• 然而,案例分析法存在大严重缺陷它容易受到期望效应以及非正常个体的影响。

    There are two serious problems with case studiesexpectancy effects and atypical individuals.


  • 资本定价科学,也是一门艺术具有相对性时效性模糊性主观性等特征受到反馈效应和制度性缺陷的影响。

    Capital pricing is both scientific and artistic, with the characteristics of relativity, timeliness, opaque and subjective, and is influenced by feedback effect and institutional defect.


  • 主要明显尺寸效应凝固收缩应力问题避免减少铸铁井盖的成分偏析变形开裂缺陷的产生。

    Is mainly the size effect and solidification, shrinkage, stress and other issues clearly, to avoid or reduce the segregation, iron manhole cover deformation and crack defects.


  • 遗憾的是,运动补偿电路可能胶片内容看起来劣质的视频——行内被称为肥皂剧效应”的一种小缺陷

    Unfortunately, the motion-compensating circuitry can make filmed content look like a cheap video-a glitch known in the trade as the "soap-opera effect".


  • 数量合成方法选取上,为了克服传统风险矩阵方法中乘积效应缺陷文章引入属性决策常用理想方法。

    For the sake of the limitation of product effect of the Probability-Effect Matrix, the paper adopts the Ideal Point Method which is often used in Multiple Attribute Decision Making.


  • 除了通过研究大脑缺陷所造成效应方式,通过识别不同大脑皮层区域对于刺激的反应可以研究清楚语言系统

    In addition to studying effects of brain deficits, language systems can be determined by identifying activation of different cortical areas in response to stimuli.


  • 正是由于这种保护效应阳极容量即使循环200次后仍然保全的很好,相反,若是使用缺陷石墨烯,阳极容量将会随着循环进行急速降低

    Because of this protective effect, the anode's capacity is preserved even after 200 cycles, whereas anodes with an imperfect graphene layer rapidly decrease with cycling.


  • 介绍了6063铝合金建筑型材生产工艺。对淬火敏感性停放效应制品的典型缺陷进行了讨论。

    The production process of architectural 6063 aluminum alloy profile is introduced. The quenching sensitivity, keeping effect and typical defects of 6063 aluminum alloy profiles are discussed.


  • 同时传统研究回购策略具有考虑经济规模效应处理成本缺陷

    Simultaneously traditional theory studied the return policy, which is not considering the economical scale effect and without processing the flaw about cost.


  • 效应缺陷增多而降低

    The piezoresistive effect is degraded with increasing micro - defects.


  • 第二本文研究银行本质决定其内在缺陷的问题,银行挤兑效应的存在命题。

    Chapter two study the defect from the bank's essence, namely bank run.


  • 口吃口吃者在效应差异口吃语音编码缺陷一个重要支持证据。

    The difference of word length effect between PWS and people who do not stutter (PWNS) provided important support for the phonological encoding deficit hypothesis of stuttering.


  • 正电子湮没寿命测量方法研究中子辐照硅单晶缺陷中正电子捕获温度效应

    A method of measuring positron lifetime is used to investigate temperature dependence of positron trapping at defects in neutron-irradiated silicon crystals.


  • 针对现有地磁场模型精度偏低、模型边界效应等问题,深入分析了传统补充国际地磁参考场值缺陷

    Taking aim at lower precision and boundary effect of the current region geomagnetic field model, the shortage of appending the IGRF data to the regional boundary was analyzed deeply.


  • 本方法可以考虑任意实际初始缺陷材料弹塑性卸载效应影响

    All practical initial imperfections can be considered, and, the effect of loading, unloading and reloading to the material of members can be included in analysis.


  • 为了实现对亚表面下细小缺陷检测采用法拉第和电涡流效应结合的方法。

    The Faradays magnetic optic effect is combined with eddy current effect to test the imperceptible flaws in subsurface.


  • 探讨了掺杂氧化缺陷能级效应,确定导电粉末中掺杂效应缺陷反应

    The defect and energy level effect of antimony-doped tin oxide were discussed with possible defect reactions for the conductive powder.


  • 然后逐点计算局域密度发现空间准束缚态是一个非常局域化的效应,离开缺陷即迅速衰减。

    The corresponding image of local density of states in real space shows a highly localized state around the defect.


  • 利用缺陷反应扩散原理表面层效应进行了初步分析,指出表面层效应研究改善和调节材料电学性能具有重要的指导意义。

    The analysis of surface effect is based on defect reaction and diffusion theory, the study for surface effect will have good guidance to the improvement of electrical properties.


  • 淬火敏感性停放效应制品典型缺陷进行了讨论。

    The quenching sensitivity, keeping effect and typical defects of 6063 aluminum alloy profiles are discussed.


  • 方法能够考虑结构构件效应几何缺陷残余应力多种非线性因素影响,还可以考虑连接刚性性能

    The second order effects of the whole structure and its members, geometric imperfections and residual stress as well as the feature of semi-rigid connections can be taken into account in this method.


  • 基于巴克·豪森效应本文提出了一种钢板空气隙缺陷无损检测方法

    A nondestructive detection method for steel plate defects is presented based on Barkhausen effect.


  • 文中考虑温度效应,从而克服了以往分析类问题数学模型存在缺陷

    In the studies, temperature effect is considered, and the model established in the paper overcomes the shortcomings existed in the mathematical model in the past.


  • 波导多层存储基于原理存储新技术,它利用波导缺陷散射效应读出数据,因此如何对光盘信息坑散射光强的进行测量是波导多层存储须解决的关键技术之一。

    Waveguide multiplayer optical memory is a kind of new 3D optical memory based on new principle, and it can read the data by utilizing the effect of light scatter of Waveguide defect.


  • 为了解决具有异形轮廓冲压件边工序中易产生裂纹缺陷,分析异形内轮廓翻边成形应变分散效应

    In order to solve the lack of flaw when flanging the part with freeform internal profile, the circumferential strain dispersion effect has been analyzed in flanging the profile.


  • 现阶段我国农村金融存在主体缺位治理缺失结构失调逆向效应诸方面的配置缺陷

    Nowadays, there still are some configuration defects in rural finance, such as subject omission, governing omission, structural imbalance and reverse effect.


  • 那些相同细胞因子延长污染性空气曝露小鼠肺部明显提高TRL4活化缺陷的小鼠这种效应

    Those same cytokines were also significantly elevated in the lungs of mice that had experienced prolonged exposure to polluted air, and the lack of TLR4 activation lowered this effect.


  • 横向惯性效应导致浅部缺陷位置浅判,三维效应影响相反。

    While transverse inertia effect make the deficiency at the upper part seem more upper, the influence of three-dimensional effect goes to the contrary.


  • 横向惯性效应导致浅部缺陷位置浅判,三维效应影响相反。

    While transverse inertia effect make the deficiency at the upper part seem more upper, the influence of three-dimensional effect goes to the contrary.


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