• 他们开车经过入口处转到一个角落第二轨道

    The gun went off, and the cars started. They drove past the stands, and turned a corner onto the second track.


  • 东亚思想库网络正式英文缩写NEAT”,应明确定位东亚合作进程的“第二轨道”,主要为推动东亚合作提供智力支撑,对东亚合作政策性和方向性的重大问题提出建议。

    The English abbreviation for Network of East Asian Think-tanks is the NEAT.


  • 对于女性来说,第二因素了作用,大多数女性似乎很享受弹性工作时间安排曾经称为“妈妈轨道”),她们再也找不到全职高水平的工作。

    With women a second factor comes into play, most seem to enjoy the flexible-time arrangement (once known as the "mommy track") and never find their way back to full-time or high-level employment.


  • 重要帐户信息位于第二轨道黑客会试图获取这些信息

    Your vital account information lives on the second track, which hackers try to capture.


  • 尽管中国月工程成果辉煌(2011年中国将要发射第二个月球探测器),但人们感兴趣地球轨道探测火星的活动

    Although much has been made of Chinese lunar ambitions (a second Chinese probe will be launched in 2011), it is its activities in low Earth orbit and around Mars that will be more interesting.


  • 调查之前已经完成了新的轻型城市轨道交通系统建设第二轨道完成12个月18月建设。

    One survey was done before the city had finished building a new light rail system, and the second was done from 12 to 18 months after the rail's completion.


  • 一个可能答案Mz 3隐藏着轨道接近那颗恒星第二颗恒星。

    One possible answer is that Mz3 is hiding a second, dimmer star that orbits close in to the bright star.


  • 端口用于携带内容(比如视频轨道),第二个主要(服务器端口)作为反馈机制报告质量丢失

    One port is used to carry content (say a video track) and the second (the RTCP port) is mainly used as a feedback mechanism to report on quality and packet loss.


  • 到目前为止事情按照最初的计划在进行,包括去年8月发射的第二颗月球轨道卫星

    So far, things have been going just as planned for China’s nascent moon program, which launched a second orbiter last October.


  • pi轨道一个,一个pi,还有第二个pi轨道就是我们如何得到线态的。

    Sigma that is one PI orbital. There is one sigma, one PI and there is a second PI, and that is how we are getting the triple bond.


  • 我们必须,放入简并轨道,我们把每一个电子放在p轨道里,所以规则脑子里,我们每一个电子放在p轨道里,我们放入第二个电子之前

    Remember we have to put one in each degenerate orbital before we double up on any orbital, so just keep that rule in mind that we would fill one in each p orbital before we a to the second one.


  • 国家第二月球探测器嫦娥号,已经飞抵距离地球150万公里一个轨道

    The country's second lunar probe, known as the Chang 'e 2, has reached an orbit of 1.5 million kilometers from earth.


  • 整理成功飞行轨道-降落第二

    And finishing the last track with a successful flight - landing him in the second place.


  • 他们任务摧毁保护轨道第二护盾发生器

    Their mission was to destroy the shield generator that protected the second Death Star high in orbit.


  • 而且,我们可能需要等待长的时间才能等到一个类地行星第二围绕恒星轨道运行:外星系天文学家的时间才能看到两次我们地球太阳运行。

    And we may have to wait a very long time for a planet like Earth to orbit its star twice: Alien astronomers would have to wait two years to observe our planet transiting the sun twice.


  • 张照片是今年2月份,卡西尼号宇宙飞船卡里索普上方快速飞过拍摄到的。 卡里索普星的轨道土星第二卫星特提斯的后方,二者围绕土星旋转的轨道大致相同

    The Cassini spacecraft snapped this shot in February as it swooped past Calypso, which trails behind the larger moon Tethys in roughly the same orbit around Saturn.


  • 开普勒第二定律行星轨道速度与其太阳距离

    Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun.


  • 对手国家俄罗斯和平号空间站寿终正寝中国建造空间站的道路上迈出了一步:于周日宣布今年后半年第二空间实验室送入轨道

    In another step toward building its own space station to rival Russia's now-defunct Mir, China on Sunday announced that it will send its second space lab into orbit later this year.


  • 为了比较严格得到一个分稳定结构我们到了分子轨道理论第二谷章介绍了一理论。

    In order to get the stable structure of molecule, we have used the molecular orbit theory, which is introduced in second chapter we introduce this theory.


  • 一级烧毁后,沿抛物线轨道落到地球第二的发动机点火火箭发射地球轨道

    After the first stage burns out it falls back to earth along a parabolic path while the engines of the second stage fire to thrust the rocket into an earth orbit.


  • 第二部分我们采用另外一种证明方法证明存在几乎所有轨道连续布朗

    In the second part, we give another proof of the existence of Brownian sheet which all sample paths are continuous.


  • 他们发现太空飞梭轨道时间可以延长25并且一致认为如果第二个太空飞梭能够辅助于左右,以防宇航员需要救助,那么这一任务的危险性还是可以接受的。

    They found that the shuttle's orbit time could be extended by 25 days, and reckoned that, with a second shuttle on stand-by in case crew needed rescuing, the risk was acceptable.


  • 如果一切按计划行事,那么7月16日美国航天机构有史以来发射最大机器人探测器——“黎明”号——顺便进入小行星第二成员——灶神星——轨道

    If all goes to plan, then on July 16th Dawn, the largest robotic probe ever launched by America's space agency, will drop into orbit around Vesta, the second-largest member of the asteroid belt.


  • 国家宇航局准备公布轨道二氧化碳观测数据时候,中国的温室排放气体数据不得不等到第二

    Further details of China's carbon dioxide emissions may have to wait until next year, when NASA plans to launch the Orbiting Carbon Observatory.


  • 第二仅仅两个电子处于轨道

    Only two of the electrons in the second level reside in hybrid orbitals.


  • 第二仅仅两个电子处于轨道

    Only two of the electrons in the second level reside in hybrid orbitals.


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