• 本次航班到达温尼伯的飞行时间45分钟

    Our flying time to Winnipeg is 45 minutes.


  • 当他航班到达看见名男子好奇地东张西望于是走上前去打招呼。

    After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around curiously. So I approached to greet him.


  • 俄罗斯调查委员会交通调查部已经证实此次爆炸发生机场国际航班到达航站楼行李回收

    The Russian Investigative Committee's Transport Investigative Department has confirmed that an explosion occurred at Domodedovo Airport's luggage reclaim zone at the international arrivals terminal.


  • 对不起我们没有直飞的航班可以乘坐西北航空公司的航班到达柏林转乘加拿大航空公司的班机到达多伦多

    Sorry, we don't. But I think you can fly on Northwest Airlines to Berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto.


  • W对不起我们没有直飞的航班可以乘坐西北航空公司的航班到达柏林转乘加拿大航空公司的班机到达多伦多

    W: Sorry, we don't. But I think you can fly on Northwest Airlines to Berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto.


  • 43号航班于上午11:45丹佛起飞,于下午4:12到达檀香山

    Flight 43 will depart from Denver at 11:45 a.m. and arrive in Honolulu at 4:12 p.m.


  • 每年有成千上万的因为忘记护照而错过航班他们到达机场太晚甚至错了机场。

    Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport.


  • 有没有注意到,你航班延迟小时起飞,能准时到达

    Have you noticed that you can leave on a flight an hour late but still arrive on time?


  • 飞往莱纳蒂机场航班,于伦敦时间6:30起飞,意大利时间8:30到达

    There is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time.


  • 许多认为,空中交通管制系统是坐在美国机场雷达屏幕管制员组成的,他们告诉到达离开航班做什么

    Many people think that ATC consists of a row of controllers sitting in front of their radar screens at the nation's airports, telling arriving and departing traffic what to do.


  • 到达曼哈顿时午夜时分。于是我决定不睡觉了,等着清晨航班

    By the time I got to Manhattan, it was after midnight, so I decided to stay up all night to catch an early-morning flight.


  • 航班上午11:15到达。 不要迟到!

    The flight arrives at 11.15 in the morning.


  • 用户可以查询特定机场起飞到达所有目的地的所有直航信息,例如只需输入“冲绳导起飞航班”。

    Users can also search for all the destinations served by non-stop flights from a particular airport by typing, for instance, "flights from Okinawa."


  • 这样假设即使航班凌晨一点半到达布拉格不用为了出租车满世界地找自动提款机

    That way, if your flight touches down in Prague at 1:30 a.m., you won’t have to hunt down an ATM just to pay the cab driver.


  • 这样假设即使航班凌晨一点半到达布拉格不用为了出租车满世界地找自动提款机

    That way, if your flight touches down in Prague at 1:30 a.m. , you won't have to hunt down an ATM just to pay the cab driver.


  • 4日晚,上海航空公司FM9105航班即将到达北京遭遇气流,飞机剧烈颠簸摇摆导致机舱内20不同程度受伤。

    More than 20 passengers and crew members were injured when Shanghai Airlines flight FM9105 was hit by strong turbulence Friday as it approached Beijing.


  • 实际上我们提前到达直到第二Tanya航班杰克逊到达这里。

    In fact, we arrive ahead of schedule, and Tanya's flight from Jackson doesn't arrive until the next day.


  • 明天接着tw的551航班,11:55离开达拉斯是说,11:55离开圣•路易斯,1:45到达达拉斯。

    And tomorrow he is continuing on TW Flight 551, leaving Dallas at 11:55, and arrivingI mean, leaving St.Louis at 11:55 and arriving Dallas at 1:45.


  • 大件行李的登记会占去长一段时间提前到达否则可能会发现盒子没有随着航班起飞即使你已经......

    Over-sized luggage can take a long time to check in, so arrive early or you may find your box has not made it on to your flight, even if you have...


  • 旅行社代理人明天27 号美国航空公司的295 次航班早晨7:30地尔出发,10:08到达达拉斯

    Travel Agent: You are leaving on the 27th, tomorrow, from LaGuardia on American 295 at 7: 30 A.M. and arriving in Dallas at 10: 08.


  • 我们准时到达机场不料告知我们航班取消了

    We arrived at the airport on time, only to be told our flight was cancelled.


  • 已经过已到达航班了,个小时后才能抵达。

    I've checked the flight number in the arrivals; she won't be here before 3 hours.


  • 此外Bing推出了一个新的航班搜索功能输入航线代码航班,Bing就会显示最新登机口信息以及出发和到达时间

    In addition, Bing has implemented a flight search feature. You can now type in the airline code and flight number and Bing will return the latest gate information and departure and arrival times.


  • 行行行告诉航班到达时间名字我们司机拿着你名字的标牌到达出口等候

    OK, ok then, tell me your flight number, time of arrival and your name, our driver will be waiting at Arrival Exit with your name on our sign.


  • 行行行告诉航班到达时间名字我们司机拿着你名字的标牌到达出口等候

    OK, ok then, tell me your flight number, time of arrival and your name, our driver will be waiting at Arrival Exit with your name on our sign.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定