• 提出一种用于视网膜修复脉冲频率调制电路结构

    A pulse frequency modulation (PFM) circuit for retinal prosthesis, which generates electrical pulses with frequency proportional to the intensity of incident light, is presented.


  • 之后阐述脉冲宽度调制脉冲频率调制工作原理

    Then the principle of Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Frequency Modulation is analyzed in detail.


  • 脉冲频率调制包括了方式,即等pfmSWFM

    The PFM technology includes two kinds modes: constant width PFM and SWFM.


  • 重载下工作电流控制模式载下工作于脉冲频率调制(PF M)模式降低功耗

    It operates both in current mode at high output load and in pulse frequency modulation (PFM) at light load to reduce the power dissipation.


  • 调制脉冲分析仪利用时间频率构成平面域对信号进行分析

    Modulation Domain and Pulse Analyzer(MDPA) analyzes signal using a plane domain which is consisted of frequency and time.


  • 控制部分主要发送器发出脉冲频率占空比及稀疏调制计数探测距离等进行控制。

    Control part of the main chain of the transmitter sends out pulses of frequency, duty cycle and sparse modulation and counting and detection distance control.


  • 同时高速交流传动机车广泛采用开关频率器件调制PWM逆变器,使得逆变器输出脉冲具有上升沿。

    Meanwhile, PWM inverters using high switching frequency device that shortens the rise time of PWM output pulse have been widely applied in high-speed AC driving locomotive.


  • 文章分析此类信道模型脉冲位置调制脉冲幅度调制性能结果表明频率依赖性信道中PAM调制优于PPM调制

    This paper has analyzed the performance of PPM and PAM under frequency dependence channel model, the results have shown that the PAM is better than the PPM in frequency dependence channel.


  • 线性调频信号通过线性频率调制获得时宽带宽脉冲压缩信号,具有带宽因此距离分辨力

    Chirp signal is a kind of pulse-compressed signal with large time-bandwidth products achieved through linear frequency modulation. It has high resolution in range because of its great bandwidth.


  • 给出用光谱分辨二次谐波相关法测量输出脉冲结果证实脉冲中已发生频率调制

    The results of the spectrum-resolved SHG correlation measurements of the mode-locked pulses also are presented, which confirmed the presence of frequency chirping in the pulses.


  • 雷达采用调频中断连续波(FMICW)信号时间同步包括调制脉冲同步调制频率的同步。

    This radar use FMICW signals, time synchronization consists of pulse synchronization and frequency-modulation synchronization.


  • 第二模式(“输出功率子模式”)中,使用脉冲宽度调制调节VOUT转换器开关频率固定第一频率

    In a second sub-mode ('low output power sub-mode'), VOUT is regulated using pulse width modulation, but the converter switching frequency is fixed at a first frequency.


  • 而重复频率近似等于调制系统调制波形载频脉冲干扰导引头接收目标信号使导引头失去目标。

    At a repetition rate nearly equal to the carrier frequency of the reticle system, the jamming source will disturb the target's signal received by the seeker, and make the seeker lose the target.


  • 某些实施例中转换器具有第三模式(“输出功率子模式”),其中使用脉冲宽度调制开关频率固定第二频率

    In some embodiments, the converter has a third sub-mode (' high output power sub-mode '), in which pulse width modulation is used but the switching frequency is fixed at a second frequency.


  • 然而逆变输出PWM(脉冲宽度调制)连续高压脉冲上升沿频率很高导致脉冲电压下牵引电机绝缘过早失效

    However, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) which was input from inverter is characterized by steep rising edge and high frequency, resulting in the too early failure of motor insulation.


  • 第二部分光纤传输光电转换器,从传感输出频率调制信号驱动高压端的发光二极管,进而转换脉冲信号;

    The first one is a sensor head converting the current flowing in the power line into the optical pulse FM signal. The second one is optical fiber transmission and optolectric conversion.


  • 脉冲调制放电回路采用先进的固态开关技术,实现频率的连续可调。

    This kind modulator is characterized by repetitive frequency and easily-adjustable width of the output pulse for utilization in solid state switch.


  • 数值模拟SSD参量,包括脉冲时间、调制频率、位相调制系数、光栅线色散系数等对匀滑性能影响

    The influences oft he parameters of the SSD technique on the beam smoothing performance are numeric ally analyzed.


  • 易性调制机理出发,将对本频率测量转化对无效调制功率响应尖峰脉冲的测量;根据光功率响应机理,将对半波电压的测量转化为求有效调制光功率最小值。

    The method comes from the mechanism of reciprocal shift modulation, which transforms the measuring of eigenfrequency into measuring the spike pulse responding to ineffective-modulation optic power.


  • 根据速调调制器主振脉冲频率扫描宽度电子束大小可以定出辐照最高运动速度以实现高效率辐照。

    The highest speed of the irradiation bed can be determined by the frequency of modulator, scanning width, and the size of electron beam spot...


  • 调制式激光器需要外接信号加上工作电压后,激光器即以脉冲方式工作,工作频率根据用户设计、定做

    The second does not need external signal; it works in the form of pulses with operating voltage. Pulsed laser module generally require customized.


  • 频率激光器:可激光器也就是脉冲激光器。

    Frequency modulated laser module: Frequency modulated laser module is pulsed laser module.


  • 接收机每个通道高频放大器中频放大中频采样数字正交器组成,另外还有DDS信号产生频率激励源用来形成雷达发射机所需的S波段脉冲调制激励信号。

    Each of them is composed of high frequency amplifier, intermediate frequency amplifier and sampling, digital phase uprightness intersector, DDS and the S band signal inspirator for the transmitter.


  • 研究频率时间变化压缩态能级原子的相互作用,主要讨论了光场频率随时间作正弦调制脉冲调制两种典型情况下原子布居数反转随时间的演化特性。

    The time evolution of atomic occupancy for the system of squeezed vacuum field interacting with two coupling atoms via intensity-dependent coupling in two-photon transition are investigated.


  • 研究频率时间变化压缩态能级原子的相互作用,主要讨论了光场频率随时间作正弦调制脉冲调制两种典型情况下原子布居数反转随时间的演化特性。

    The time evolution of atomic occupancy for the system of squeezed vacuum field interacting with two coupling atoms via intensity-dependent coupling in two-photon transition are investigated.


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