• 如果放弃锻炼肌肉萎缩脂肪会增多同样地,如果你消耗较多体能,你就会减掉脂肪。

    If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.


  • 好像心脏肌肉开始萎缩

    It's as if the muscles of my heart started to atrophy.


  • 基于选择重点放在生命科学医学研究上,最近呼吁提出有关肌肉萎缩骨质疏松症和免疫系统实验提案。

    From this, it has opted to focus on life science and medical research, and recently called for proposals for experiments on muscle wasting, osteoporosis and the immune system.


  • 瑞阳是一个来自昆明的18岁学生,他从两岁时就遭受脊柱肌肉萎缩

    Xu Ruiyang, an 18-year-old student from Kunming, has suffered from spina muscular atrophy since she was 2 years old.


  • 基因治疗试验直接注射用于帕金森其他肌肉萎缩病人身上。

    Direct injection is also being used in gene-therapy trials on patients with Parkinson's and on those with muscular dystrophy.


  • 一些欧洲人种显著疾病可能因为混血人种的增多而大大的减少,比如胞性纤维症,乳糜泄,肌肉萎缩还有血友病。

    Some diseases prominent within the European population that could see Numbers drop as mixed-race grow are cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.


  • 这些用于研究老鼠有利于帮助科学家发现一系列治疗方法,来应对肌肉萎缩伴随癌症艾滋而产生肌肉消耗症。

    The mice may help researchers find treatments for muscular dystrophy or the muscle wasting that accompanies cancer or AIDS.


  • 这个实验极有可能改善千千万万杜氏肌肉萎缩患儿的生活

    With the efficacy of biglycan apparent in the mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Fallon is eager to see if it can improve the lives of thousands of children.


  • 一周之后另一研究小组肌肉萎缩症i糖尿病糖尿病唐氏综合征10多种病症患者造出更多干细胞

    Only a week later, another team created stem cells from patients with 10 other medical conditions, including muscular dystrophy, type 1 diabetes and Down's syndrome.


  • 颞骨切除后行副神经吻合,大致保持面部肌肉对称,借助动以维持面肌运动,可有效防止侧面肌萎缩

    Anastomosis of severed facial nerve and accessory nerve could be helpful in restoring symmetry of the face in preventing the face muscle from atrophy and in preserving shoulder movement.


  • 如果获得批准第一肌肉萎缩阻止肌肉破坏治疗

    If approved, it would be the first treatment to halt the breakdown of muscle in MD.


  • 分子生物学同样可以检测影响神经功能许多疾病机理,包括多种毁坏性基因失调:肌肉萎缩症,眼癌,神经纤维瘤症,亨廷顿舞蹈病和某些类阿尔兹·海默症。

    Molecular biology has also made it possible to probe the pathogenesis of many diseases that affect neural function, including several.


  • 关注冻人挑战一度在世界范围内非常流行这项挑战的目的是为患有肌肉萎缩病人的治疗研究筹集资金。

    The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was popular worldwide as a way to raise moneyfor the treatment and research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly knownin North America as Lou Gehrig's disease.


  • 22时候诊断患有肌肉神经系统不可治愈的疾病——肌肉萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,并且医生寿命不会很长。

    Doctors gave him only a limited lifespan after he was diagnosed at the age age of 22 with the incurable disease of the muscles and nervous system, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.


  • 可否请你帮助我们提供更多信息结果干细胞肌肉萎缩

    Could you please help us in providing more information about the result of stem cell on muscular dystrophy.


  • 儿子肌肉萎缩

    My son is suffering from muscular dystrophy.


  • 一新的经过改造的方法,增强萎缩蛋白肌肉细胞产生有效性

    This new research modified the introduced dystrophin gene to increase the efficiency of dystrophin protein production in the cells.


  • 有没有具体的治疗任何形式肌肉萎缩

    There is no specific treatment for any of the forms of muscular dystrophy.


  • 大儿子22岁已经是肌肉萎缩症的晚期

    My older son is 22 and is in an advanced stage of muscular dystrophy.


  • 颞骨切除后行副神经吻合,大致保持面部肌肉对称,借助动肩维持面肌运动,可有效防止侧面肌萎缩

    Anastomosis of severed facial nerve and accessory nerve could be helpful in restoring symmetry of the face, in preventing the face muscle from atrophy and in preserving shoulder movement.


  • 痴呆患者中的一些类似萎缩性侧索硬化症症状,且逐渐丧失肌肉控制

    And some with that dementia also develop crippling symptoms like Gehrig's, gradually losing control of their muscles.


  • 进一步促进对阿尔滋海默症,帕金森症糖尿病肌肉萎缩心脏病等疾病治疗

    It will bring cures a step closer for alzheimer 's and Parkinson' s disease, diabetes, muscular dystrophy and heart disease.


  • 霍金其他同病患者活得更长,“渐动人疾病称为萎缩侧索硬化症,这种疾病会攻击人体控制肌肉运动大脑脊髓神经细胞

    Hawking has survived longer than most people with Lou Gehrig's disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Als attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control the muscles.


  • 这项研究得到美敦力公司,肌肉萎缩协会美国国家卫生研究院支持。

    This study was funded by Medtronic, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the National Institutes of Health.


  • 萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症神经肌肉疾病,它影响到大脑指令(包括呼吸指令)传送肌肉能力

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neuromuscular disease that affects the brain's ability to send messages to muscles, including those used for respiration.


  • 对后代属于罕见性别相关遗传疾病高危人群的父母来说,可能一个好消息,比如男孩Duchenne肌肉萎缩女孩Turner综合症

    This could be good news for parents whose offspring are at risk of rare gender-related genetic disorders, like Duchenne muscular dystrophy in boys or Turner syndrome in girls.


  • 由于呼吸道感染可能会成为一个问题以后阶段肌肉萎缩重要要接种肺炎随时掌握最新流感镜头

    Because respiratory infections may become a problem in later stages of muscular dystrophy, it's important to be vaccinated for pneumonia and to keep up to date with influenza shots.


  • 萎缩骨骼肌容积同龄人自身肌肉以前状态相比出现下降状态描述。

    Muscular atrophy present reduction of muscle volume in compared with age matched control or the muscle in the same region of the body before the onset of disease.


  • 萎缩骨骼肌容积同龄人自身肌肉以前状态相比出现下降状态描述。

    Muscular atrophy present reduction of muscle volume in compared with age matched control or the muscle in the same region of the body before the onset of disease.


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