• 我们意识需要靠节食锻炼维持身材时,金星就转换到了积极模式

    Venus switches into active mode when we become aware of the need to diet and exercise to maintain the body.


  • 人类大脑创造模式的,所有如果不停地集中焦虑恐惧问题的大脑将启动寻找消极东西没有资源剩下寻找积极的东西。

    The human brain is wired to create patterns, so if you constantly focus on worries, fears and problems your brain gets "stuck" looking for the negative and has no resources left to seek the positive.


  • 因此积极安全模式最好用于那种大量访问很少更新系统,这样才能使这种模型维护工作量降到最低。

    Therefore a positive security model works best with applications that are heavily used but rarely updated so that maintenance of the model is minimized.


  • 很快的,就会注意沟通模式逐渐地变化这种有效沟通在职业人际关系中积极有效的。

    Soon, you will start noticing gradual changes in your communication pattern and an effective communication has positive effective in career and relationships.


  • 正在利用模式建立起工作框架工作方式这些支持自主性掌控性目的性并且对于激励客户积极影响的。

    I'm using his model of creating structures and ways of working that support autonomy, mastery and purpose and it's definitely having a positive impact on motivation for both me and my clients.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)提倡一种使老年人保持积极生活态度健康活力人口老化模式

    Q: The World Health Organization (WHO) has promoted a model of ageing in which older people remain active and robust.


  • 发现积极消极模式

    You'll spot patterns, both positive and negative ones.


  • 如果成功,你就要改变思维模式,你就要成为一个更加积极向上的,你就要把注意力集中事物好的一面解决方案

    If you are to succeed you have to change your mental programming, you have to become a more positive person, focusing on the good and on solutions.


  • 正如前面提到的,他们积极寻找已经汇集成册经验,包括架构模式设计模式以及已经成形的部分等等

    As noted earlier, they actively seek prior experience that may be codified in architectural patterns, design patterns, off-the-shelf components, and so on.


  • 虽然事实证明通过训练人们比之前快乐了,但他担心人们积极心理疗法当作“放之四海而皆准”的万能治疗模式

    He says although it's been proven people can train themselves to be happier, he fears positive psychology is being used as a blanket fix.


  • 改变消极的思考习惯创建新的积极思维模式一个说起来简单做起来困难的过程而且必须立下决心。

    Changing negative habits and creating new positive habits is a fairly simple process but not an easy process and takes a commitment.


  • 没错,网络带来一些积极补偿更好手眼协调模式识别能力,以及机器所需任务处理技术

    True, there are compensations: better hand-eye co-ordination, pattern recognition and the very multitasking skills the machines themselves require.


  • 太阳能供暖系统——无论是消极、积极还是混合模式——面临一项挑战就是热量的储存

    The challenge confronting any solar heating system-whether passive, active, or hybrid-is heat storage.


  • 这种方法稍些不同因为设计者积极模式目录互动使用模式关系作为前提的。

    This approach is slightly different, because it assumes that the designer works actively with design pattern catalogs and USES the relationships between those patterns.


  • 我们发现大量使用模式积极探求这些模式不断提升工具的品质。

    We have found a number of usage pattens, and are actively investigating these to make the tool better.


  • 新的积极思维模式产生不同能量创造出积极有效方式从而生活反过来聚集更多新的积极能量。

    Your new positive thought patterns will send out a different energy and create a more positive way of being which will in turn attract new positive energy within your life.


  • 如果用户充分利用鼠标的话,移动计算模式公司可能会遇到意想不到积极结果

    Companies that move to a cloud-computing model may encounter unintended positive consequences if users take to the cloud Mouse.


  • 一旦他们开始练习积极积极会成为默认模式

    Once they begin practicing positivity, it becomes the default pattern.


  • 但是这种对话机制由此建立合作模式以及由此建立信心帮助我们迅速回到积极轨道上

    But this dialogue mechanism, and the habits of cooperation it has helped create, along with the confidence it has built, helped put us rapidly back on a positive track.


  • 积极富足思维模式

    You will be actively creating the abundance mindset.


  • 积极主动地寻找机会学习吸收重新理解知识建立起思维模式使你学习得更多,并最终,你可以反过来教导竞争对手

    By actively seeking opportunities to learn, absorb and reinterpret knowledge, you build the thinking that will allow you to out-learn and, eventually, out-teach your competitors.


  • 为自己设定一个积极思维模式(更加留心细节的思维)则会拥有平时更多可能性

    Putting yourself in a more optimistic mindset (or even a more mindful mindset) can open you up to more possibilities than usual.


  • 而个人主动性作为积极工作模式正是其中的一个焦点

    Personal initiative as an active work model, is the focus of this direction.


  • 他们一向什么词汇叙说他们人生经历效仿并且采用他们某些积极情绪模式吗?

    What words do they consistently use to describe their life's experience that you could model, and thereby adopt some of their positive emotional patterns?


  • 我国通货膨胀会计模式研究未雨绸缪西方发达国家通货膨胀会计研究实施经验我国积极借鉴作用

    Research on inflation accounting models in China should save, while inflation accounting research and practice experience of the western developed countries also has a positive significance to China.


  • 丰富营养知识积极生活态度健康饮食行为和饮食模式合理营养基础

    Rich nutrition knowledge, active live attitude and health diet pattern are the foundations of rational nutrition.


  • 分析家说,亚马逊积极模仿苹果iPod创立的商业模式试图通过无处不在的、消费者必须拥有电子设备来统治市场

    Analysts had also thought Amazon was closely following the template Apple had created with the iPod and trying to dominate the market with a ubiquitous, must-have consumer electronics device.


  • 他们积极高涨,他们十分专注几个未完全交付Sprint之后, 他们现在展示出一个做出是低承诺的模式每个Sprint中都做到百分之百交付。

    Their motivation was high, they were focused, and after a few Sprints of under-delivery, they were now showing a pattern of making reasonable commitments and delivering them 100% each Sprint.


  • 他们积极高涨,他们十分专注几个未完全交付Sprint之后, 他们现在展示出一个做出是低承诺的模式每个Sprint中都做到百分之百交付。

    Their motivation was high, they were focused, and after a few Sprints of under-delivery, they were now showing a pattern of making reasonable commitments and delivering them 100% each Sprint.


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