• 场地被成排红树林包围基于这个特点建筑立面按照基于自然启发理念设计

    Based on the site's characteristic of mangrove forest that is surrounded by mangrove trees lined up, the facade of the building was designed according to this nature-inspired concept.


  • 因此包括涉及大规模决策变量及大规模优化目标在内优化问题现有自然启发式算法提出了很高的挑战

    Hence, large optimization problems that involve either a large number of decision variables or many objectives pose great challenges to the current research in nature-inspired optimization.


  • 自然启发这个线缆车锁常春藤模仿设计

    Inspired by nature, the design of this cable wire lock is a mimicry of ivy.


  • 看到干旱擦伤其他自然挑战或者说是压力导致蔬菜变得更具抗氧化性后,中一成博士受此启发决定研究让蔬菜产生压力的人工方法

    Inspired by the observation that drought, bruising and other natural challenges, or stresses, led to vegetables making more ant ioxidants, Dr Hi ronaka decided to investigate man-made means.


  • 马哈德文此前进行的各项研究常常是受自然之美的启发比如他的研究课题就包括这样的问题如何向前滑动的?草的捕蚊是怎样咬合的?

    His previous research, often inspired by beauty in nature, has investigated questions such as how snakes slither and how the Venus fly trap snaps its jaws.


  • 丽纳克尔先生——是位于墨尔本Swinburne工学院校友,他受澳大利亚百年不遇的干旱启发转向自然寻找空气捕捉水分方法

    Inspired by Australia's worst drought in a century, Mr Linacre - a former student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne - turned to nature to find ways of capturing moisture from air.


  • 自然我们提供各种各样模型我们受到启发因为这个星球上的各个角落里都生存着各种各样的开花植物

    Nature provides us with a variety of "models" to inspire ourselves from, as a variety of flowering plant species live on every corner of the Planet.


  • 中国山水画道家哲学据说最初是从黄山令人惊奇的自然景色中得到启发的。

    Both Chinese landscape painting and Taoist philosophy are said to have drawn early inspiration from the mountain's stunning natural features.


  • 材料颜色地区自然特点启发高耸的树木岩石峭壁波光粼粼的湖面

    The material palette was inspired by the area's natural features: towering trees, rocky bluffs and the sparkling lake.


  • 建筑师说:“外部内部空间通过人行道楼梯走廊等各部分连接起来,受到自然蜿蜒步道启发。”

    "Exterior and interior Spaces are connected by a network of walkways, stairs, covered passages nooks that are inspired by the natural meandering of walking trails," said the architects.


  • 注意力你们的内在受到启发自然,你们开始真实角度事情

    When the attention is enlightened within you, naturally you start seeing things from the real Angle.


  • 自然植物生长得到启发提出一种求解非线性整数规划全局最小仿生算法

    Be inspired from natural plant growth, this paper proposes a bionic algorithm for solving the global optimization of nonlinear integer programming.


  • 山坡地形影响设计并且启发三层楼规划方法用于模拟山坡自然形状

    The hillside topography impacted the design and inspired a three-level planning approach used to mimic the natural form of the hillside.


  • 必须所有创造庭院在家看上去的庭院的宠物社会或者喜爱的公园,或者启发你的其他自然空间

    All you have to do is create a garden in Pet Society which looks just like your garden at home, or your favourite park, or any other natural space which inspires you.


  • 讲述古代世界最大自然灾害专家认为是受到来自亚特兰蒂斯传奇故事启发

    Tells the story of the greatest natural disaster of the ancient world, an event that experts believe inspired the legend of Atlantis.


  • 艺术家常自然美中得到启发

    An artist often draws his inspiration from natural beauty.


  • 中国传统文人接受禅宗思想启发恬淡静谧、自然融合而跃动着生命灵性美感偏爱有加。

    What is more, because of the enlightenment from Dhyana's thought, traditional Chinese writers tend to cherish a kind of aesthetic feeling harmonious with nature and full of intelligence.


  • 自然数字序列启发,“木兰花”的造型源自黄金分割仿生模式

    Inspired by numeric sequences found in nature, Wooden Orchids derives its form from the golden section and a biomimetic pattern.


  • 启发我们最多自然融合以及利用景观完美的将其点缀。

    Together with the sustainable nature and the beautiful treatments of time they are a big inspiration. The second attraction lies in the present.


  • 克服传统网络身份认证方法安全性不高、效率低等不足,受人类自然信任原理启发提出了一种基于家族基因的身份认证模型FBNA)。

    Inspired by the natural trust principle of mankind, a family-gene based model for network authentication, referred to as FBNA, is proposed.


  • 一首美妙乐曲自然静谧安详日常生活的点滴,都启发的契机。

    These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation.


  • 生物启发计算生物界自然现象或过程中获得灵感启示下,研究开发的智能计算模型

    Bio-inspired Computing is the intelligence-computing model enlightened by natural intelligence and biological processes.


  • 翻译是:不是男孩自然事能用这种方式嫉妒父亲没有一些启发

    It is not a natural thing for a boy to envy his father in this fashion without some inspiration.


  • 受到附近山脉泰国最大雨林考艾的启发本案景观设计旨在建筑自然创造联系

    Inspired by the nearby mountain range, Khao Yai, Thailand's largest rain forest, the landscape is created as the link between the architecture and Nature.


  • 彩妆华丽又不失自然让时尚都会女子发挥她们未经启发无限创意她们随心所欲自由组合张扬不可复制个性

    Its gorgeous yet natural makeup, fashion women will play their creativity without inspiration, allow them to arbitrary combinations, unassuming personality can not be copied.


  • 资源搜索P2P网络应用领域最为广泛问题,算法是受到自然界中真实蚂蚁集体行为启发提出的一种算法。

    Resource search is a popular application area of P2P networks and the ant colony algorithm (ACA) is a heuristic approach inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants.


  • 自然物种群体相互联系启发提出群体竞争协作遗传算法解决旅行问题

    Enlighted by the mutual contacts between the nature species groups, the paper proposes the inter-group competition and collaboration of genetic algorithms to solve the traveling salesman problem.


  • 意思是说我们可以启发深刻地了解自然啊。

    I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world.


  • 自然人类社会普遍存在相似现象启发我们教育教学相似规律进行探索追寻

    The universally existing similar phenomena in nature and human society give us an enlightenment to explore and pursue similar principle in education and teaching.


  • 自然人类社会普遍存在相似现象启发我们教育教学相似规律进行探索追寻

    The universally existing similar phenomena in nature and human society give us an enlightenment to explore and pursue similar principle in education and teaching.


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