• 提出非线性计量经济建模变量选择一种方法

    This paper describes a variable selection method of nonlinear econometric modeling.


  • 由于传统经济建模理论的影响,他们所采用的是基于动力学理论建模方法

    Because of influenced by traditional economic theories, they adopted modeling methods based on dynamics.


  • 介绍了在经济领域中进行数学建模数学经济重要性数学经济建模分类方法步骤及其应用作了一些有益探讨

    The article introduces what the mathematical economic modeling is and it's importance. It also provides some helpful inquiry on it's classification, method, procedure and application.


  • 本月我们邀请经济建模公司剑桥计量(CambridgeEconometrics)估算碳排放征税经济可能产生冲击

    This month we asked Cambridge Econometrics, an economic-modelling firm, to assess the impact of a carbon tax on the economy.


  • 经济建模专家国际公司(EMSI)收集数据来自90多个联邦的信息来源美国劳工统计局,美国人口普查局国家劳动部门

    EMSI data is collected from more than 90 federal and state sources, such as the U. s. Bureau of labor Statistics, the U. s. Census Bureau, and state labor departments.


  • 具有一定数据统计分析能力进行简单建模计算,能对经济及组织的数据进行挖掘分析。

    Has a certain ability of data statistic and analysis, can carry on the simple modeling and calculation, can mining analysis the data of economy and organization.


  • 程序设计开发成功印证了计算机建模仿真能够作为经济理论分析研究得力辅助工具

    The successful development of the computer game simulation proves that the computer modelling and simulation are powerful auxiliary tools for economic theory analysis.


  • BlueGene/L技术提供了一种强大的方法研究这些类型疾病因为能够更加经济高效地更快地建模蛋白质折叠和错误折叠效果

    The Blue Gene/L technology offers a powerful way to study these types of diseases, because it provides a more cost-effective (and faster) way to model the effects of protein folding and misfolding.


  • 建立满足企业需求的快速高效流程流程进行建模仿真分析优化种比较科学经济方法

    Process modeling, simulation, analysis and optimizing are a kind of scientific and economic way for an enterprise to build quick and efficient processes that meet the enterprise's needs.


  • 本文运用复杂适应系统人工智能理论对复杂经济系统演化建模问题进行了研究。

    In this paper, we have studied the evolutionary modeling of complex economic system by the use of complex adaptive system and artificial intelligence.


  • 时间序列波动持续性建模理论方法经济金融领域风险分析一种强有力的工具

    The theory and method of modeling volatility persistence of time series is a powerful tool in analyzing the risk of economic and finance market.


  • 本文通过一种简单供应链系统建模分析评价了供应商管理库存VMI)实施的经济效果

    The paper evaluates the economic effect of vendor-managed inventory(VMI)by modeling and analyzing a simple supply chain system.


  • 国名经济动员预案演练系统医院实体建模仿真目的模拟医疗抽组预案的制定执行过程

    The purpose of modeling and simulation of hospital entity in the national economy mobilization pre-draft exercising system is to simulate the enacting and executing process of the medical pre-draft.


  • 论述经济系统数学模型建立问题,对数学建模过程进行了理论分析

    This paper discusses how to construct the mathematical model in the economical system, and analyzes the process of modeling in theory.


  • 本文系统阐述生产函数经济意义数学定义并且给出生产函数一个严格的数学建模

    The paper systematically presents the economic significance of production function, maths definition and give a strict maths model.


  • 面板数据由于能够截面时间构成的二空间来描述研究对象动态特征广泛应用于经济问题建模实践

    Panel data is widely used in modeling on economic problems because it can describe the object's dynamic characters from time and cross-section in two-dimensional space.


  • 这种工作模式既能保证建模精度,又能提高工作效率经济效益一项有益探索

    The new mode ensures the surveying precision as well as raises the work efficiency and economical profit, it is a helpful exploring.


  • 分析我国经济运行机制基础上,探讨中国均衡模型建模问题

    Then based on the analysis of movemechanism of the economy of China, the problem of the disequilibrium models of China is presented in this paper.


  • 指出它们经济视图建模要求以及经济视图对策略实现量化支持

    We point out their requirements to the economic view modeling and its support to strategy realization in a quantitative manner.


  • 建模过程考虑同类贷款相关性宏观经济因素抵押贷款回收率影响

    The correlation between homogeneous loan portfolio and the effect of macroeconomic conditions on recovery rate of secured loan are taken into account in the model.


  • 基于角色动员联盟建模方法国民经济动员系统微观层次建模奠定了基础。

    This method is the basis of building micro model of National Economy Mobilization System.


  • 针对现有经济区域经济经济地理学研究交通运输成本理论方法不足提出一种新的路网成本建模方法

    A new modeling method of road network cost is brought forward for the disadvantage of current theory and methods in studying economics, regional economics and economic geography.


  • 一方面,拥有很强数学建模技能、受过标准西方经济训练中国经济家,数量相当有限。

    On the other hand, the number of Chinese economists with strong mathematical modeling skills and training in standard western economics is limited.


  • 其次,依托论文第二部分所构及《中国城市统计年鉴》《中国公路里程和空车配货指南》,进行区域经济联系和地缘经济关系的测度研究结果进行分析

    Second, the thesis studies the spatial linkages of regional economic contacts and inter-regional economic relationship using the modal that appearing in the part three, and then analyze the results.


  • 研究方法计量经济分析方法建模

    Methods of econometric analysis and demonstration modeling were employed.


  • 网络用于一系列现象进行建模,广泛应用物理计算机科学、生物化学、道德体系学、数学社会学经济通信学,其他领域

    Networks are used to model a wide range of phenomena in physics, computer science, biochemistry, ethology, mathematics, sociology, economics, telecommunications, and many other areas.


  • 深入地剖析了影响矿石开采边际品位经济分析主要技术经济因素最优化建模提供变量关联性分析基础

    The technological and economic factors relating to the cutoff grad analysis are studied, providing the basis for the inter-variable relations analysis in optimization modeling;


  • 宏观经济系统一个复杂非线性系统,宏观经济进行预测采用非线性工具进行建模

    Macroeconomic system is a complex nonlinear system. The non-linear tools should be used in macroeconomic models.


  • 经济计量建模过程异常值影响评价诊断问题越来越显得重要。

    On the procession of econometric modeling, we should pay much attention to the influence assessment and the outliers diagnostics.


  • 经济计量建模过程异常值影响评价诊断问题越来越显得重要。

    On the procession of econometric modeling, we should pay much attention to the influence assessment and the outliers diagnostics.


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