• 现货需求不稳定美国海湾南美洲船舶夫妇东海岸空间

    Spot demand is erratic from the U. S. Gulf to the east coast of South America and a couple of ships do have space.


  • 巨大深水地平线石油钻井上泄漏石油周四夜里开始到达美国海湾沿岸。

    Oil from the massive Deepwater Horizon rig spill began reaching the U.S. Gulf Coast on Thursday night, making its first landfall along Louisiana's "bird's foot" delta and barrier marshes.


  • 附加费基于美国能源部调整个月公告美国海湾沿岸航空燃料价格

    The surcharge will be based on the U. S. Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Prices reported by the U. S. Department of Energy for the month that is two months prior to the adjustment.


  • 如果没有吨位地区开设广泛选择寻找美国海湾拉各斯基础合适船只可能一个问题或者至少昂贵的。

    Without a wide selection of tonnage open in the region, finding suitable ships for base oils from the U. S. Gulf to Lagos could be a problem, or at least a pricey one.


  • 英国石油公司已经花费四十亿美元用于清扫工作花费索赔工作承诺设立200亿美元基金赔偿美国海湾沿岸灾难受害者

    BP has already spent close to four billion dollars on clean-up costs and compensation claims and has promised to set up a 20-billion-dollar fund to pay victims of the disaster along the US Gulf Coast.


  • 一个美国飞行员被迫海湾紧急迫降喷气式飞机

    One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf.


  • 这场海湾战争期间美国国家公共广播电台进行整点新闻报道

    During this war in the Persian Gulf, NPR will have newscasts every hour on the hour.


  • 太平洋西北部美国华盛顿州的普吉特海湾地区常见鹿

    Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.


  • 美国计划未来25年内海湾能源依赖进一步下降

    America projects that over the next 25 years its dependence on Gulf energy will fall.


  • 最近俄罗斯印度英国护航舰成功保卫海盗侵袭船只丹麦美国海湾给予支援

    Russian, Indian and British frigates have recently defended ships under pirate attack and Denmark and the us also have provided assistance in the gulf.


  • 美国主要海湾盟国包括沙特阿拉伯巴林发出的准备巴格达设立使馆承诺表示欢迎。

    The United States has welcomed the stated commitments of key Gulf Allies including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to set up embassies in Baghdad.


  • 白色薄雾笼罩海湾上空(可能烟雾来自美国中部大火),浮观测部分模糊

    Pale white haze (possibly smoke from fires in central America) hangs over the Gulf, partially obscuring the view of the oil slick.


  • 为了维持汇率中国海湾石油出口国大量买入美国国库券,压低了美国国库券收益率助长房市繁荣

    As China and Gulf oil exporters purchased American Treasury bonds in order to hold down their currencies, this pushed down bond yields and helped to fuel the housing boom.


  • 波士顿美国马萨诸塞州首府最大城市,位于该州的东部马萨诸塞一个海湾波士顿湾

    Boston: the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, in the eastern part of the state on Boston Bay, an arm of Massachusetts Bay.


  • 生活家,有时候会感觉,可能这里的海湾比较大,所以同一件事情必须拿放大镜来看才会了解真相。

    It sometimes feels as if in Latin America, with its even bigger gulf, the same thing is true on a larger scale.


  • 一个资深地区经济学家预测2030年海湾地区将建成继中国印度美国欧盟日本之后世界第六经济体

    One seasoned local economist predicts that by 2030 the Gulf monarchies will make up the world's sixth-largest economy, after China, India, America, the European Union and Japan.


  • 利比亚非洲最大石油储备国,因远离海湾地区而又十分安全并且历史上美国诸多石油公司关系暧昧

    Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa, safely distant from the Persian Gulf, and has historically cosy relations with American oil firms.


  • 另外值得注意例子是1991年海湾战争美国盟友北方南方伊拉克建立的禁飞区

    The other most notable examples of no-fly zones were those imposed by the United States and its Allies over northern and southern Iraq following the 1991 Gulf War.


  • 监察海湾油污清理情况,回应美国方面法律上指控第三基金管理者KennethFeinberg移交BP公司的合理请求。

    He will oversee BP's cleanup efforts in the gulf, as well as its legal response and the handover of the claims process to the escrow fund's administrator, Kenneth Feinberg.


  • 一个意大利石油商leonardo Maugeri所说美国超过100万油田相比,海湾地区只有2000个油井盲目开掘。

    Only 2,000 wildcat Wells have ever been dug in the countries around the Gulf, according to Leonardo Maugeri, an Italian oilman, compared with more than 1m Wells in the United States.


  • 1958年海啸迄今为止规模最大,摧毁Lituya海湾不过只是美国地质调查局记载最新海啸。

    The 1958 wave was by far the largest to devastate Lituya Bay, but it was only the latest to be documented there by the U.S. Geological Survey.


  • 根据最近一项民意调查几乎超出三分之二的美国支持这项禁令,海湾沿岸居民存在分歧。

    Nearly two out of three Americans support the ban, according to one recent poll, but gulf coast residents are split down the middle.


  • 贾布里说:“遇到几位来自欧洲美国海湾国家的商人,他们希望把他们商品出口到这个地区。”

    I met several people from Europe, from the U.S. and from the Gulf who are interested in exporting their goods throughout the region.


  • 美国缅因州海湾只好奇鲨鱼

    A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine.


  • 尽管美国一直关注几内亚海湾特别是在关注尼日利亚但他们同样在严重融入安哥拉这个国家可能成为美国最大的原油供应国。

    Though the Americans have been focusing on the Gulf of Guinea, particularly Nigeria, they are also heavily involved in Angola, which is likely to become Africa’s largest producer.


  • 美国海湾地区军事存在已经持续引起普遍愤恨

    S. military presence in the Gulf has been, and continues to be, a source of popular resentment.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA最新预测显示至少周三以前海湾可能继续漂流在环流以北的地区。

    The latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast shows that the Gulf oil slick will likely remain north of the Loop Currentat least until Wednesday.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA最新预测显示至少周三以前海湾可能继续漂流在环流以北的地区。

    The latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast shows that the Gulf oil slick will likely remain north of the Loop Currentat least until Wednesday.


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