• 空军战友们为婚礼充当仪仗队

    Fellow airmen provided a guard of honour at his wedding.


  • 1945年以来空军规模已经缩小

    Since 1945 air forces have decreased in size.


  • 当时是英俊潇洒空军飞行员典范

    He was the very model of the dashing Air Force pilot.


  • 空军喷气机轰炸机场

    Air force jets bombed the airport.


  • 带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况

    He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission.


  • 约有1200名人员留下来照管空军基地

    About 1,200 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base.


  • 空军海军保留女性空中作战任务禁止

    The air force and the navy retain their prohibition of women on air combat missions.


  • 在行动开始之前他们空军部队的战斗力就已经瓦解了。

    Their air force had been neutered before the work began.


  • 必要我们动用空军力量保护联合国维和部队的安全。

    We will use air power to protect UN peacekeepers if necessary.


  • 昨天早些时候那些起义者已控制该国主要空军基地

    By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.


  • 配置两个的兵力进攻空军基地

    Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base.


  • 应募加入空军对敌作战

    He enlisted with the air force to fight against the enemy.


  • 当局动员海军空军海军陆战队协助Grammatiko 的消防员。

    Authorities mobilized units from the navy, air force and marines to assist the firefighters in Grammatiko.


  • 我们告诉他们的户外厨房罂粟花那些空军没有勇气:我害羞了!

    We've been told to sell poppies to airmen in their cookhouse. I don't have the courage: I'm far too shy!


  • 爱德华兹空军基地条路上跑道,几乎一半航天飞机这里降落

    Just up the road, at Edwards Air Force Base, is the runway where nearly half of all shuttle flights touched down.


  • 朝鲜空军装甲部队弱点以及长期缺乏燃料意味着他们南下作战能力有限的。

    The weaknesses of North Korea's air force and armored forces, as well as its chronic lack of fuel, mean that their ability to fight south is limited.


  • 菲律宾空军知道场暴风雨即将来临,于是命令士兵早早起床确保机场设备安全。

    Philippine Air Force knew that a storm was coming and got his men up early to secure equipment at the airport.


  • 似乎不够,巴西C-130大力神军用运输机2014年坠毁以来一直搁置在智利空军基地附近跑道上

    As if that were not enough, a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile's airbase here since it crash-landed in 2014.


  • 空军上将MarshalGlenn Torpy告诉毕业生,“可能飞行员职业生涯重要里程碑之一。”

    Air Chief Marshal Glenn Torpy told the graduates, "This is probably one of the most significant milestones in an aviator's career."


  • 空军中队执行一项侦察任务

    The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission.


  • 任命空军少尉

    He has just been commissioned (as a) pilot officer.


  • 失事船只英国皇家空军救援小组打捞起来

    The wreck was salvaged by a team from the RAF.


  • 皇家空军飞行员

    He was an RAF pilot.


  • 空军上尉比蒙特于1941年12月完成了200小时空战任务。

    Flt Lt Beamont had completed a 200 hour tour of ops in December 1941.


  • 他们军事力量已经削弱了,因为空军证明不是只有战斗力队伍

    Their military capability has gone down because their air force has proved not to be an effective force.


  • 成为了一名空军军官、火箭科学家和商业领袖。

    He became an Air Force officer, rocket scientist and business leader.


  • 包括海军陆战队、空军海军陆军

    It includes marine force, air force, navy and army.


  • 特雷莎·希钦斯似乎担心这种武器可能会增加竞赛危险

    One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon could increase the danger of a space arms race.


  • 空军很快成为了这家智库主要承包商兰德开始就螺旋桨涡轮导弹防御一切问题进行咨询

    The Air Force quickly became the think tank's main contractor, and Rand began consulting on everything from propeller turbines to missile defense.


  • SB14 轰炸机加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地进行飞行测试于2011年交付空军

    SB 14 is in flight test at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and will be delivered to the Air Force in 2011.


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