• 不幸的是,只是典型通用公司,”行销巨无霸英格兰顾问集团经营合伙人负责人罗伯特来普利

    "Unfortunately, this is just more typical GM," says Robert Lepre, managing partner and principal at marketing behemoth the New England Consulting Group.


  • 英国石油公司也可降低在由合伙人经营美国油田中的持股,荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(Royal DutchShell PLC)运营GulffieldMars中的持股。

    Or BP may reduce its stakes in U.S. fields operated by partners, such as the Gulf field Mars, operated by Royal Dutch Shell PLC.


  • 以前投资银行麦仑经营,第一波士顿银行,到经历过三十年代,磨练摩根斯坦利一个保守的公司,conservative,place,,chastened,by,the,’,投资银行合伙人的关系,是完全私有的。

    The investment banks of yore, from Mellons running the First Boston, Morgan Stanley was a very 30s, the investment banks were partnerships, they were totally private.


  • 最近深夏夜晚,一时髦哥伦比亚人和该国的侨民Ben &Josep牛排店里交际应酬。 这是一家两个来自西班牙和比利时合伙人经营的新店,顺着码头木板人行道就可以到达。

    On a recent late-summer evening, a stylish crowd of Colombians and expatriates mingled at Ben &Josep’s, a new steakhouse run by a Spanish-Belgian duo, down the boardwalk from the marina.


  • 上司手中继承客户资源,往往需要花费年来经营这些客户,而且不一定能够获得回报,因为这位高级合伙人可能会将接力棒传递别人

    Hoping to inherit clients from a higher-up usually takes years of work on those accounts, with no guarantee of a payoff if the senior partner then decides to pass the baton to someone else.


  • 迈克尔·埃斯纳(MichaelEisner)是迪士尼公司以前老板最近专门写了本书这个问题进行了分析,书名是:“合伙经营伟大合伙人成功的秘诀”。

    Michael Eisner, a former boss of Disney, devoted a recent book to it, "Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed".


  • 允许鼓励促使厂商合伙人理解接受企业的远景使命目标,并以此为中心实行自主经营,以达到。

    Engage, empower and enable factory partners to understand, accept and independently operate within this vision, mission and goal statement as a competent extension of our CBI Quality Team.


  • 根据该法所有合伙人享有参与经营平等权利

    According to the Act, all partners have an equal right to participate in the business.


  • 订立入伙协议时合伙人应当合伙人告知原合伙企业经营状况财务状况。

    In concluding the entering agreement, the original partners shall inform the new partner of the business operations and financial condition of the partnership enterprise.


  • 合伙人可以推举负责人合伙负责人其他人员经营活动,由全体合伙人承担民事责任

    All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.


  • 合伙人可以推举负责人。合伙负责人其他人员经营活动,由全体合伙人承担民事责任

    The partners may elect a responsible person. All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.


  • 第三十二合伙人不得自营或者他人合作经营合伙企业竞争业务

    Article 32 no partner may, by himself or through cooperation with another person, engage in business in competition with the partnership in which he is a partner.


  • 有限合伙人指向有限合伙出资分享利润参与有限合伙经营且仅以向有限合伙的出资限对有限合伙债务承担清偿责任的人。

    Limited partners invest and share profits, but do not participate in the operation of limited partnership, bear the limited liability for the limited funding for the debt of the partnership.


  • 合伙人投入财产合伙人统一管理使用合伙经营积累的财产,合伙人共有。

    The property provided By the partners shall Be under their unified management and use. The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.


  • 斯蒂夫·霍根经营着一家名为tech - Rx的公司,教创业公司如何扭转不利局面。他表示那些一个人(也就是没有合伙人)创立的公司是容易失败的。

    Steve Hogan, who runs a startup turn-around shop called Tech-Rx, says companies with founded by one person-that is, no partners-are most likely to fail.


  • 第三十四个人合伙经营活动合伙人共同决定合伙人执行监督权利

    Article 34 the operational activities of an individual partnership shall be decided jointly by the partners, who each shall have the right to carry out and supervise those activities.


  • 第三十合伙人不得自营或者他人合作经营与本合伙企业竞争业务

    Article 30 partners shall not individually or in co-operation with others engage in businesses competitive with their partnership enterprise.


  • 他们的这种经营模式激发全国各地年轻人的灵感。上周,另有80位合伙人共同筹集30万资本武汉开了一家“三月咖啡馆”。

    Their model has inspired young people around the country. A café named March was launched by 80 shareholders with 300,000 yuan as capital in Wuhan last week.


  • 公司业务兴隆经营者财源滚滚这家公司从未过度扩张,如果遇到艰难时期合伙人颗粒收。

    It prospered, as did its proprietors, but the firm never overextended itself, and in hard times partners' drawings were nil.


  • 公司业务兴隆经营者财源滚滚这家公司从未过度扩张,如果遇到艰难时期合伙人颗粒收。

    It prospered, as did its proprietors, but the firm never overextended itself, and in hard times partners' drawings were nil.


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