• 运营成本计算高速铁路建设经济效益评价关键问题之一。

    Operation cost account is a critical aspect of high speed railway construction and its economy benefit evaluation.


  • 因此本文小型水库建设项目社会经济效益评价进行了研究

    Therefore, this article research socioeconomic benefit evaluation of the small-scale reservoir.


  • 渗析离子交换树脂两种脱盐方式进行初步经济效益评价

    Primary economic benefit evaluation was performed on electrodialysis and ion exchange resin.


  • 依据突变理论,设计了我国地区图书印刷企业经济效益评价指标体系

    Based on 3 models of catastrophe theory, the paper sets up a series index system of economic benefit of the state-designated regional book printing enterprises.


  • 综述了我国引进中纤生产线概况生产线作出经济效益评价

    The paper summarizes the current situation of medium density fiberboard (MDF) assembly lines, which being introduced and analyzed the economic returns of these (MDF) assembly lines may produce.


  • 海洋开发活动经济效益评价类型分为财务评价和国民经济评价两种

    According to the type, the economic benefit evaluation on Marine development activity can be divided into two kinds-the financial evaluation and the national economy evaluation.


  • 经济效益评价油菜收益于小麦大豆玉米年份间差异较大

    If only evaluation of economic benefit, rape was better than wheat, but the economic benefits of maize and soybean were bigger difference in different years.


  • 因此开发区土地利用经济效益评价对于开发区土地高效利用意义重大

    Therefore, it is great significance for the efficient use of the land zone to evaluate the economic efficiency of land use.


  • 社会经济效益评价铁路干线路网规划建设项目决策重要前提依据

    Socioeconomic benefit evaluation is the main precondition and foundation in railway project planning and decision.


  • 效果维度下设三个二级指标经济效益评价环境效益评价社会效益评价

    The effect index includes three secondary indexes, economic evaluation, environmental evaluation and social benefits evaluation.


  • 本文铁路旅客列车开行方案经济效益评价指标体系及其计算表达式进行了研究。

    The thesis sets up an indicators system on economic return evaluation of passenger train plan and discusses the calculation and relationships of these indicators.


  • 研究目的:促进开发区土地合理利用,为中国开发区土地经济效益评价提供理论依据。

    The fuzzy measures can be applied to determine the importance of indexes set or single index, while the Choquet integral is further used to evaluate the land economic benefit in development zones.


  • 本文论述了质量成本管理理论探讨了质量成本最佳求法质量成本管理经济效益评价

    Theories of quality cost management are expounded. A calculating method to determine the optimum values of quality cost and the assessment of quality cost economic results are explored.


  • 运用技术经济原理方法整合方案进行经济效益评价同时提出了实施的初步意见

    By using the principle and method of Technology Economics, it estimates the economic efficiency of the adjustment Scheme and at the same time put forward a preliminary opinion of how to implement it.


  • 本文机器人应用经济效益评价问题我国现阶段方面的工作,提出了参考的意见。

    Sug- gests for reference on the economic profit evaluation for the use of robot and the work taking the advantage of robot using at present stage in this country have also been put out.


  • 此基础上,提出了防治公路滑坡的工程措施非工程措施,建立防治工程经济效益评价模型

    Based on that, from the engineering control measures and non-engineering measures to study the protection engineering, and thus establish the economic evaluation of prevention methods and models.


  • 目前,我国企业经济效益评价方面的研究已经比较成熟对企业社会责任评价的研究并不见。

    At present, economic appraisal research theory has already been quite mature, but it is extremely rare for the corporate society responsibility appraisal research.


  • 典型LNG冷能利用方式给出了典型流程图获得成功应用的范例进行经济效益评价和比较。

    The typical flow chat and the successful examples to use LNG cryogenic energy are provided. And the evaluation and comparison of economic benefits are conducted.


  • 价值工程活动最后优选方案实施情况进行总结评价包括企业经济效益评价社会效果评价

    Finally the activity of VE is to summarize and evaluate the situation of the optimal plan, including economic benefit evaluation of enterprise and social effect evaluation.


  • 一级指标包括前期工作过程评价指标技术过程评价指标、经济效益评价指标社会因素过程评价指标。

    The first grade index include pre-process interim evaluation indicator, technical interim evaluation indicator, economic interim evaluation indicator and social factors interim evaluation indicator.


  • 论文城镇土地总价值构成进行了分析,建立了城镇土地总价值测算方法土地利用经济效益评价指标体系

    The total value constitution of town land assets is analyzed in this paper. The calculating method and the index system are established.


  • 文章认为矿产资源勘查经济效益评价主要涉及勘查矿产资源所需费用开发矿产资源价值两个方面。

    The author holds the evaluation of the economic results of mineral resources exploration involves mainly two aspects: the expenses needed and the value of development.


  • 效益评价部分介绍经济效益评价原则指标体系分别阐述了单井、区块采油队经济效益评价方法

    The benefits evaluation section introduces the principle and the index system of the economic benefits evaluation, then it describes some evaluate methods of Wells, cut stages and crews separately.


  • 通过苏丹技术服务项目经济效益评价介绍一种境外项目经济评价方法,对项目的运行具有指导意义

    Through technical and economical evaluation of the top-drive service project in Sudan, this paper presents an economic evaluation procedure of international projects that can guide


  • 基础上,构建单井经济效益评价数量经济模型以此确定单井的极限经济产量单井经济效益划分类型

    On the base of which, to build the economic evaluation models of the single well, in order to determine the limits of economic output and the effective classification of the single Wells.


  • 运用进行经济效益评价时常会遇到某些指标的极端值无法处理困难本文通过对熵值法的改进有效地解决了这个问题。

    It's hard to evaluate the economic result with entropy method when confronted with some special data. In this paper, the author improves entropy method and solves the problem effectively.


  • [10]郭显光改进及其经济效益评价中的应用[J]。系统工程理论与实践,1998,(12):98~102。

    [GUO Xianguang. Appli-cation of improved entropy method in evaluation of economic res ult[J]. System Engineering Theory&Practice, 1998, (12):98~102. ].


  • 确定出该流域生态效益社会经济效益评价权重分别为83.3和16.7。 并采用层次分析法和GIS相结合的方法对各指标作综合效益评价

    The weight values of ecological and social-economic benefits were calculated, respectively 83.3 and 16.7. The integrative benefits have been evaluated using AHP and GIS.


  • 通过环境质量分析健康效应评价经济效益估算初步论证了集中供热措施环境干预作用

    Through environmental quality analysis, health effect evaluation and economic efficiency assessment, initially proved interfering effects of centralized heat suPPly measures on the environment.


  • 通过环境质量分析健康效应评价经济效益估算初步论证了集中供热措施环境干预作用

    Through environmental quality analysis, health effect evaluation and economic efficiency assessment, initially proved interfering effects of centralized heat suPPly measures on the environment.


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