• 爱的教育》是由来自意大利的埃迪托·德·亚契斯所著,它是意大利男孩埃里克写的一本日记。

    Heart, written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric.


  • 今年早些时候研究小组使用一个40平方长方形尼龙,对克莱斯的不可能理论进行测试

    Earlier this year, the team put Clemmons's unlikely theory to the test, using a 40-square-metre rectangular nylon sail.


  • 昨晚9这里时候已经大约100在排队了,为了排到前面很多挤去,”来自阿根廷纳·塔拉

    "There were about 100 people when we got here at 9pm last night and there has been a lot of pushing to get to the front, " Romina Talamonti from Argentina said.


  • 周二伯南克提问虽则是·说,花旗银行美国银行富国银行以及其他许多机构同僚也同样期待这个问题的答案。

    Jamie Dimon was the one who questioned Bernanke Tuesday, but it's a safe bet that his peers at Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and plenty of others are looking for answers too.


  • 作为波西艺术家作家聚居地,格林威治罗莎德·杜朵继续艺术事业理想之地,却不是抚养孩子的好地方。

    A gathering place of "Bohemian" artists and writers, Greenwich Village was the ideal place for Rosamond Tudor to pursue her career as an artist; however, it was not the ideal place to raise a child.


  • 摩根大通公司的一个资深主管曾经公开表示这样担忧:若是有朝摩根大亨总裁突然离开,那么银行股价便锐降20%。

    A senior executive at JP Morgan Chase once worried aloud that the bank’s share price would fall by 20% if Jamie Dimon, its celebrated boss, left or slipped under a bus.


  • 摩根大通公司首席执行官·告诉他们银行已经债务拖欠事件保护全球商业活动制订了应急计划

    Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, told them that his bank had devised contingency plans to protect its global business in the event of a default.


  • 一系列实验中加州克莱研究生院的哈里•奇凯岑特·哈伊几千个人分发了寻呼机他们答应无论何时收到提示时便会记录自己情绪

    In a string of experiments, mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, of Claremont Graduate University, has handed out pagers to thousands of people who agreed to log their mood whenever prompted to do so.


  • 就是微软零售体验中心REC),1 900平方,深藏不露位于微软总部中心地带(华盛顿州雷德微软工业园区)。

    This is Microsoft's Retail Experience Centre (REC), a 1, 900 sqm facility hidden deep in the heart of the company's Redmond, Washington campus.


  • 负责改版,神学家特别是马里·路易斯。,哈泽,哈伊尔试图解决问题

    After Montinari's death the theologists in charge of the edition, particularly Marie Louis Hase and Mikhail Colembach attempt to solve this problem.


  • 摩根大通避免高额损失,这多亏老板·为公司定下的基调

    JPMORGAN CHASE managed to avoid big losses largely thanks to the tone set by its boss, Jamie Dimon.


  • 看到(摩根大通首席执行官)·戴昨天日本

    I saw that Jamie Dimon was in Japan yesterday.


  • 尽管如此摩根大通掌门人深感忧虑。

    Still, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) chief Jamie Dimon is concerned too.


  • 摩根大通银行总裁·迪军人家庭贷款问题处理不当一事致歉花旗银行总裁潘伟迪承诺无论局势如何,花旗银行都会致力于从事“负责任金融活动”。

    Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase has apologised for mishandling loans to military families. Vikram Pandit of Citigroup has committed his bank to "responsible finance", whatever that may be.


  • 后,用坐落亚克山上凯克天文台的十望远镜哈勃太空望远镜以及其他的大孔径望远镜可以证认候选体的特性。

    The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.


  • 恰巧对一家收购企业老板﹒巴菲尼(DamonBuffini)一系列采访之后。一个从穷小子富翁的故事使得成为这个行业的一个榜样。

    This comes on the heels of a series of interviews by Damon Buffini, boss of Permira, a buy-out firm, with a rags-to-riches story that has made him a model for the industry.


  • 2009年,施通普夫先生收入210万美元,多于摩根大通董事长

    Mr Stumpf took home $21m in pay for 2009, more than Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase.


  • 年来,长途跋涉中的MoLab已经分析了许多作品,大英博物馆本前哥伦布时代的斯特克法典挪威首都奥斯陆的奇博物馆内《焦虑》青春期这类表现主义油画

    five years on the road, MoLab has analyzed everything from a pre-Columbian Mixtec codex in the British Museum to expressionist paintings, such as Angst and Puberty, at the Munch Museum in Oslo.


  • 海蒂摩根大通公司(JPMorgan国际运营总裁,同时也是公司首席执行官长期支持者。去年5月,她是论坛首届大会的主题演讲者

    Heidi Miller, JP Morgan's (JPM) president of international operations and a longtime ally of CEO Jamie Dimon, was the keynote speaker at the first conference held last May.


  • 摩押女子路得田间去,的恩,就身后拾取麦穗

    And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, "Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor."


  • 帕里斯希尔顿罗伯洛肯德拉威尔金斯、安德逊R凯莉科林法拉尔、金卡戴珊达斯汀

    The Players: Paris Hilton, Rob Lowe, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, R. Kelly, Colin Farrell, Kim Kardashian, Dustin Diamond


  • 卡拉马里能够一口气潜入海面最深30需要呼吸不用相关的压力装置

    The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus.


  • 记者现在·先生在一起,很感谢能够暂别听证会参加我们谈话节目

    Reporter: I'm here with Jamie Dimon. Thank you for stepping out of the hearing and talking to us.


  • 摩押女子路得田间去、的恩、就身后拾取麦穗、拿俄说、女儿阿、你只管去。

    And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor.


  • 位于夏威夷那基亚山上却克望远镜,口径达10目前世上最大光学望远镜。

    Regarding groundbased observation , the largest optical telescopes to date are the twin 10 - m keck telescopes on mauna kea of hawaii.


  • 苏格兰中南部座山,位于洛东岸,海拔973。'(3,92英尺)。

    A mountain, 973. 'm (3, 92 ft) high, of south-central Scotland on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond.


  • 苏格兰中南部座山,位于洛东岸,海拔973。'(3,92英尺)。

    A mountain, 973. 'm (3, 92 ft) high, of south-central Scotland on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond.


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