• 根据环境保护全国338个城市调查,2016年,只有四分之一中国城市达到国家空气质量标准

    In 2016, only one fourth of Chinese cities met the country's air quality standards, according to a survey of 338 cities nationwide from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.


  • 空气质量标准与州不同

    Air quality standards vary from state to state.


  • 结果至少超过美国国家空气质量标准4

    That's at least four times greater than exposure standards set by U.S. national air quality standards.


  • 结果至少超过美国国家空气质量标准4

    That's at least four times greater than exposure standards set by U.


  • 修订环境空气质量标准增加颗粒物PM 2.5等监测指标

    Environmental air quality standards were revised. The air quality index for monitoring fine particulate matter (PM2 s) was added.


  • 国家环境空气质量标准规定了全国二氧化硫浓度限值保护人民健康

    NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards) define attainment and protect human health by setting a limit on SO2 concentration nationwide.


  • 应该记得补偿政策基本目的允许工业增长尽管实施着严厉的空气质量标准

    It should be remembered that the fundamental purpose of the offset policy is to allow industrial growth despite stringent air quality standards.


  • 中国环境部门执行新的空气质量标准测量空气一些最小、伤害最大颗粒

    China a's environmental authorities are to implement new air quality standards which will now measure some of the smallest and most damaging particles in the air.


  • 由于大气污染恶化情况日益关注,地处 温带许多国家颁布空气质量标准

    Due to increasing awareness of the adverse consequences of air pollution, numerous countries of the temperate latitudes have promulgated air quality standards.


  • 中国环境部门执行新的空气质量标准测量空气一些最小、伤害最大颗粒

    China's environmental authorities are to implement new air quality standards which will now measure some of the smallest and most damaging particles in the air.


  • 通过分析欧盟环境空气质量标准制订过程我国环境质量标准的制订提供参考与借鉴

    The reference for formulating Chinese environmental quality standards is provided by analyzing the formulating procedure and process on ambient air quality standard in EC.


  • 按照国家实施严格空气质量标准需求不断增加中国应该加快研发环境空气监测设备

    China should speed up the research and development on air monitoring equipment in line with the rising demand after the country puts in place stricter air quality standards.


  • 根据科学期刊文章表示,只有9%中国人生活符合国家空气质量标准环境下。 。

    Only 9 percent of people in China live in an environment that meets the national air quality standards, according to a scientific journal article.


  • 1977年洁净空气法修正案确定了清理被污染区域期限同时要求现行空气质量标准进行评估。

    Clean air Act Amendment (1977) established new deadlines for cleaning up polluted areas; also required review of existing air-quality standards.


  • 1997年,美国环保署就首次制定了年度24小时国家环境空气质量标准来监测PM 2.5。

    In 1997, EPA established annual and 24-hour NAAQS for PM2.5 for the first time.


  • 2004年,受监测342个城市有210个城市的空气质量超过国家环境空气质量标准二级标准

    In 2004, 210 cities exceeded the Class 2 limit values of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) within the total 342 monitored cities.


  • 许多发达国家(美国欧洲加拿大)已大气BTEX作为常规监测内容规定空气质量标准

    Therefore, many developed countries (for example the US, Europe and Canada and so on) take BTEX in the atmosphere as the routine monitoring content, and has stipulated its strict air quality standard.


  • 1970年制定之后,国家环境空气质量标准评审流程已经逐步形成,并且呈现许多当前特征业已存在20多年

    This NAAQS review process has evolved since it was instituted in 1970, with many of the current features having been in place for over 20 years.


  • 经过修正聚类模型计算,确定2004年杭州市环境空气综合质量等级二级达到地区规定的环境空气质量标准

    By using the modified model, comprehensive grade of Hangzhou atmospheric quality in 2004 is grade II, which attains this city's atmospheric quality standard.


  • 环保局新近发布空气质量标准包括了PM2.5监测测——PM2.5是一直径等于小于2.5微米空气颗粒

    Thee Ministry of Environmental Protection's newly published air qualitystandard includes monitoring of PM2.5 - a kind of air particle with a diameterof 2.5 microns or less.


  • 环保局新近发布空气质量标准包括了PM 2.5的监测——PM 2.5是一直径等于小于2.5微米空气颗粒

    The Ministry of Environmental Protection's newly published air quality standard includes monitoring of PM2.5 - a kind of air particle with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less.


  • 环保局新近发布空气质量标准包括了PM 2.5的监测测——PM 2.5是一直径等于小于2.5微米空气颗粒

    Thee Ministry of Environmental Protection's newly published air quality standard includes monitoring of PM2.5 - a kind of air particle with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less.


  • 作为新的空气质量标准响应包括上海南京在内的一些城市宣布他们正在准备试点计划很快开始监测发布PM 2.4水平

    Responding to the new air quality standard, several cities, including Shanghai and Nanjing, announced that they are preparing pilot programs that will start to monitor and publish PM 2.5 levels soon.


  • 作为新的空气质量标准响应包括上海南京在内的一些城市宣布他们正在准备试点计划很快开始监测发布PM 2.4水平

    Responding to the new air quality standard, several cities, including Shanghai and Nanjing, announced that they are preparing pilot programs that will start to monitor and publish PM 2.5 levels soon.


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