• 一些研究表明退休人员社会保障体系使生育率降低了。

    By some studies, the safety nets for retirees have reduced fertility rates.


  • 最后由于自动化有可能扩大资本收入劳动收入之间差距,税收社会保障体系不得不重新考虑。

    Finally, because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.


  • 即使政府创造了一个更好社会保障体系成功地鼓励更多消费支出这种情况可能短期改变

    There is no chance that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.


  • 中国民生很大改善社会保障体系健全就业压力很大

    The Chinese people's livelihood has made significant improvement, but we do not yet have a full-fledged social security system, and we are confronted with high employment pressure.


  • 离退休人员社会保障体系日趋完善目的使老人能够安度晚年

    The social security system for employees who have left or retired from their posts is gradually established. Its purpose is to allow the elderly to live a comfortable, and peaceful life.


  • 随着我国社会保障体系建立不断完善城市低保人口的基本生活得到初步保障

    Along with the establishment of the social guarantee system and continuously perfect in our country, the basic life of low guarantor of city has got the initial guarantee.


  • 如,建立社会保障体系重视扶持下岗的、失业的、离退休的职工,都我们工作重点

    We have also attached great importance to developing the social security system and helping laid-off workers, unemployed people and retirees. These are also priorities of our work.


  • 社会救助社会保障史上最为久远制度安排也是世界各国社会保障体系不可或缺一部分

    Social assistance is the most ancient system arrangement in the history of social security, it is also an integral part of the social security systems in different countries in the world.


  • 可以采用农村保险方式农业保险纳入到农村社会保障体系更好解决农民面临风险问题

    The rural insurance can be adopted to bring crop insurance into the rural social security system so that it will be better to deal with the risk and problems that face farmers.


  • 印度不同中国人口培训中等水平方面表现不错多数城市人口纳入社会保障体系

    It has done well in training its people to moderate levels and has brought most of its urban populations under social security programmes, unlike India, "he added."


  • 中国正在努力通过各种措施——增加工人最低工资建立更好社会保障体系——来促进国内消费

    China is aiming to promote domestic consumption through a variety of measures, such as boosting the minimum wage for its workers and building an improved social safety net.


  • 实现耕地资源社会价值,建立农村社会保障体系根据社会价值量的大小农民支付部分保险费用

    Third, we should establish the system of social security in rural areas and pay part of the insurance fees for peasants to realize the social value of cultivated land resource.


  • 本文试图构建出一个新型失地农民社会保障体系推进城乡一体化社会保障制度建设打下良好基础。

    We try to construct a new-style social security system for the losing-cropland peasants to promote the integration of urban and rural areas social security system.


  • 中国正在实施普及社会保障体系,以解决普通民众后顾之忧,让人们可以子女教育、医疗等生活必需开支放心消费。

    This is a huge burden. China right now is implementing and popularizing the social security system so as to relieve the worries of the common people.


  • 完善社会保障体系一项系统工程不仅需要在制度上加以完善,而且需要在管理机构、管理操作予以完善。

    The improvement of social security system is a systematic project, which demands both the improvement of systems and the improvement of administrative organs as well the administrative operations.


  • 我们仍然关注非正式就业和结构性失业长期失业问题,将通过加强劳动力市场及适当的社会保障体系加以解决

    We remain focussed on addressing informality, as well as structural and long-term unemployment, by strengthening Labour markets and having appropriate social protection systems.


  • 过渡重视五保与低保区别,不降低五保户的生活水平,将过渡建立在全面完善农村社会保障体系基础上。

    The transition should pay attention to the difference between the beneficiaries, without reducing the living standards of households, and comprehensively improve rural social security system.


  • 本文主要我国社会保障制度现状出发,分析我国社会保障制度存在问题,探讨完善我国社会保障体系措施

    In this paper, the social security system from our current situation, analysis of the social security system problems, improve the social security system of measures.


  • 随着居民收入的持续提高社会保障体系的逐步健全,以及扩大内需政策的不断完善,中国市场再次实现长足发展

    With rising income, improving social security system, and more optimal policy to expand domestic demand, China's market will once again achieve substantial development.


  • 通过介绍广州社会保障基本情况分析目前社会保障面临的问题难点,对完善现代社会保障体系提出相应对策。

    After describing the fundamental situation of Guangzhou's social assurance system and analyzing the problems and difficulties existing in it, we propose some solutions to help perfect this system.


  • 田径后备人才数量逐年下降,质量问题较为突出,社会保障体系制度不够完善。5、运动员参加水平比赛机会不多

    Track and Field decreases every year, quality is more obvious, the system is not perfect social security system. 5th, Athletes have few opportunities to participate in high level competitions.


  • 尽管社会保障体系颇为强大——包括免费教育医保——一些沙特人依然穷困潦倒,很多中产阶级人士只能勉强糊口

    Despite a robust social safety net - including free education and health care - there are poor Saudis, and many in the middle class barely make ends meet.


  • 作为边缘人口农民工,他们城镇社会保障体系排斥传统意义上农民存在着隔阂,生活状况令人担忧。

    As the edge population, the peasant labors are not only rejected by the urban social security system, but also different from the peasant in the traditional sense. Their life state makes people worry.


  • 实现土地资本化前提条件是积极推进农村城市化建立现有农村福利制度替代机制,逐步建立覆盖农村社会保障体系

    The land can be capitalized only when the urbanization has been sped up and the system of social insurance for the rural population has been established to replace the welfare function of the land.


  • 农村社会保障制度国家社会保障体系重要组成部分 ,是农村一特定区域范围内所施行的社会保障福利事业。

    The social security system in rural areas is important part of state social guarantee system, which refers to the social security and welfare projects in the specialized rural region.


  • 社会保障水平社会保障体系中的关键要素直接反映社会保障资金供求关系,间接反映着社会保障体系运行状况。

    As a key element in social security system, social security standard reflects the supply and demand of social security fund directly and function of the system indirectly.


  • 自从世界各国普遍建立现代意义社会保障体系社会保障对居民消费储蓄行为的影响就开始引起经济学家们的广泛关注

    The impact of Social Security on consumption and saving has been attracting much attention of economists since major of the countries set up the Social Security systems.


  • 自从世界各国普遍建立现代意义社会保障体系社会保障对居民消费储蓄行为的影响就开始引起经济学家们的广泛关注

    The impact of Social Security on consumption and saving has been attracting much attention of economists since major of the countries set up the Social Security systems.


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