• 设计一个串口通讯的单片机数据采集模块文中详细阐述了模块的电路原理程序设计

    Design a data collection module with serial port based on microcontroller. The thesis explains the circuit principle and program designing in detail.


  • 本文根据拟准检定法原理,比较系统地方法实施方案应用程序设计进行了研究

    Based on the principle of Quasi-Accurate Detection (QUAD), the implementation scheme, applications and program design of the method are systematically studied in this thesis.


  • 了解BrightContent这是一种按照REST原理构建博客轻量应用程序设计内容管理系统

    Check out Bright content, a content management system designed for lightweight applications such as weblogs, built on RESTful principles.


  • 课程计算机科学、计算机技术、计算机软件系统设计分析程序设计语言程序设计基本原理等等

    The courses I have taken include Computer Science, Computer Technology, Computer Software, Systems Design and Analysis, Program Language, Basic Principles of Programming and so on.


  • 本文介绍了数控加工中心加工原理结构形式程序设计以及cnc加工中心机床研究

    The paper introduces the working principle, structural form and program design of CNC machine center with three axes, and study of CNC machine center with five axes.


  • 介绍PLC控制变频调速供水系统基本原理,给出了系统的电气线路和PLC程序设计实际中得到了应用。

    This article introduces the frequency speed constant pressure water supply system controlled by PLC, presenting its hardware structure, the design of PLC program and its application.


  • 介绍齿轮范成运动动态显示原理程序设计以及实验内容安排

    The principle of dynamic showing of gear enveloping movement, program design and the arrangement of the experiment content were presented.


  • 本文介绍一般原理入手,并用一个实例分析讨论TSR程序设计方法有关问题

    Starting from the general principle and using an actual example, this article analyses and discusses the methods of the TSR program design and some problems concerned.


  • 介绍了化验结果远程传送原理结构以及钢修正值的程序设计

    The principle and structure for the distance conveyance of steel sample analysis data and the program design of the modified standard steel sample value are described.


  • 此外步进比例电磁铁控制系统原理特性以及控制程序设计方法进行了较为详尽的论述。

    In addition, the paper elaborates the principle and characteristic of the control system of SPE and the design method of the controlling program.


  • 本文首先介绍了SINS导航原理推导了SINS地理坐标系下的导航算法,并进行了相应程序设计仿真

    This paper introduces the navigation principle of the SINS firstly, the navigation algorithm on geographical coordinates is deduced, and then the simulation program is developed.


  • 本文介绍最大估计程序结构功能程序设计数学原理讨论最大熵谱估计参数合理选取

    This paper introduces the programming structure, function and mathematic principle for maximum entropy spectrum estimation program and discusses the method of selecting the parameters.


  • 该文介绍检测、喷漆烘干分拣控制系统组成工作原理,控制方式程序设计思想

    This paper introduces the composition, operating principle, control mode and programming thinking of the automatic control system of detecting, lacquering, drying and selecting of train pillow spring.


  • 简述装置控制策略工作原理硬件设计给出了具体程序设计流程图

    Controlling strategies, working principle and hardware design of the device are presented briefly, meanwhile detailed program flow figure is provided.


  • 详细介绍优化程序设计基本原理程序代码实现通过实例加以说明验证

    The basic principle of optimization program design and realization of program codes are introduced in detail, and they are explained and validated with examples.


  • 结合化工原理实验叙述远程实验所使用图形技术操作判断程序设计

    This paper deals with some graphics processing techniques and programming methods of operation judgement in long-distance experiment system.


  • 介绍了无刷直流电动机的控制原理给出系统设计整体方案详述了硬件电路软件程序设计

    In this paper, we introduced the control theory of brushless DC motor, and proposed the design scheme, software method and hardware electric circuit for whole system.


  • 介绍事件驱动状态工作原理此基础上,给出了一线语音应用程序设计方案

    We introduce the work principle of the event driven state machine. Based on it, a kind of means about the multi line speech application program designing is given.


  • 介绍了以AT 89 C 55WD单片机为控制器构成高精度温度测量系统电路组成,工作原理程序设计

    The article illustrates the system's circuit, operation principle and program on the core of AT89C55WD.


  • 本文介绍PLC供水控制系统中的应用阐述了根据控制电路组成及操作工艺要求,进行电气原理设计系统程序设计

    This paper introduces the application of PLC in water supply control system, explains the design of the electric principle diagram and the system program design.


  • 我们通过数据库管理系统语言原理应用程序设计等进行了深入的学习应用,并结合酒店客房管理的要求。

    We passed on the database management system, language theory and application design a more in-depth study and application, combined with hotel rooms management requirements.


  • 熟悉80X86微处理器结构原理及其汇编语言程序设计

    The structure of familiar 80X86 microprocessor, principle and its grand assembly language programming.


  • 论述工业计算机沥青拌合机上应用涉及原理程序设计应用实例效果等诸方面

    The application of computer to bitumen concrete mixer automatic control system is given, including its principle, design, practical examples and results etc.


  • 详细介绍了利用软件进行模糊逻辑控制系统设计基本原理以及模糊控制器的软件程序设计方法

    The paper introduced the composing and working principle in detail. The way of designing and programming of Fuzzy Logic control sys - tem is also presented in detail in the paper.


  • 软件设计重点介绍了OOP(面向对象程序设计)设计原理实现方法

    And the theory and method of OOP is emphatically introduced during the software design.


  • 提出一种基于PROLOG扩充不确定性处理能力的逻辑程序设计语言EXLOGL介绍了该语言解释系统的总体结构知识库设计演绎求解原理

    A logic programming language EXLOGL based on extended PROLOG is proposed and its interpreting system architecture, knowledge base structure and deductive solution principle are discussed.


  • 讨论了微机化热电偶温度表原理设计作用介绍了系统框图程序设计的流程图。

    The principle, design and function of thermo-couple-meter based on microprocessor are described, the block diagram of the system and flow-chart of master program are also introduced in this paper.


  • A课程计算机科学、计算机技术、计算机软件系统设计分析程序设计语言程序设计基本原理等等

    A: The courses I have taken include Computer Science, Computer Technology, Computer Software, Systems Design and Analysis, Program Language, Basic Principles of Programming and so on.


  • A课程计算机科学、计算机技术、计算机软件系统设计分析程序设计语言程序设计基本原理等等

    A: The courses I have taken include Computer Science, Computer Technology, Computer Software, Systems Design and Analysis, Program Language, Basic Principles of Programming and so on.


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