• 冬季大群海鸥会聚集垃圾排污口

    During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at landfills and sewage outfalls.


  • 自全国各地的汉服爱好者聚集在这里拍照,并将照片上传至网上,参加一汉服摄影比赛,比赛一直持续到5月18日。

    Hanfu fans from all over China gathered there to take photos and put them online for a Hanfu photo competition, which lasted until May 18.


  • 来自四面八方的聚集公共竞技周围围墙外面

    From far and near the people gathered in the arena and outside its walls.


  • 我们喝酒时候,成群本地年轻人聚集起来加利福尼亚日落时一样亲身参与伟大的事件。

    As we sat and drank, groups of local kids would gather at the spot the way they do at a California sunset: grounded in the presence of something greater than themselves.


  • 这样,在大爆炸之后的整个宇宙大量聚集格斯色子产生一个无处不在的希格斯——理论上粒子得到质量地方

    It works like this. Across the post-big Bang universe, collections of Higgs bosons make up a pervasive Higgs field - which is theoretically where particles get mass.


  • 数千观众聚集墨西哥城斗牛观看斗牛士牧童牛仔表演

    Thousands of spectators gather at a bullring in Mexico City, where matadors and vaqueros, or cowboys, provide a show for the audience.


  • 游客们聚集起来,观看旧金山动物园里不寻常的三角恋中的角色

    Visitors are flocking to see the characters in an unusual menage a trois at San Francisco zoo.


  • 来自空军客人们聚集这个蒸笼体育馆,主要是看到热火上演

    Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.


  • 这里这个城市富裕聚集地,长久以来一直是美女大款明星游乐

    This is the richest region of the city and it has long been a playground for the the beautiful, the rich and the famous.


  • 我们聚集火葬,而入口处间男厕——父亲总是希望知道男厕的位置——所以一切完美。

    We drew up in the herse at the crematorium and there was a men's loo at the entrance - my dad always liked to know where the gentleman's toilets were so this was all so perfectly fitting.


  • 天森林所有动物聚集在一起。他们通过跳舞比赛挑选‘森林之’。

    All the animals are gathered in the forest. There is going to be a dance contest to pick the king.


  • 1755年11月1日9:30,万圣节大多数人都聚集教堂时候,地震袭击了里斯本

    At 9.30 on the morning of November 1st 1755, All Saints Day, an earthquake struck Lisbon while most of the population was at church.


  • 他们聚集华盛顿特区体育酒吧庆祝又一胜利

    They gathered at this sports bar outside Washington, DC, to celebrate another victory.


  • 人们重新聚集到摔跤周围的时候,炽热太阳开始落山,这时候人们穿上了节日盛装

    The hot sun had just begun to sink when the people again assembled around the wrestling area, now all dressed in their best.


  • 我们打了不错比赛。皇家马德里踢球变得容易,因为这里聚集最好的球员

    We played a good game. It's easy to play well at Real Madrid because of the quality of the players on the team.


  • 祈祷仪式印地安艺术展览会市集印地艺术家会在此处聚集并借以展示他们常规作品陶器首饰饰及绘画

    There is also an Indian art Expo and Market at the powwow where Indian artists gather to show their traditional work, such as pottery, jewelry, beadwork, and paintings.


  • 美味武汉聚集中外各色小吃隆重盛大的美食盛宴姗姗而来

    Wuhan Delicacy gathered domestic and overseas famous snacks which provide people a solemn and grand feast.


  • 社会基于行为控制相结合,使得群体机器人形成聚集队形避开未知环境中的障碍物到达目标区域

    Social potential fields were combined with behavior-based control, which made swarm robots forming aggregation formation, avoiding the obstacles in unknown environment and reaching target area.


  • 人们这样审之聚集在一起他们决不知道自己看到的血腥残杀还是欢乐的婚礼,这就使所有人总是兴致勃勃。

    When the people gathered together on one of the great trial days, they never knew whether they would see a bloody killing or a happy ending. So everyone was always interested.


  • 当天,捷克几个传统击剑社团成员聚集在这里模拟发生在公元15世纪的战斗,以丰富他们的假期生活。

    Several Czech historical fencing groups gathered here to perform a battle from the 15th century as a part of summer activities during the vacation time.


  • 几年以前西雅图举行的别开生面奥林匹克运动会上残疾人选手,聚集在100码赛跑起点线上

    A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100 yard dash.


  • 数以千计主要是祖鲁族人聚集托考查的一个体育

    Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.


  • 2014著名世界性足球比赛出色的足球运动员将会聚集在一起,为了国家最高荣誉奋斗

    The year of 2014, there will be a famous world football match game, the most excellent football players will get together, fighting for the biggest honor for their country.


  • 2014著名世界性足球比赛出色的足球运动员将会聚集在一起,为了国家最高荣誉奋斗

    The year of 2014, there will be a famous world football match game, the most excellent football players will get together, fighting for the biggest honor for their country.


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