• 可以通过建立点对点安全连接来保证网络数据安全

    Network and data security can be guaranteed by establishing point-to-point secure connections.


  • 技术革新改变我们生活工作方式网络数据安全问题如影随形

    Technological innovation has changed the way we live and work, but also as the shadow follows the form of network and data security.


  • NDN架构类似,XIA建议保护数据本身不是数据通行网络路径安全

    XIA is similar to the NDN architecture in that both propose to secure data itself rather than the network pathway that the data travel.


  • 可能代码需要缓存用户设置或者一个临时数据文件但是默认安全允许网络部署代码访问这个文件系统

    Perhaps your code needs to cache user Settings or a temporary data file but the default security cannot allow network-deployed code to access the general file system.


  • 我们会中分享关于云端网络本地端点安全防护方法了解如何保护“身处各地用户数据

    We will be at the meeting to share with you on the cloud, network, local and endpoint security methods, to help you understand how to protect the user and data everywhere.


  • 随着计算机网络技术广泛应用,数据安全技术成为信息安全重要研究领域

    With the proliferation of computer and network techniques, database security has become an important research area of information security.


  • 研究来源于自然科学基金课题“计算机通信网络结构数据加密安全研究”。

    The research is from Fujian provincial natural science fund subject: "Computer & Communication Network Variable Structure Data Encryption and Security Research".


  • XML作为一种数据交换格式网络得到越来越普遍应用之而来安全问题也备受关注

    XML as a data exchange format on the network to be more common applications, Comes with the issue of security concern.


  • 开始一个安全数据网络基础具有足够的灵活性满足需要今天可以支持额外的申请下来道路

    You start with a secure data network foundation that is flexible enough to meet your needs today and can support additional applications down the road.


  • 数据中心提供电力空调灭火完整冗余网络连接安全

    The data center offers complete redundancy in power, HVAC, fire suppression, network connectivity, and security.


  • 综合运用系统钩子网络通信数据加密数据多种技术计算机操作行为分析数据安全管理系统的功能已经基本实现

    Using the technologies such as hook, network communication, data encrypting and database, computer operation analyzing and data security managing system has been implemented.


  • SSL协议网络安全重要协议,广泛应用安全数据传输互联网交易中。

    The SSL Protocol is a important protocol to keep the net security, and it is widely applicable in communication security.


  • 另一个项目涉及实施本地安全数据同步背景中的公司系统网络可用

    Another project involved implementing a local secure database which synchronizes with the company system in the background when the network is available.


  • 因此保证网络正常运行,保证HIS系统的数据安全完整极为重要。

    Therefore it is imperative to ensure normal operation of network and ensure security and integrity of HI...


  • 因而可以客户端服务器之间构建条透明的安全通道,从而保证网络传输过程中数据保密性完整性

    Therefore, we can use this to build up a cipher text communication pipe for data transferring between clients and servers of database systems to preserve data confidentiality and integrity.


  • 存储中的数据安全网络安全息息相关数据安全法律保护亟需制定

    Data security in cloud storage is closely related to network security, the legal protection of data security urgently needs to be developed.


  • 最后论文结合数据系统设计论述数据完整性信息安全网络安全两个方面系统安全进行了设计研究

    Finally, Combined with the design of database system, the paper discusses the data integrity, and does some design and research on system security through information security and network security.


  • 设计实现了一个基于B/S&C/S混合模式网络日志监控安全审计系统原型对原型系统实际应用环境中采集到的日志数据进行安全审计分析。

    The prototype of LSSAS in network based on B / S& C/ S mixing mode is designed and implemented, and the log data collected by prototype system in the applied environment are analyzed and audited.


  • 计算机网络通讯技术飞速发展今天,网络传输数据安全成为人们日益关注的问题。

    Since the rapidly development of the computer network and communication technology, the security of data that transfer on the network attracts more and more attentions.


  • 集中式搜索引擎相比构建P 2 P网络文本检索系统可扩展性数据更新维护成本安全方面具有生俱来优势

    Comparing to the centralized search engine, text retrieval systems built on top of P2P networks have innate superiority in scalability, data update, maintenance cost, safety, and so forth.


  • 数据安全计算机学院网络信息安全专业主干之一,由数据库理论技术和数据安全两个方面构成。

    As one of the backbone courses for Network and Information security major, the course of database and security comprises database theory and technology, database security.


  • 如何会话初始化协议(SIP)现有通信网络有机结合,提供安全可靠数据通信服务成为当今的热点问题

    How to combine Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) with current communication system well so as to provide secure telecommunication services has become a hot current issue.


  • 本文论述建立物资管理信息网络系统的全过程,内容涉及物资管理理论数据应用软件的设计实现算法网络构建及安全等方面的问题。

    The thesis dissertate whole process at building information and network system, including 5 aspects: material manage theory, computer database, application procedure, network and safe.


  • 本文论述建立物资管理信息网络系统的全过程,内容涉及物资管理理论数据应用软件的设计实现算法网络构建及安全等方面的问题。

    The thesis dissertate whole process at building information and network system, including 5 aspects: material manage theory, computer database, application procedure, network and safe.


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