• 目标通过改善农村运输系统减少获得基本物资服务所需时间努力

    The objective was to reduce the time and effort needed to obtain access to essential goods and services through an improved rural transport system.


  • 产品可以帮助团队改善他们系统理解节省时间出来关注设计以后工作期间质量问题

    Both products can help teams improve their understanding of the system and free up time to focus on quality issues during design and beyond.


  • 我们目标改善处于停顿状态的文件系统重启时间以及正常的重启。

    The goal was to improve restart time for both quiesced file system and normal restart.


  • 最高级别的表现中,多产改善他们的时间管理系统,达到人联系不是问题地步

    At the highest levels of performance, the most productive people have upgraded their time management systems to the point where getting back to people is not a problem.


  • 改善国家教育系统不仅仅延长在校学习时间这么简单,还有许多事情

    Improving the country's education system will take a lot more than simply extending the school day and year.


  • 支持长久以来都一直需要层级角色用户管理API他们联合起来可以减少开发时间大幅改善系统管理

    Long-requested support for groups, hierarchical roles and a user management API, which all combine to reduce development time and significantly improve system administration.


  • Arktos希望改善系统总体响应性出现故障减少恢复时间

    Arktos wanted to improve overall responsiveness of their systems, automate database backups, and reduce recovery times it would encounter in case of failures.


  • 这套翻译系统包含校对学习功能,因此随着时间推移自动化翻译品质会逐渐改善

    The translation system is designed to learn from corrections, so the quality of automated translations is expected to improve over time.


  • 通过减少任务准备时间改善飞行员提交数据系统有助于改善北约战备。

    The system will help improve NATO \ 's operational readiness, by reducing the time to prepare for missions, and improve the delivery of information to flight crew members.


  • 开发团队继续致力于解决一些容器内存泄露常见问题改善日志系统改善容器启动时间

    The development team have also continued to work on common problems with memory leaks in the container, improved the logging system, and improved the container start-up times.


  • 由于液体系统提高敏感性缩短延迟时间,它将对患者管理改善起到重大作用。

    With increased sensitivity and reduced delays, liquid systems may contribute significantly to improve patient management.


  • 报告指出荷兰医疗保健系统服务范围内没有明显的“弱点”,尽管看起来等待治疗时间情况方面对于患者可能还会需要些许改善

    The report noted that the Dutch health care system has no significant "weak spots" in its range of services, though it seems that there could be some improvement on wait time situations for patients.


  • 除了Domino7其他内存磁盘处理这个系统环境还显示Domino 7Domino 6.5使用这两个邮件模板响应时间得到了改善

    Despite some additional memory and disk processing with Domino 7, this system environment showed improved response time with Domino 7 over Domino 6.5 for both mail templates tested.


  • 采用接头改善系统密封性停放时间后,停车充气即可起步,节省油料

    Adopting the quick pipe connector to improve system tightness. After being parked for some time, the vehicle can be started without stoping for charging, thus realizing the fuel economy.


  • 实体迁移技术有利于改善大规模分布式仿真系统性能,其中迁移期间时间同步关键难点

    Migrating entities are beneficial to improve performance of large-scale distributed simulation systems, while time synchronization during migration is the key and difficult issue.


  • 采用加时间操作变换方法,提出了一种适用于具有集中结构协同设计系统并行控制算法改善低速用户响应

    A concurrent control algorithm based on time stamps and operation transposition is given to improve the response rate of users with lower speed in cooperative design system with centralized structure.


  • 理论仿真结果表明通过优化感测时间功率分配有效改善感知系统中断性能

    Theoretical analysis and simulation results show optimum sensing time and transmitted power allocation would improve outage performance of cognitive system affectively.


  • 紧凑改善功耗MOSFET驱动器大大改善汽车性能系统响应时间

    Compact, and with improved power dissipation, MOSFET drives substantially improve motor performance and system response time.


  • 缩短抄表时间加快资金回笼改善用户服务研究供水企业营业收费系统焦点问题

    Problems in running a water fee system are focused on fields to reduce the period of water meter data gathering, accelerate the fund flow and improve the service for users.


  • 理论分析计算结果表明,此方案可以有效降低sdl同步平均持续时间改善了sdl帧同步系统性能

    The theoretic analysis and computation results show it greatly decrease the mean time of frame loss and amend the performances of SDL frame synchronizer.


  • 结果表明:“最长覆盖时间算法最短路径算法相比更有效地改善系统性能

    The results indicate that "the longest covered-time" routing algorithm can improve the system performance compared with "the shortest path" one.


  • 理论仿真表明系统检测电路稳态和暂态谐波,且缩短了动态响应时间改善滤波器跟踪性能

    The theoretic and simulative results show that the pro-posed system can detect the steady and transient harmonics with shorter dynamic response time and better tracing performance of filter.


  • 文章分析目前CNAPS系统可靠性响应时间方面一些完善之处,介绍了改善系统可靠性,缩短系统响应时间的方法,流水号管理

    On the current CNAPS system reliability, response time and so some of the imperfections introduced to improve system reliability, reduce system response time means that the serial number management.


  • 同时采用最分配原则改善系统负载均衡能力缩短系统平均响应时间

    Also according to latest distribution rule, the load balance of the system is im-proved, and average response time of the system is decreased.


  • SINS组合导航系统进行仿真实验实验结果表明系统的长时间导航性能一定改善

    The SINS and integrated navigation system simulation experiment were conducted, the experimental results show that the built system long time navigation Performance is improved.


  • 通过减少任务准备时间改善飞行员提交数据,系统有助于改善北约战备。

    The system will help improve NATO's operational readiness, by reducing the time to prepare for missions, and improve the delivery of information to flight crew members.


  • 发明实施例一般涉及用于通过使循环冗余校验线路相对数据偏移改善等待时间系统方法设备

    Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for improving latency by offsetting cyclic redundancy check lanes from data.


  • 工程普遍运用闭环控制系统改善响应时间这一缺点。

    Double closed-loop control is widely used in engineering applications nowadays, which can improve the response time.


  • 工程普遍运用闭环控制系统改善响应时间这一缺点。

    Double closed-loop control is widely used in engineering applications nowadays, which can improve the response time.


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