• 清华大学美国问题专家阎学通我们可以看到一个没有历史包袱开端

    'We could see a new start without the old burdens of the past,' said Yan Xuetong, a professor of American studies at Tsinghua University.


  • 最近一次白宫召集美国国家科学院的专家小组告诉我们地球大气确实变暖而且这个问题主要是人为造成的。

    The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.


  • 世界癌症研究基金会23名专家分析涉及预防癌症如今英国美国面临同一问题

    According to the analysis of 23 experts by the World cancer Research Fund, Britain is now on a par with America when it comes to preventable cancer cases.


  • 专家认为美国正在借口南海问题重返亚洲意图地区制造麻烦

    Q: Some experts are of the view that the us USES the South China Sea issue as a pretext for its return to Asia and attempts to cause troubles in this region.


  • 今年七月美国食品药品监督管理局专家小组就已经因为包括心悸在内安全问题建议撤销Vivus公司生产的减肥药Qnexa

    In July, the FDA's expert panel recommended against another proposed diet drug, Qnexa, made by Vivus inc., because of safety issues that included heart palpitations.


  • 洛杉矶cedars -Sinai医疗中心心脏病专家,医学博士c . Noel BaireyMerz说,有300万美国女性问题

    As many as 3 million American women suffer from this problem, according to cardiologist C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.


  • 解答Groupon小企业是否有害?”这个问题美国著名科技博客网站Techcrunch列为专家,并引用了他的分析。

    TechCrunch cites him as an expert to answer the question, "Is Groupon Bad for Small Business?"


  • 美国有许多报纸向读者提供建议的专栏作家有些专栏作家是某些领域(园艺、烹饪、健康保健理财等)的专家,读者愿意就一些问题向专栏作家写信求教,他(她)就设法帮助读者解决他们所提的问题

    Many newspapers in the United States have writers who give advice. Some are experts about issues like gardening, food, health or money.


  • 专家们,特别是美国专家多年一直追问问题

    It's a question experts have been asking for years, especially in the US.


  • 同时环境问题专家已经在兜售气候能源法案,许诺这会美国工人得到绿色工作岗位

    But at the same time, environmentalists have sold climate and energy action on the promise that it will deliver green jobs to American workers.


  • 维多利亚时代决定为了卫生清洁问题决定开支此项举措,同时大多数美国医学专家犹太人认为它传播到全世界。

    The Victorians had decided it was hygienic and tidy, and the large number of Jewish men in the American medical profession are thought to have spread the word there.


  • 一些缅甸问题专家希望美国救援力量到来带来更多积极往来

    Some Myanmar experts hope the arrival of U.S. aid will bring more active engagement between the two countries.


  • 过去年里美国精神病专家正在帮助他们卢旺达同事去处理由严重心理问题HIV感染问题所带来的双重压力

    During the past five years, two American psychiatrists have been helping their Rwandan colleagues deal with the double burden of HIV infections and serious mental illness.


  • 加里·肯尼迪博士纽约市蒙蒂·菲奥里医学中心老龄问题专家,他今日美国,“那些应该看起来过早老化小鼠基本上是正常的。”

    "Mice that should have looked prematurely aged were essentially normal," Dr. Gary Kennedy, an expert on aging at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, told USA Today.


  • 研究认为超重不会增加死亡风险对此美国健康问题专家周三发出警告:超重也许不会要的命,可能导致肥胖

    Being overweight may not kill you, but it could lead to obesity, U.S. health experts cautioned on Wednesday in response to research suggesting that being a bit heavy does not raise the risk of death.


  • 其他案件还包括英国心脏病专家皮特·威廉姆·萨斯特,美国个研讨会上批评一种美国制造医疗器械安全问题,而他起诉了,是英国以个人名义被起诉的。

    Others include that of a British cardiologist, Peter Wilmshurst, who criticised the safety of an American-made medical device at an American conference-but is being sued, personally, in England.


  • 民意调查专家编辑美国关系问题清单上,这些问题都没有记录在案,取而代之,人们全球化的担心日益上升

    When pollsters compile lists of Americans' top concerns, those barely register. What is on the rise is anxiety about globalization.


  • 101日,星期三(心理中心)——根据专家所说,全美国几乎60%老人睡眠方面的问题不管是轻微转辗反侧还是完全失眠

    Wednesday, Oct 1 (Psych Central) — According to experts, nearly 60 percent of the nation's elderly have trouble sleeping, whether it's a lot of tossing and turning or outright bouts of insomnia.


  • 包括麦克唐纳克在内一些选举问题专家提前投票人数记录可能表明11月4号那天投票的美国选民人数创下记录。

    Some election experts, including McDonald and Gronke, say that the record turnout for early voting could indicate that record Numbers of American voters will likely turn out on November 4.


  • 请教过美国北非问题专家

    He consulted American experts on north Africa.


  • 请教过美国北非问题专家

    He consulted American experts on north Africa.


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