• 现在她们起了莎士比亚——或者策尔米勒

    Now they brush up their Shakespeare - or Schnitzler or Miller - and hit Gotham.


  • 有点通过潜水艇舷窗往里,”施尼策尔

    "It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine," said Schnitzer.


  • 感激的时候,我会引用特。施韦策尔说过的一段话。

    As I speak about appreciation, I use this quote by Albert Schweitzer.


  • 然而佩佩策尔已蓄势待发,连同布埃诺一起进入球队名单

    However, Pepe and Metzelder already poised to take off, Bueno, together with the list of great teams together.


  • 这种独特头冠指向前方,好似阿彭策尔地区女士穿戴的传统服饰中的软帽。

    The unique crest points forward like the bonnets on the traditional costume bonnets worn by the ladies in the Appenzellerland region.


  • 卡伦施威策尔篇博文指出一些很棒的用来联系他人并且和他人分享免费工具

    This guest post from Karen Schweitzer highlights some great free tools for connecting and sharing with others.


  • 不过,非常重要必须注意到,小行星数量少并不意味着没有,”迈因·警告说

    "However, it's very important to note that fewer does not mean none," Mainzer cautions.


  • ·沃,迈因·策尔认为地面望远镜无法探测地球轨道以内小行星因为它们离地平线

    Myhrvold said that Mainzer argued that a ground-based telescope could not detect asteroids within Earth's orbit because they would be too close to the horizon.


  • 阿彭策尔同事们对阿彭策尔头发作了采样,这些头发放在澳大利亚金矿附近土壤中培养了6个月

    Appenzeller and his colleagues incubated samples of Appenzeller's hair for up to six months in soil from an Australian gold mine.


  • 他们花巨资买进球员包括德国国家队队长的托马斯·策尔斯佩格,弗雷德里克·皮奎翁内巴勃罗·巴雷拉

    They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


  • 协作社交网络学习核心卡伦施威策尔篇博文指出一些很棒的用来联系他人并且和他人分享免费工具

    Collaboration is central to learning on the social Web. This guest post from Karen Schweitzer highlights some great free tools for connecting and sharing with others.


  • 阿彭策尔内罗登州,瑞士一个保守地方,应当地人民的强烈要求,定性在山间小径裸奔是非法称之为可耻的行为。

    At the request of outraged locals, Appenzell Innerrhoden, a small, conservative territory in Switzerland, outlawed naked hiking along its mountain trails, calling the practice disgraceful.


  • ,迈因回应大型望远镜并非为观测如此接近地面设计指出智利架却是为此设计的。

    Myhrvold said Mainzer responded that large telescopes were not designed to point that close to the ground. But the one in Chile is, he noted.


  • 虽然MRI扫描这样技术也可以观察深部大脑,但“这些技术无法显微结构的水平观察单个细胞,”施尼策尔

    While techniques like MRI scans could examine the deep brain, "they couldn't look at individual cells on a microscopic scale," said Schnitzer.


  • 阿彭策尔同事们详细《公共科学图书馆·综合》(PLoSONE)杂志2月19日在线地报道了他们发现

    Appenzeller and his colleagues detailed their findings online Feb. 19 in the journal PLoS ONE.


  • 这个点子保守党议员军官帕特里克·莫策尔(PatrickMercer提出,其出发点是,当年的北爱十分奏效。

    This has been suggested by Patrick Mercer, a Conservative MP and former army officer, on the grounds that it has been successfully deployed in Northern Ireland.


  • 利用这种技术,“使在损害需要观察部位条件下时间成像成为可能,”施尼策尔的实验室的执行经理JuergenJung表示

    With the new method, "Imaging is possible over a very long time without damaging the region of interest," said Juergen Jung, operations manager of the Schnitzer lab.


  • 美国驻华使馆武官拉里•沃策尔(LarryWortzel还记得上述事件过后,自己解放军参谋部一位高级将领那里得到警告

    Larry Wortzel, a former army attaché at the US embassy in Beijing, remembers the subsequent warning he received from a senior Chinese military officer with the PLA's General Staff Department.


  • 为了更好地了解实际上到底多少具有潜在危险小行星,迈因同事们,最近使用2009年升空WISE望远镜,进行了一次最新调查

    To get a better sense of how many potentially dangerous asteroids might actually be out there, Mainzer and her colleagues did a new survey with the WISE telescope, launched in 2009.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特雷沙·海因茨,建筑家索姆·以及芭蕾舞蹈家达米恩·沃策尔

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 2008年,安德烈亚斯·克劳斯·施内策尔格里高·帕斯就带着他们设计PalettenHaus住宅参加高迪设计竞赛大赛的目标寻求二十一世纪造价最低的休闲屋。

    Back in 2008, Andreas Claus Schnetzer and Gregor Pils, entered their Paletten Haus into the GAUDI competition, which was seeking designs for minimal houses of leisure for the XXI century.


  • 或许已经磨刀霍霍瞄向巴尼但是至少目前,他的语气上还是缓和的,像是为了避免像那样傲慢自大。

    He may be waving a big stick at Albany, but he is speaking softly and, for now, seems to be avoiding Mr Spitzer's propensity to arrogance.


  • WISE参与了两个空间红外任务——NASA斯皮空间望远镜欧洲空间局赫歇空间天文台。

    WISE joins two other infrared missions in spaceNASA's Spitzer space Telescope and the Herschel space Observatory, a European space Agency mission.


  • 艺术家罗伯特·赫特博士蒂姆·将斯皮太空望远镜观测科学数据转化为视觉效果图,但表现对象办法用肉眼直接看到

    Spitzer artists Dr. Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle turn the space observatory's streams of scientific data into visual renderings of objects no one - not even them - has ever seen before.


  • 目录包括清晰易懂说明性文章,文章主要介绍教堂仪式以及器物的作用,比如其中展人奈杰·埃林就写文章作了此类介绍。

    The catalogue includes a lucid and illuminating essay on church practice and the use of objects such as these by one of the curators, Nigel Llewellyn.


  • 目录包括清晰易懂说明性文章,文章主要介绍教堂仪式以及器物的作用,比如其中展人奈杰·埃林就写文章作了此类介绍。

    The catalogue includes a lucid and illuminating essay on church practice and the use of objects such as these by one of the curators, Nigel Llewellyn.


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