• 他们认为珍贵石油正在使美元贬值,因为石油出口国欧洲进口商品的数量要多于美国,从而获得的美元石油收入较少

    Dearer oil is pushing the dollar down, they claim, because oil exporters import more from Europe than America and hold less of their oil revenues in dollars.


  • 美元石油市场同时经历艰难时期。

    The US dollar went through a difficult time, in company with the oil market.


  • 中国留出二百亿美元用于石油勘探

    China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oil exploration.


  • 辞退的董事长亏损中的石油公司获得了笔150万美元的辞退补偿金。

    The ousted chairman received a $1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company.


  • 石油产业的繁荣意味着阿拉斯加联邦政府获得数十亿美元意外之财:税收收入特许权使用费租赁费

    An oil boom would also mean a multibillion dollar windfall in tax revenues, royalties and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government.


  • 100美元石油看来划算

    Oil at $100 a barrel could look like a bargain.


  • 全球现在增长趋势如果每桶石油均衡价格高于90美元会怎样?

    What if the equilibrium price of a barrel of oil in a world growing at trend levels is above $90?


  • 我们石油价格刚刚已经到了100美元一桶意味着什么呢?

    We've just hit $100 barrel price of oil, but what does that mean?


  • 拉各斯外国石油工人每年需要支付高达6.5万美元租金才能在镇上安全地段租到一套普通公寓

    In Lagos, foreign oil workers can pay as much as $65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town.


  • 经济低迷正在抑制市场石油天然气需求,导致基准原油价格跌破每桶50美元

    The economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50.


  • 墨西哥石油公司工人如果达到一定体重标准获得300美元健康奖励

    Workers at Mexican Oil Company will receive a health incentive of almost $300 a year if they meet certain body weight standards.


  • 石油产业的繁荣意味着阿拉斯加联邦政府获得数十亿美元意外之财:税收收入特许权使用费租赁费

    An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall in tax revenues, royalties and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government.


  • 因此出于这些原因认为下次食品危机来临出现150美元石油还要令人震惊。

    So for those reasons, I believe the next food crisiswhen it comeswill be a bigger shock than $150 oil.


  • 由于美元持续低迷黄金白银石油一直走势强劲

    As the dollar keeps weakening, gold, silver and oil keep strengthening.


  • 三万亿美元可以买下今年88%全球石油供应

    Three trillion dollars would buy about 88% of this year’s global oil supply.


  • 随着赶上中国展开竞争印度海外石油资源寻求目前新的紧迫感。 中国已几个国家耗资上千亿美元购买石油资产

    The hunt for sources of oil overseas has acquired a new urgency as India races to catch up with China, which has spent billions of dollars in acquiring oil assets in several countries.


  • 全球商品价值例如石油,都美元定价

    The value of global commodities, such as oil, is also generally demarcated in US dollars.


  • 欧佩克面临着一个特别尖锐问题因为美元作为石油结算货币这意味着石油出口国除了积累美元之外别无选择

    OPEC faced an especially acute problem, because the dollar served as oil's invoice currency, meaning the oil-exporting nations had no alternative to dollar accumulation.


  • 石油价格上涨了25 %,严格来讲由于美元贬值了25 %事实因为全球石油是以美元定价的”。

    Twenty-five percent of the increase in oil prices is strictly due to the fact that the dollar has gone down by 25 percent, because oil all over the world is priced in dollars.


  • 而且,墨西哥比索贬值意味着美元结算的石油收入若按比索计算财政收入中占据大的份额。

    And the devaluation of the peso means that dollar oil revenues will go further in pesos.


  • 任何盯住美元石油输出者之间错位可能。

    The underlying mismatch between any oil exporter and a dollar peg.


  • 我们现在每天进口价值大概10亿美元石油巨额财富美国,并经常会转移到敌国银行帐目上

    We now import roughly $1 billion worth of oil every single day, a huge wealth transfer out of the country into, often, the bank accounts of our adversaries.


  • 组织将美元标价石油看作美联储通过量化宽松货币发行贬低的一种货币,因此该组织现在愿意石油留在地下

    It regards oil, priced in dollars, as a currency that the Federal Reserve is debasing with its "quantitative easing" money-printing, and would rather leave it in the ground for now.


  • 而且利比亚石油美元尤文图斯足球队伦敦经济学院,遍洒了整个欧洲公司机构

    Libyan petrodollars, moreover, have found their way into companies and institutions across Europe, from the Juventus football team to the London School of Economics.


  • 去年不同一点当时油价上涨发生美元背景下,而今年石油美元一起上涨

    One difference from last year is that then the oil price was rising against the backdrop of a weaker dollar. This year crude and the dollar have risen together.


  • 理事会约定生产每桶石油收取美元到现在还是没有见到现金

    The council was promised a dollar for every barrel of oil produced in the province but the cash has yet to be seen.


  • 大量亚洲储备以及石油输出国石油美元用于购买美国国债,导致了国债收益率的下降。

    A large chunk of Asia's reserves and oil exporters' petrodollars have been used to buy American Treasury securities, thereby reducing bond yields.


  • 然而石油美元可能是以间接的方式流入国债市场的,比如通过为产油国服务基金管理公司

    However, it may be that oil money flows into Treasuries via an indirect route, for example through fund managers acting on the oil nations' behalf.


  • 然而石油美元可能是以间接的方式流入国债市场的,比如通过为产油国服务基金管理公司

    However, it may be that oil money flows into Treasuries via an indirect route, for example through fund managers acting on the oil nations' behalf.


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