• 某些情况下,过滤器需要相当稳定注意保持清晰车轮转动使设计易于过滤器清洗进入系统

    In some situations the filter will need fairly constant attention to keep it clear and the wheel turning, so design ease-of-filter-cleaning into the system.


  • 关于第二问题我们注意有关报道希望日方有利于本地区和平稳定

    On the second question, we have noted relevant report and hope Japan do more things conducive to regional peace and stability.


  • 我们注意到了有关报道希望有关各方共同致力于维护地区和平稳定

    A: We have noted relevant reports and hope parties involved work to maintain peace and stability of the region.


  • 我们注意到上述报道希望有关各方有利于南海地区和平稳定事情。

    We have noted the report and hope all relevant parties contribute more to the peace and stability of the South China Sea.


  • 我们注意有关报道希望埃及各教派和谐相处,共同维护社会稳定

    A: We have noted relevant report. We hope all religious sects in Egypt coexist in harmony and jointly maintain social stability.


  • 公开场合萨科奇先生不敢反对默克尔夫人,以防造成欧元的不稳定进而使法国成为大家注意的焦点。

    Mr Sarkozy dare not disagree with Mrs Merkel in public, lest a row destabilises the euro and draws attention to France.


  • 同样可能注意气场视线里总是稳定,当然需要时间适应快速连续察觉气场

    Also you will notice that your sight will try to tune the aura out and it will take some time to quickly and continuously see auras because your sight is not used to it.


  • InfoQ除了稳定容量外,还有问题必须注意

    InfoQ: Aside from stability and capacity, what other sorts of problems can occur?


  • 总的来说我们启动测试中我们注意到,使用eXtremeScale时WebSphereCommerce网站达到稳定状态所需时间使用dynacache时所需时间的大约60%—几乎两倍。

    Overall in our cold start tests, we observed that with eXtreme Scale, the WebSphere Commerce site tends to reach steady state in about 60% of the time required for dynacache - almost twice as fast!


  • 外国投资者忽视这些缺点,只注意混乱20世纪80年代90年代以来,巴西终于取得了稳定,并从大宗商品发了横财

    Foreign investors gloss over these shortcomings and focus on the stability Brazil has achieved since the turmoil of the '80s and' 90s, as well as on the commodity windfall.


  • 这种跑步所选的小山要有一定的坡度阻力作的就是跑步的过程中控制速度保持稳定,把注意焦点集中在坡度上。

    The hill will present resistance; your job is to run controlled and steady, focusing on form.


  • 有助于衡量需求稳定,并从一开始就将注意力集中稳定的需求上,减少变化

    This helps you measure the stability of requirements and concentrate on more stable requirements first, inherently diminishing the amount of change.


  • 注意最小接近还是远离最大值平均值也是有意义的,接近意味着响应速度稳定(也意味着系统的负载可能)。

    It is also interesting to note if the minimum range is close or far from the maximum or average values, which would imply a constant response rate (meaning the system is probably not overutilized).


  • 如果山区或是稳定斜坡山崖旁注意那些地震而从山上滚落下来的岩石其它山体残骸

    If you are in a mountainous area, or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.


  • 需要注意因为代理地址稳定的,所以使用者不必重复地查询uddi每个服务调用只需查询一次

    Note too that because the proxy's address is stable, the consumer doesn't have to query UDDI repeatedly, once per service invocation.


  • 注意投资商利率稳定通货膨胀严重不会这样了。

    Note that investors would be unwilling to do this when interest rates are volatile or when inflation is high.


  • 随着这些公司失败将会引起市场注意,从而放市场上存在的气泡,使其运营更加稳定

    As these companies fail, the markets take note. This lets off steam and settles things down.


  • 只是在这之后美国注意力转向伊拉克时候北约接管负责稳定阿富汗局势的军事力量一行动始于2003年的喀布尔之后逐渐扩展整个阿富汗

    Only later, as America turned its attention to Iraq, did NATO take over the stabilisation force in Afghanistan; it started in Kabul in 2003, then spread across the country.


  • 因此即使按照一节中的建议实现了稳定状态,也要注意性能仍然可能突然下降。

    So, even if you followed the advice in the preceding section and appear to have achieved steady-state performance, you need to be aware that performance could abruptly change.


  • 每次安排训练,都需注意力量训练耐力训练以及心血管功能训练之间,保持一个稳定平衡今天话题,“力量训练”,在这个平衡当中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Every exercise routine needs to have a steady balance between strength training, endurance training, and cardiovascular training. Today's topic, strength training, plays a huge roll in this equation.


  • 青少年很少被描述性情稳定因此他们的迅速变化大脑内部有种不变的现象,就引起了神经系统科学家的注意

    Teens are rarely described as stable, so when something about their rapidly changing brains remains placidly unaltered, neuroscientists take notice.


  • 对于James来说稳定注意成熟个体的普遍特征,普通状态打破只能源于混乱

    To James, steady attention was thus the default condition of a mature mind, an ordinary state undone only by perturbation.


  • 注意可以使用DB 2Connect网关提供稳定中间层以及体系结构中利用连接故障转移(failover)功能并且仍然使用DB 2Type4驱动程序

    Note: you can use a DB2 connect gateway to provide a stable middle tier and utilize features such as connection pooling and failover to your architecture and still use DB2 type 4 Drivers.


  • 尽管XMLSpy特性用户界面很棒,但值得注意的是产品一点稳定问题

    While the features and user interface for XML Spy are wonderful, the product has a few stability problems worth noting.


  • 总的来说,注意内核稳定问题,特别是ReiserFS稳定性问题,这两个原因

    There are two good reasons to be careful about kernel stability issues in general and ReiserFS stability in particular.


  • 最新的消息让Black注意到,Tepco首先报告了2号反应堆的冷却水面“虽然‘低于正常水平’,但仍然保持稳定状态”。

    Reactor 2 Is (Maybe) Stable With an update, Black notes that Tepco first reported that water levels were "'lower than normal,' but stable" at Reactor 2.


  • 注意AJDT 1.2适用于eclipse 3.0最新稳定发行版,它替代了AJDT1.1.12AJDT 1.3适用于eclipse 3.1的稳定发行版。

    Note that AJDT 1.2 is the latest stable release for Eclipse 3.0, replacing AJDT 1.1.12, and AJDT 1.3 will be the stable release for Eclipse 3.1.


  • 而值得注意的是,“期间消费品价格水平基本稳定甚至会在某些时候稍稍下降P.86)”(consumer “pricesgenerally remained stableand even fell slightlyover the period” (p. 86).)

    Importantly, consumerprices generally remained stable and even fell slightly over the period” (p. 86).


  • 对于大众消费者也是同样心理他们不只会产品功效注意产品安全稳定实用

    For general consumers also have the same mentality, they do not listen to only partial efficacy of the product will also pay attention to the safety, stability, and practical.


  • 值得注意这里有一些例外情况GoogleChrome最新WebKit午夜版在访问变量时间保持得很稳定,不会随着作用域深度递增而增长

    The notable exceptions in this case are Google Chrome and the latest nightly WebKit as their variable access times remain roughly constant even as identifier depth increases.


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