• 美军做好了随时空中陆地海上发动大规模攻击的准备。

    U.S. forces are poised for a massive air, land, and sea assault.


  • 来自空中攻击无法设防的。

    There can be no real defence against attacks from the air.


  • 航母空中军事行动所有海军军事行动中具挑战性最为苛刻——之所以这样说,是因为曾亲眼目睹林肯攻击航母上飞机着陆和弹射起飞的过程。

    Carrier air operations are the most challenging and demanding of all naval operations — as I saw firsthand when landing and was catapulted off the attack carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.


  • 王子JTAC(联合目标攻击控制员)中的成员拥有军衔-相当于少尉-前进空中控制员

    The prince is a member of a group called Joint Tactical air control, or JTAC. He holds the rank of cornet — equivalent to a second lieutenant — and serves as a forward air controller.


  • 空中单位能越过悬崖的死神作出最好偷袭因为他们大部分地形的干扰,并且能够对方防御薄弱的区域攻击目标

    Aerial units or cliffjumping Reapers make the best raiders, as they are unbothered by most terrain, and you can hit your target from its least defended area.


  • 北约空中掩护他们向着地中海沿岸攻击前进夺取战略要地扎维耶

    They fought their way down to the Mediterranean coastal plain, backed by NATO airstrikes, and captured the strategic city of Zawiya.


  • 轻轻点击可以面墙跳到另一面墙,攻击空中障碍物

    With a simple tap you can jump from one wall to the other, knocking obstacles from the air as you do.


  • 以色列表示空中打击对于来自加沙火箭攻击增加回应

    Israel said its air strikes were a response to increased rocket attacks from Gaza.


  • 上世纪八十年代开始服役美国第一个双引擎攻击战斗机,它即攻击地上目标也能攻击空中目标。

    First entering service in the 1980s, the twin-engine fighter plane was the U.S. 's first strike fighter - an aircraft capable of attacking both ground and aerial targets.


  • 一位高级别的阿富汗官员告诉卫报记者,阿富汗北约联军先受到“所谓巴基斯坦据点”的火力攻击促使他们请求空中支援

    A senior Afghan official told the Guardian that a combined Afghan-Nato squad had received incoming fire from "the so-called Pakistani post", prompting them to call for air support.


  • 伊拉克阵地受到大炮空中攻击

    The Iraqi positions are being subjected to artillery and aerial bombardment.


  • 因此F - 16在执行强大对攻击同时不失为一种可靠空中威胁

    The F-16 can deliver a crippling ground strike and still maintain a credible air threat.


  • 操作指南:方向控制酒吧女郎移动躲避酒鬼纠缠,按空格键跳到酒鬼的头上攻击他们空中下落时实现跳跃

    Operations guide: key to control movement of the bar girls, and avoid drunkard entanglement key blanks by jumping drunkard head to attack them, air whereabouts can be ju.


  • 标枪目前为止盟军拥有最好驻守单位因为它们可以攻击地面空中单位

    Javelin Soldiers are by far the best garrisoning unit that the Allies have since they can attack both enemy ground and air units.


  • 黑色斯芬克司-拥有强大魔法能力的大型飞行单位可以使用“魔法吞噬“ 毁灭球” 。攻击地面空中单位

    Black sphinx - large flying unit with powerful anti - caster abilities. can cast devour mana and orb of annihilation. attacks land and air units.


  • 空中打击配合着地面的强悍攻击马上使局面进入了一边倒状态

    The airborne attack cooperated with intrepid attack causes the situation to enter the condition immediately which leans to one side.


  • 分析连续制导体系()导弹武器系统难以攻击低速目标(武装直升机)空中目标(气球)的弱点,并从原理上进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the weakness of ground (ship) to air missile systems with CW guidance system to attack low speed targets (such as helicopters) and static air targets (balloon targets).


  • 大约40船员即可完成舰船航行维护。除此之外,需要35名船员完成一些专业性任务比如空中防御水下战事水面攻击

    A crew of around 40 sail and maintain the ship, whilst another crew of up to 35 are in place to carry out specialised missions, such as air defence, underwater warfare and surface attacks.


  • 斯芬克司形态-黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位攻击地面空中单位

    Sphinx form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units.


  • 斯芬克司形态-黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位攻击地面空中单位

    Sphinx form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units.


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