• 包括组织装备保险项活动价格范围根据难易程度距离

    Including organization fees, equipment, and insurance, each activity ranges in price depending on difficulty level and distance.


  • 1975年,组织关于这个主题会议这样专家们他们所观察的心理变态狂一言一行中的点点滴滴都集中到一起,包括语言性言语性的。

    In 1975 he organised a conference on the subject, so experts could pool their observations on the minutiae of psychopaths 'behaviour, the verbal and non-verbal tics.


  • 还有一些电子邮件所谓由世卫组织主办会议索要登记旅馆预订,同时也许诺某些益处

    Other emails ask for registration fees for conferences allegedly sponsored by WHO and for hotel reservations, again with the promise of certain benefits.


  • 世界各地,唯一解决办法一个国家整个卫生系统组织在对其进行控制单一机制之下

    But the world over, the only solution is organizing the entire health system of a country under a single-payer mechanism that regulates it.


  • 还有一些欺诈要求支付所谓组织主办会议注册旅店预订会许诺给予某种好处

    Others ask for registration fees for conferences allegedly sponsored by WHO and for hotel reservations, again with the promise of certain benefits.


  • 世界卫生组织星期一公布的一份报告数百万不起医疗得不到他们所需要医疗服务

    A WHO report released Monday says millions of people do not get the health care services they need because they cannot afford it.


  • 举出了一个有力说明慈善组织需要大笔的广告甚至需要卖掉部分股票支付广告

    He also makes a convincing case for charities to spend far more on advertising, perhaps even selling shares to pay for it.


  • 残疾人的父母通常支付PLAN组织一定的成员服务

    Parents generally pay PLAN membership fees and fees for services.


  • 世界卫生组织发言人德拉。查伊博这些数字必须谨慎加以对待。

    But a World Health Organization spokeswoman, Fadela Chaib, says these figures have to be taken with some caution.


  • 联合国工业发展组织说,这样改变使数十亿处于底层从中获益这些每天不到1美元的生活聊以度日。

    The U.N. agency says such changes would benefit what it terms the "bottom billion" - the people who are subsisting on less than one dollar a day.


  • 这个协议SoundExchange一个美国专利办公室指定征收分配电子音乐版权非营利组织,于星期二公布的。

    The agreement was announced Tuesday by SoundExchange, a nonprofit group designated by the U.S. Copyright Office to collect and distribute digital music royalties.


  • 一个体育赞助商组织UdoSchneider,依其陈述,维持赞助制造商英飞凌行贿,现在也是闹得沸沸扬扬。

    And a case rumbles on against Udo Schneider, an organiser of sports sponsorship, for allegedly bribing managers at Infineon, a chipmaker, to keep the sponsorship money flowing.


  • 世界卫生组织驻华代表贝汉卫说:“虽然部分医疗能够报销,但贫困的农民最初的治疗都拿出。”

    Henk Bekedam of the WHO says the poor would not even be able to find the cash to pay for treatment at first, even though some of it would be reimbursed.


  • 入场特别活动产生的收益,有利于组织的“布朗克斯(South Bronx)”教育计划

    Profits from admissions and special events will benefit the organisation's South Bronx education programme.


  • 例如华盛顿首都自行车分享组织,他们收取会员5美元/天,每次租用自行车30分钟是免的,而5天的卡只有15美元。

    Capital Bikeshare in Washington D.C., for example, charges a membership fee of $5 for a 24-hour period, with no charge for the first half-hour of each rental. A five-day pass is just $15.


  • 为什么流行:来自万事达卡(MasterCard全球第二信用卡组织的信用卡)的应用可以搜索所在银行自动取款机的位置、收取的附加其他功能

    Why it's great: This app from MasterCard lets you search for ATMs based on your bank, surcharges, and other features.


  • 泛太平洋运价稳定协议组织燃油附加一项船运公司海上货物运输方面所使用的基准燃料额外收,其40英尺集装箱所相当的货物单位已经2007年1月的455美元上涨1130美元。

    The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement bunker charge, a benchmark fuel surcharge imposed by shipping firms on sea freight, has risen from $455 per 40-foot equivalent unit in January 2007 to $1,130.


  • 欧盟委员会威士VISA)国际组织欧洲分部发送了一封“异议声明”,该声明主要涉及公司跨行交易问题(资金发卡转移零售商账户时发生的用问题)。

    The European Commission sent a “statement of objectionsto Visa Europe (a separate entity to Visa) regarding the transaction fee paid by retailersbanks to the banks of their customers.


  • 运河过境是以国际货币基金组织(IMF)的特别提款权作为计价——它是以一揽子货币作为记账单位的。

    Transit fees for the canal are denominated in Special Drawing Rights, a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as its unit of account.


  • npr新闻的帕姆·斯勒报道组织司法部得到这笔钱,弱势青少年提供辅导服务

    NPR's Pam Fessler reports the group received the money from the Justice Department to provide mentoring services for disadvantaged youth.


  • 大多数购买私营保险美国民众对卫生管理组织们充满恐惧倾向医疗保健逐一付

    Most Americans with private insurance are still horrified by thoughts of health-management organisations and prefer to pay fees for each medical service.


  • 舍尔庭审文件哈佛,假如大学生公平录取组织案中的原告赢得诉讼就会逆转该校建立种族多元校园所做出的努力

    In court documents filed in the Fisher case, Harvard says a victory for the plaintiffs in the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit would overturn its efforts to build a racially diverse class.


  • 湖人夏季休赛期签下老将舍尔帮助他们稳定了湖人组织后卫位置

    The Lakers acquired veteran help in the off-season when they signed Derek Fisher, who has brought stability to the point guard position.


  • 奥地利财长科特要求卡恩辞职,以免对国际货币基金组织造成伤害

    Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter called on Strauss-Kahn to resign so that he wouldn't damage the fund.


  • 设计机构联合体侵权行为可能导致参赛资格丧失以及奖金设计保底损失业主组织机构承担由此造成的任何责任。

    Default of design firm or consortium may result in forfeiture of its eligibility and loss of prize and design cost. Neither the employer nor the organizer shall be responsible for such consequence.


  • 设计机构联合体侵权行为可能导致参赛资格丧失以及奖金设计保底损失业主组织机构承担由此造成的任何责任。

    Default of design firm or consortium may result in forfeiture of its eligibility and loss of prize and design cost. Neither the employer nor the organizer shall be responsible for such consequence.


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