• 问题症结在于经济政策

    He said the crux of the matter was economic policy.


  • 政府经济政策遭到很多批评

    The government's economic policies have come in for a lot of criticism.


  • 阿根廷经济政策混乱得一塌糊涂

    Argentina's economic policies were a hopeless mess.


  • 政府自由实行经济政策

    The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.


  • 仍然认为政府经济政策错误的。

    I still hold that the government's economic policies are mistaken.


  • 商人经济政策飘忽不定感到气愤。

    Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy making.


  • 制定经济政策方面起过很大作用

    He had been influential in shaping economic policy.


  • 他们经济政策多半符合企业利益

    Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business.


  • 经济政策可能给该党带来灾难性后果。

    The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party.


  • 经济政策核心就是严格控制货币供应

    The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply.


  • 试图实施项技术统治论主义经济政策

    He tried to implement a technocratic economic policy.


  • 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies.


  • 面对日益高涨齐声批评政府在为经济政策辩护

    The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.


  • 一项支持经济政策动议322296票获得通过。

    A motion backing its economic policy was carried by 322 votes to 296.


  • 这次成功证明政党自由市场经济政策是正确的。

    He called the success a vindication of his party's free-market economic policy.


  • 政府通货膨胀坚决抑制迄今为止一直是经济政策根本。

    The government's determination to beat inflation has so far been the keystone of its economic policy.


  • 经济政策应该中央银行行长组成不负责任的委员会来施行。

    Economic policy should not be run by an unaccountable committee of governors of central banks.


  • 会议上提出的还是那些掉了牙的话题:宏观经济政策第三世界债务环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment.


  • 过去年里,中国经济政策发生很多变化

    Over the past decade, there have been a lot of changes in China's economic policies.


  • 了解技术发展趋势对于正确制定国家和国际层面经济政策非常重要的。

    Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies, both at the national and the international levels.


  • 经济政策方面,除了猛烈抨击当今政府渴求经济迅速增长罗伊女士甚至没有什么可说。

    On economic policy, Ms. Roy has even less to offer other than to slam recent governments for aspiring to rapid economic growth.


  • 一项新的研究显示美国专业经济学家经济政策上存在巨大性别差异,这种差异类似于普通大众的性别差异。

    A new study shows a large gender gap on economic policy among the nation's professional economists, a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.


  • 一项新的研究显示美国专业经济学家经济政策上存在巨大性别差异,这种差异类似于普通大众的性别差异。

    A new study shows a large gender gap in economic policy among the nation's professional economists, a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.


  • 经济政策研究中心联合创始人自由派经济迪安·贝克表示男性经济一直行业内部彼此监管观点做出证实

    Liberal economist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession, confirming each other's anti-regulation views.


  • 对于宏观经济政策同样有害

    The impact on macroeconomic policy was equally pernicious.


  • 我们必须重新调整宏观经济政策

    We must re-adjust macroeconomic policy.


  • 同样还存在“安全失效”式的宏观经济政策

    There are safe-fail macroeconomic counterparts as well.


  • 由于谨慎宏观经济政策易于抵挡这次冲击。

    It is in much better shape to withstand the blow, thanks to prudent macroeconomic policy.


  • 双方重申继续宏观经济政策领域加强对话合作

    The two sides reiterated thatthey will continue to strengthen dialogue and cooperation onmacro-economic policies.


  • 消灭通胀最佳途径紧缩宏观经济政策

    The best way to counter the inflation risk is through tighter macroeconomic policies.


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