• 就像那个高中开着留着胡子周末用弓箭打猎的家伙。”

    "Like that guy in high school with the Camaro and the mustache who bow-hunts on weekends," Rudder said.


  • 1969年,名叫·威尔斯化石猎人来到澳大利亚的那拉特,探索当时称为维多利亚洞穴的地方。

    In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave.


  • 压力专家医生杰·森汉博士:“我们生活时代里,许多来说,时间宝贵商品。”

    Dr Roger Henderson, a stress expert and GP said: "We live in an age where for many people time is the most valuable commodity of all."


  • 走廊满了名人朋友签名照片伯特凯文特纳麦当娜以及老虎伍兹詹姆斯布朗两个世界小姐

    One hallway is crammed with photographs signed by celebrity pals: Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Madonna, as well as Tiger Woods, James Brown and a Miss World or two.


  • 美国国际研究所的研究人员维·米奇拉主持一项关于非洲夫妇研究

    Vinod Mishra at Macro International, a research group in the United States, led a study of married couples in Africa.


  • 一个商人委托,承担了重建兰花苑的工作,而决定时候建造的威纳大厦了,而这会是这座城市最高摩天大楼

    Roark is commissioned to rebuild the Cortland Homes by a private businessman, and Wynand decides the time has come to build his Wynand Building, which will be the city's tallest skyscraper.


  • 一名叫杰夫-乘客告诉卫报说,麻烦就发生拉瓜迪亚机场起飞后几分钟之内

    Jeff Kolodjay, a passenger on the plane, told the Guardian that trouble began within minutes of take off from LaGuardia.


  • 飞机“重重地”水面

    Kolodjay said the aircraft hit the water "pretty hard".


  • 压力专家医生杰·亨医生表示,电话排队诱发其他压力症状包括心跳速度加快、手心出汗头痛

    Dr. Roger Henderson, a stress expert and GP, said other symptoms of queue induced stress include a racing heartbeat, sweaty palms and headaches.


  • 与格哈特•施SPD观点相异的约施卡•菲舍尔支持管道项目这样欧盟便不必完全依靠进口天然气了。

    Pitted against both Mr Schröder and the SPD view is Mr Fischer, who has lent his support to the Nabucco pipeline , which would give the EU an alternative to Russian gas.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗兰·瓦兹·奎斯,亚斯拉夫廖夫肖恩梅拉沙·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 作者约翰.普代克,·尔,阿加莎雷蒙·佛。

    The stories were by such authors as John Updike, Roald Dahl, Anton Chekhov, Agatha Christie, and Raymond Carver.


  • 先后尝试哈利的角色,最终成了

    I tried for Harry Potter and Ron, and finally Draco.


  • 吉娜·吉瑞格兹是卡门最好朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧瑞克·丹尼卡门有钱白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。

    As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.


  • 卡扎菲儿子最近英国位高权重的首席大臣尔森(此君正在孚岛度假了面,更是助长了这样猜测:英国和利比亚之间有着某种私下联系。

    The fact that his son recently bumped into Lord Mandelson, Britain’s powerful first secretary, on holiday in Corfu, has fuelled speculation about a stitch-up.


  • (尽管明年预算很爽快地假定1.5%的经济增长)央行行长泽利·哈丁斯基(ZeljkoRohatinski表示欧洲中央银行行长杰-克劳·特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)最近警告地亚正走上“灾难路。

    Zeljko Rohatinski, governor of the central bank, says that Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, warned him recently that Croatia is on the road to “catastrophe”.


  • 这个角色于《中端决战》——·麦克布·艾伦所著《雷利亚三部曲最后

    Her character died in Showdown at Centerpoint, the final book of the Corellian Trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen.


  • 玛利亚·基里连周一澳网首战中击败玛利亚·莎拉波娃,给自己男友伊戈尔·烈夫,在即将周二迎战杰·一轮比赛增加不少压力

    Maria Kirilenko, who beat Maria Sharapova at the Australian Open on Monday, has added extra pressure on the shoulders of her boyfriend Igor Andreev, who plays Roger Federer in the first round Tuesday.


  • 随着·麦克布·艾伦雷利亚三部曲》小说面世,阿开始表现出了不同姐姐哥哥独特个性

    With Roger McBride Allen's Corellian Trilogy of novels, Anakin began to develop personality that set him apart from his older, twin siblings.


  • 法特雷斯马可能目标

    The likes of Ronaldinho, Deco, Rafael van der Vaart and Ricardo Quaresma have all been mentioned as possible transfer targets.


  • 波菲尔先生,”斯本先生严肃地皱皱眉,说道,“抱歉告诉,摩斯通小姐发现了一些似乎写给女儿朵拉的信。”

    Mr Copperfield, 'said Mr Spenlow, frowning sternly at me,' I am sorry to say that Miss Murdstone has found some letters which appear to be from you to my daughter Dora.


  • 最新接替人选英剧《维多利亚》中的男主演汤姆·休斯漫威演员克里斯·哈姆·斯沃斯汤姆·希勒斯顿。据说制片人芭芭拉•布对汤姆·休斯的印象十分深刻。

    Some of the latest contenders named include Victoria actor Tom Hughes, who has allegedly impressed Bond producer Barbara Broccoli, and Marvel stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston.


  • 化名,请求驻达拉斯的联邦地区法院代理人亨利要求允许流产

    Using the pseudonym "Jane Roe, " McCorvey sued Dallas County district attorney Henry Wade to be allowed to have an abortion.


  • 真真的犹如幽灵一样大家都,但却很少看到。(拉·什富科德)。

    "True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen." -la Rochefoucauld.


  • 现在拜亚库托,鲁伊·斯塔平托已经离开了,里卡多卡瓦略和小小取代。只有菲戈仍在

    Now Vitor Baia, Fernando Couto, Rui Costa and Joao Pinto have made way, replaced by Ricardo, Ricardo Carvalho, Deco and Ronaldo; only Figo remains.


  • 根据1590年2月25日签署停战协定瑞典人同意露西亚恢复亚姆、·里耶伊万·格

    According to the armistice signed on 25 February, 1590, Swedes agreed to reinstate to Russia Yam, Koporye and Ivangorod.


  • 看到哈利、赫敏金妮正看着稍稍点了一下头,转过了身。

    Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.


  • 看到哈利、赫敏金妮正看着稍稍点了一下头,转过了身。

    Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.


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