minor fixes.


  • 把这一发现告诉给了NASA美国航空夏威夷红外望远镜得到照片显示在木星南极点大气层上有块巨大痕迹。

    He tipped off Nasa about his discovery, and images taken by the US space agency's infrared telescope in Hawaii show a scar in the atmosphere near the South Pole of the planet.


  • 放弃2004年的维修行动后美国国家航空航天局改变了主意。2009年,宇航员乘坐“亚特兰蒂斯号”太空飞船,来至无法运行的望远镜跟前

    After scrapping16 a 2004 repair mission, NASA changed its mind, and in 2009 a team of astronauts from the space shuttle Atlantis made their way out to the failing telescope.


  • 队伍通过美国国家航空宇宙航行施皮策望远镜观察一些白矮星

    His team used observations from NASA's Spitzer space telescope to investigate dead White Dwarf stars.


  • 哈勃望远镜1990年美国航空航天局发射一个轨道运行天文台

    THE Hubble space telescope, an orbiting observatory launched in 1990 by NASA, America's space agency.


  • 美国航空航天局同时计划最后访问哈勃太空望远镜,在航天飞机退役进行次空天飞行哈勃太空望远镜太空站进行补给

    NASA also would like to make a final servicing call to the Hubble Space Telescope and fly two resupply flights to the station before the end of the shuttle program.


  • 天文学家一直担心不断增加望远镜开支影响美国航空航天局其他科研项目

    Astronomers have long worried that the ballooning costs of the telescope would affect NASA's other science projects.


  • 美国航空航天局切斯利正安排就这望远镜发现小行星的能力进行更为细致分析预计今年夏末初步结果。

    Chesley of NASA is coordinating a more detailed analysis of the telescope's asteroid-finding prowess, with preliminary findings expected in late summer.


  • 天文学家已经证实,美国航空航天局的威夫特卫星拍摄的一颗爆发天文望远镜探测到最远宇宙星体

    Astronomers have confirmed that an exploding star spotted by Nasa's Swift satellite is the most distant cosmic object to be detected by telescopes.


  • 杜鲁门航空母舰上,眼睛双筒望远镜太阳

    The sun sets over a set of "Big Eyes" binoculars on the signal bridge of the USS Harry S. Truman.


  • 美国航空航天局NASA1990年发射哈勃太空望远镜为了一刻耗费了多年时间。

    The American space agency NASA launched the Hubble space Telescope in nineteen ninety. Reaching that day took years of work.


  • 美国航空航天局NASA1990年发射哈勃太空望远镜为了一刻耗费了多年时间。

    The American space agency NASA launched the Hubble space Telescope in nineteen ninety. Reaching that day took years of work.


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