• 但是汤姆脊柱,所以不能出去工作了。

    But he had spina bifida; this time, she could not go straight back to work.


  • 叶酸能帮助防止诸如脊柱等神经管畸形出生缺陷的发生。

    Folic acid helps prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.


  • 结论显性脊柱仔鼠腓肠肌运动终板发育不全现象

    Conclusion there are the phenomena of hypoplasia in the gastrocnemius mep of the neonatal mouses with spina bifid a manifesta.


  • 叶酸非常重要,尤其是怀孕第一预防脊柱

    The folic acid is important, particularly in the first month of pregnancy, to prevent spina bifida.


  • 班里还有像,患有脊柱在一起聊天

    There's one other person who's like me. She has spina bifida so I hang around with her a lot and we talk.


  • 我们已经知道叶酸降低风险神经管缺陷包括脊柱

    We already know that folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects, including spina bifida.


  • 没错患有某种形式脊柱脊椎长有一个囊肿

    Yes, she had a form of spina bifida, as well as a cyst on her spine.


  • 开放性脊柱发生胚胎发育的早期,又脊髓 脊膜膨出

    Open lesion occur in early stage and are called spina bifida aperta or myelomeningocele.


  • 孩子患有先天性脊柱短暂生命中承受十多次手术

    The child had spina bifida and had already endured a dozen operations in her short life.


  • 各种出生缺陷脊柱产生,都是因为叶酸缺乏症

    Various birth defects like spina bifida and cleft palate can occur because of folate deficiency.


  • 推测受到脊柱伤的困扰,这种疾病同时影响脊柱生长发育

    It has been conjectured that she also suffered from spina bifida, a congenital disease that could have affected both spinal and leg development.


  • 对照组相比,隐形脊柱裂样本,骶骨平台角随着年龄增加而减小

    In SBO specimens, the STA decreased with increasing age, contrary to age-matched controls.


  • 发生率最高神经管畸形脊柱,其他依次无脑畸形、脑膨出、小头畸形。

    The highest of neural tube defects is spina bifid a then is anencephaly encephalocele and so on.


  • 脂肪脊髓脊膜膨出一种罕见先天异常,源于脊髓脊膜经由脊柱而向外突出。

    Lipomyelomeningocele is an uncommon congenital anomaly, resulting from outpouching of spinal cord and its surrounding leptomeninges through the bony defect of spina bifida.


  • 无脑儿羊水中的氨基酸浓度正常值明显升高,脊柱羊水中的浓度却比正常值

    The concentrations of the free amino acids in the amniotic fluid of the anencephaly fetus were raised markedly whilst those of the spina bifida fetus were lower than normal.


  • 隐形脊柱裂类型发生率予以列出,年龄相当的355对照标本测量其骶骨平台角。

    Prevalence and patterns of SBO were enumerated. The STAs of an age-matched control group of 355 specimens were examined.


  • 脊柱羊水中的氨酸丝氨酸异亮氨酸、亮氨酸缬氨酸比值明显地高于正常值。

    Moreover, the ratio of threonine and serine to isoleucine, leucine and valine in the amniotic fluid of spina bifida fetus is higher than normal.


  • 脊柱裂羊水中的氨酸丝氨酸异亮氨酸、亮氨酸缬氨酸比值明显地高于正常值。

    Moreover the ratio of threonine and serine to isoleucine leucine and valine in the amniotic fluid of spina bifid a fetus is higher than normal.


  • 15周到18之间两个极好的检查可以选择甄别染色体异常神经管缺损症状,比如:唐氏综合症脊柱

    There are two test options available between the 15th and 18th weeks to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects such as Down's syndrome and spina bifida.


  • 怀孕个月怀孕过程中对叶酸补充减低胎儿患神经系统疾病机率,例如脊柱脑血管畸型

    Daily supplementation with folic acid for 1 month prior to conception and during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in the child.


  • 常见神经管缺陷脊柱是指胎儿脊髓没有完全封闭无脑畸形,它指部分全部脑组织没有发育

    The most common neural tube defects are spina bifida, in which the spin al cord fails to close completely during fetal development, and anencephaly, in which part or all of the brain doesn't develop.


  • 说:“最好还是服用叶酸承担患染哮喘风险,而不要因日常饮食叶酸摄入量不足而面临脊柱之类真正严重的风险。”

    It's better to have the folic acid and take my chances of asthma against the really serious risk of spina bifida that low folate intake in your diet can cause.


  • 目的探讨小儿部脊髓脊膜膨出修补术后隐性脊柱所致的神经源性大小便失禁手术方式及术后处理方法

    Objective: To study the operation type and treatment post operation of neurogenic fecal and urine incontinence in Children with meningomylo tele and occult cleft spine.


  • 根据美国国家心理健康学会报告,儿童当中患有自闭症要比那些更为人们所疾病糖尿病脊柱以及唐氏综合症更为普遍

    According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, ASD is more common in the pediatric population than better known disorders, such as diabetes, spinal bifida or Down syndrome.


  • 结果共检出胎儿畸形359,其中中枢神经系统畸形96例(26.7%),常见脑积水、无脑畸形、露脑畸形脊柱

    Results There are 96 neural malformation with more common hydrocephalus anencephaly exencephaly and spina bifida in all malformations of 359 cases accounting for 26.7%.


  • LukeMassella不幸生下来患有脊柱,利用Atala教授制造的器官进行了移植,当Luke被请舞台的时候,人们看到了一个结实健康大学生

    Organs which have been successfully implanted into people like Luke Massella, who was born with spina bifida and who walked out on stage, a fit and healthy college student.


  • LukeMassella不幸生下来患有脊柱,利用Atala教授制造的器官进行了移植,当Luke被请舞台的时候,人们看到了一个结实健康大学生

    Organs which have been successfully implanted into people like Luke Massella, who was born with spina bifida and who walked out on stage, a fit and healthy college student.


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