• 设想了一个保留妇女平等继承权冲突

    She envisioned a conflict like selling alcohol, or preserving equal inheritance rights for women.


  • 唐代后期宦官对皇位继承权争夺非常激烈

    Eunuchs involved in the violent scramble of inheritance to the imperial authority in the late period of Tang Dynasty.


  • 吉英和伊丽莎白设法继承权问题跟解释了一下。

    Jane and Elizabeth attempted to explain to her the nature of an entail.


  • 的好老爷,凡是有关继承权,我决不会谢天谢地的。

    I never can be thankful, Mr. Bennet, for any thing about the entail.


  • 被包围的凶物-标志他人策反而掉去继承权王室后裔

    Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to the throne.


  • 被包围的凶物-标志他人篡位而失去继承权王室后裔

    Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to the throne.


  • 这儿就是一个关于继承权故事了,正在设法得到这个继承权

    From here on it's a long story about the inheritance which she is trying to collect.


  • 有些可能会只不过是男人一半她们毕竟是享有财产继承权

    Some people may say it's only half of a man's, but they have the right to inheritance.


  • 篇文章收集资料过程中,笔者选取大量关于女子财产继承权案例

    In this article the process of collecting data, I selected a large number of women regarding inheritance of property case.


  • 法律沉默的,不到支持上诉人犯罪行为丧失遗产继承权任何法律根据。

    I cannot find any support for the argument that the respondent's succession to the property should be avoided because of his criminal act, when the laws are silent.


  • 国际奥委会一个具有法律地位永久继承权的法人团体,是以营利为目的组织。

    The International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental non- Profit organization and the Creator of the Olympic Movement.


  • 相信我们国家始终支持和平这种心声因为放弃苏联解体军火库继承权决定而变得更加强烈。

    Our country is, I believe, seen as a voice for moderation and peace, reinforced by our decision to give up the nuclear Arsenal we inherited after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


  • 世纪末处物业经过继承权争斗,上演了谋杀牢狱之灾的活剧,几乎濒临拆除的边缘。

    It went to the brink of demolition late last century after a picaresque episode involving a disputed succession, a murdered heiress and a now-jailed Niçois ex-lawyer.


  • 想到所有产业都得落到他们手里,就受不了。要不是为了继承权的问题,我才不在乎

    I cannot bear to think that they should have all this estate, If it was not for the entail I should not mind it.


  • 特征遗产管理人进行遗产管理遗产直接在有继承权继承人之间分配必须加以区别的。

    A distinction must be made between the administration of an estate by the personal representatives and its distribution among those entitled to it.


  • 之后三里事故中世纪长子继承权起源生物进化理论被用来清楚明白地阐明金融风险不同方面

    The Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, the medieval origins of primogeniture and evolutionary biology are all enlisted to shed light on different aspects of financial risk.


  • 关于继承权本质被继承人角度观察,主要家族本位说、后抚养说、意思说、无主财产归属说四种见解。

    As to the nature of succession right, there are four doctrines of family standard, postmortem maintenance, intention and unclaimed property attribution from the deceased's viewpoints.


  • 父亲威胁要剥夺他的继承权但是知道虚张声势。

    His father had threatened disinheritance, but both men had known it was an empty threat.


  • 完全剥夺儿子继承权

    He cut his son off without a penny.


  • 长子享有财产继承权

    The property is the birthright of the eldest child.


  • 威胁说,若是服从剥夺的财产继承权

    He threatened to disinherit her if she refused to obey.


  • 对于王位合法继承权场争论。

    There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne.


  • 他们1933年结婚但是父母勃朗黛并不满意剥夺了大梧的财产继承权迫使不得不出去工作去过中等阶级生活

    They were married in 1933, but Dagwood's parents disapproved of Blondie and disinherited him, forcing him to go to work and live a middle class life.


  • 尽管继承权未明确美国最高法院一致裁决可以联邦法院追诉。

    Although her inheritance remains uncertain, the United States Supreme court (no less) unanimously ruled that she could pursue her case in federal court.


  • 合法继承人获得合法的继承权

    The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.


  • 实际上,婚姻关系民事伴侣关系赋予权利——包括财产养老金继承权等等——完全相同的。

    The rights conferred by marriage and civil partnership—over property, pensions, inheritance and so forthare virtually identical.


  • 社会已经意识到一旦涉及孩子无论他们父母结婚与否都无法否认孩子所应享有的继承权父母对孩子应有的保护和支持,还有孩子自身合法地位

    Society has already recognized this when it comes to children, who can no longer be denied inheritance rights, parental support or legal standing because their parents are not married.


  • 第七继承人下列行为之一,丧失继承权

    Article 7 a successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following ACTS.


  • 所以,在贾马土地30,他的家人一直在他的继承权争论不休。

    And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.


  • 所以,在贾马土地30,他的家人一直在他的继承权争论不休。

    And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.


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