• 蝙蝠侠可能战无不股权投资提防着《小丑》。

    Batman may win every hand, but equity investors should still fear the Joker.


  • 股权投资现在都十分谨慎

    Equity investors are running scared.


  • 一位股权投资收益高度依赖投入时机。

    The final return of an equity investor is highly dependent on when he starts to put money in.


  • 股权投资担心官方刹车过猛,导致紧缩性减速,有碍企业利润

    But equity investors worry that officials will apply the brakes too hard, causing a crunching slowdown and hurting corporate profits.


  • 表面如此比例股权投资(37%)看起来像是华尔街的“标准”。

    On the face of it, such a large percentage (37%) of equity investment looks to be part of the 'new normal' for Wall Street, where excessive leveraging is no longer acceptable as before.


  • 对于其他没有或者不会破产银行以及那些私人股权投资而言,意味着大量收购机会

    That means lots of buying opportunities for other Banks and private-equity investors.


  • 本文在归类整理投资投资收益计算公式基础上,主要阐述成本长期股权投资核算技巧

    This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income.


  • 这些厂商何时重拾定价权这一问题寻求恢复利润水平的股权投资以及担心通胀的债券持有人政策制定者至关重要

    The question of when companies win back pricing power is key both to equity investors, looking for a revival in profit margins, and to bondholders and policymakers worried about inflation.


  • 这场危机已经触发了货币迅速贬值以及外国证券股权投资大量抛售所持证券的同时出现的股票市场价格大幅度下跌。

    The crisis has triggered quick depreciation of currencies and major declines in stock market prices with foreign investors in securities and equities selling off large shares of their holdings.


  • 如果进行长线投资存在股权偏好合理,那么从长期看,股票是上涨的。

    If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.


  • 股权最佳长期投资论调不再令人信服。

    The argument that shares are the best investment for the long run no longer sounds quite so convincing.


  • 过去30年中我们见证金融服务业(比如资产管理套保基金并购基金,私募股权风险投资)GNP中的比率不断增长

    We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.


  • 公司价值不与那些满怀异想天开之投资者(包括那些没有股权的人)联系在一起

    Nor is the value of your company tied to the whimsical sentiment of investors, including those that have no stake in it.


  • 法案反对者表示,附一项风险长期投资理应享受资本所得税对待

    Opponents of the bill say that carried interest deserves capital-gains treatment because it is a long-term investment and carries risk.


  • 一般年之后私人股权公司通过出售重组公司形式,或者在重组公司找到其他投资的情况下套现。

    The private equity firm typically cashes out after five years, often through the sale of the company or when the business brings on another investor.


  • 根据现有规定,“外来投资只能拥有德国俱乐部49%以下股权51%,亦即具有控制性的投票权必须掌握在俱乐部成员手中。

    Under existing rules, no "outside" investor can own more than 49% of a German club's shares and at least 51%, ie a controlling vote, must remain with club members.


  • 然而随着收益率走低投资者们还会继续追捧(长期)国债吗,还是转而关注其他股权资产呢?

    But with lower yields, will investors continue to dabble in bonds, or will they switch their attention to other equity-like assets?


  • 罗氏也许有利的,创始人家族通过双重股权结构的设计,从而牢牢地控制公司使其他投资感到沮丧。

    That may be fine with Roche’s patient founding family, which controls the firm thanks to its dual-share structure, but it could dismay other investors.


  • 某种意义上说,在信贷稀缺时候中国市场有吸引力因为中国的多数私募股权公司都是增长不是靠杠杆投资提供超额回报

    In one sense, China is a more attractive market when credit is scarce because most China private-equity deals rely on growth rather than leverage to provide investors with outsized returns.


  • 私募股权来说,经理人只有资产变现投资拿到他们时才能拿到报酬意味着不论以何种方式他们的报酬都延迟的。

    As for private equity, managers get their big bonuses only when assets are realised and investors get their cash, which means their pay is deferred anyway.


  • 芝加哥大学布斯商学院教授史蒂夫·卡普兰认为私募股权公司最终模仿过去几年纷纷上市大型投资银行

    Steve Kaplan, a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, thinks private equity will end up mimicking the large investment Banks that went public over the past few decades.


  • 管理层如果过于贪婪,根据自己得到多少股权一点来对投资进行评判,事后往往后悔莫及

    Management who are so greedy that they judge investors exclusively on how much equity they receive often regret their choice.


  • 私人股权领域繁荣时期给私人股权创业投资家峰会带来了名声许多传奇经历。

    THE Super Return conference draws its name and much of its mythology from happier times in the world of private equity.


  • 由于贝恩打算所持有国美债进行债转从而国美扩大后股本中握有10%的股权投资陷入了两难。

    With Bain planning to exercise the convertible bonds it owns in Gome, giving it a near-10% share of the company's enlarged share capital, the choice for other investors is stark.


  • 年前市场曾出现过恐慌,不过当时,一些投资银行面对私人股权客户愤怒后选择了退却

    There was another flurry five years ago, but some retreated again after facing the wrath of their private-equity clients.


  • 年前市场曾出现过恐慌,不过当时,一些投资银行面对私人股权客户愤怒后选择了退却

    There was another flurry five years ago, but some retreated again after facing the wrath of their private-equity clients.


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