• 消防气压给水设备消防给水系统中经常采用

    Pneumatic water system is widely applied in fire water system.


  • 实用新型是用于给水设备空气过滤灭菌装置

    The utility model relates to an air filtering and sterilizing apparatus for water supply device.


  • 十几年来公司致力于电气传动给水设备研究

    Over the past decade, the company is committed to electric transmission and water supply equipment research.


  • 实用新型涉及一种加装回阀故障反馈装置成套给水设备

    The utility model relates to a set of water supply facilities which is provided with a fault feedback device for the internal drainage of a check valve.


  • 介绍能够代替高位水箱功能给水设备-消防气体给水设备

    A kind of water supply equipment that can take the place of elevated water tank-water supply equipment gas pressurized from top, has been introduced.


  • 采用DWH变频给水设备,实现锅炉恒压给水,使水泵可一定压力下连续运行,满足了锅炉用水需要。

    The paper introduces the application of DWH frequency conversion water supply equipment in steam boiler.


  • 水资源短缺带来重大问题基于市民运送清洁设备需求债权的发行。

    The other important trouble that very low water supplies creates is that cities have sold bonds based on their needs for infrastructure to move, clean and supply water.


  • 海水淡化设备软管一个容量为45升海水箱相连斯伯茨划船时打开脚部阀门就可补充。海水淡化设备小时可以生产20多的淡水。

    A hose connects the tankwhich can be replenished by opening a valve in the footwell — to a desalination machine that can produce 6 gallons of fresh water an hour.


  • 本文介绍电渗析技术烧碱生产锅炉给水处理中的应用效益及其设备生产厂家

    This paper introduced the technology of electroosmosis film used in the production of caustic soda and boiler supply water treatment, its profits, together with the equipment producers.


  • 渗透给水预处理设备运行方式以及反渗透给水压力给水温度运行参数进行了技术优化

    Technological optimized the operation way of the reverse osmosis supply water pretreatment equipment and the operation parameters of pressure, temperature etc.


  • 高压发电机组重要辅机设备振动引起故障的发生率高,严重影响机组安全运行

    High-pressure feedwater pump is one of the important auxiliary equipment of power unit. Its vibration problem happened frequently has seriously influenced the safety running of power unit.


  • 因此给水系统主要设备就是水库联结它们管道

    So the main equipment is the two reservoirs and the pipeline between them.


  • 在那些引起撞击的卫生器具、设备装置热水冷水给水管道应该安装尺寸合适的水锤消除器。

    Properly sized water hammer arresters should be installed on the hot and cold water supply piping to that fixture, equipment or apparatus wherein shock can be produced.


  • 本文介绍常州工业技术学院电教中心给水排水消防工程概况、设计意图、基本参数确定、卫生设备管材的选用原则

    The intention of the design, the affirming of the fundamental coefficients and the principle elect for the sanitary equipment and the pipe materials was also.


  • 给水净化设备进水泵、扭转滤网、刮机、加药、加装置

    Equipment of water supply and purification station: intake pump, rotary filtering net, mud scraper, chemical feeding pump and chlorine feeding device, etc.


  • 一体化处理设备不仅适用矿井废水而且用于给水处理,具有工艺组合灵活。

    The integral mine wastewater treatment device is not only suitable for of mine wastewater treatment but also for water supply treatment.


  • 应用范围公寓楼层锅炉设备太阳能热泵处理设备生活给水系统等行业

    Application range: they can be applied to apartment floor, boiler equipment, solar energy heat pump, water treatment equipment, life water supply system, etc.


  • 电站单元机组重要设备之一失效带来巨大经济损失

    The feed water pump of boiler is one of important equipment of boiler unit. The invalidation of it will bring large economic loss.


  • 给水管道空气其它不凝性气体会引起很多问题噪音腐蚀循环迟滞,甚至造成设备暂时中断

    Air and other non-condensable gas inside the water pipe will cause a lot of problems, such as noise, corrosion, hysteresis loop, and even cause a temporary interruption of the device.


  • 全厂停电不能取得可靠电源时,应装汽动

    When the entire factory power break down and cannot obtain the reliable power for the factory use from outside, there is a need to install the spare steam water supply pump.


  • 给水工程流式沉淀池污水处理工程中,二次流式沉淀池等专用设备

    Suction Dredger: it is special mud disposal equipment designed for flat flow sedimentary pond, sewage disposal project, and secondary flat flow sedimentary pond.


  • 电力行业我公司产品广泛应用于凝结水部分床和混床及离子交换器等设备

    In electric power industry, the products of the company are widely used for equipment like anion bed, cation bed, mixed bed and ion exchanger for make up water and condensation water.


  • 应用用于输送电站锅炉给水工业设备中的锅炉给水凝结水

    Applications: Handling of feed water in power stations, boiler feed water and condensate in industrial facilities.


  • 摘要大亚湾核电站岭澳核电站目前共有各种3000其中A SG辅助给水系统属于安全设备

    Abstract: Daya bay and ling ao nuclear power plant at present there are various kinds of pump group of more than 3000 units, the ASG auxiliary feed water pump issue belongs to nuclear safety.


  • 目前广泛应用各种蒸汽锅炉热水锅炉、热交换器、蒸汽冷凝器、空调燃机设备系统的循环

    Has been widely used in steam boilers, hot water boilers, heat exchangers, steam condensers, air conditioning, direct gas turbine cycle and other equipment and systems supply water.


  • 本发明强磁化软水器组,一种专项用于锅炉给水软化处理设备

    The water magnetizing and softening device combination is one water treating apparatus to soften water for boiler.


  • 给水加热最好选用小型、可安置于水下并可与直接接触的加热设备EboJaeger加热器相当好的上面一个温控旋钮可以控制温度。

    The small submersible heaters where the cord goes directly in the water work best. Ebo Jaeger heaters are very good. The heater has a temperature dial right on it.


  • 给水加热最好选用小型、可安置于水下并可与直接接触的加热设备EboJaeger加热器相当好的上面一个温控旋钮可以控制温度。

    The small submersible heaters where the cord goes directly in the water work best. Ebo Jaeger heaters are very good. The heater has a temperature dial right on it.


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