• 首先区域集中第一个凹槽,而同时第二层凹槽又抵消了剥削的力。

    The wear flat tends to stay within the area of the first chamfer, with the second chamfer providing extended protection against chipping and spalling.


  • 但凡少年,除却顽劣的脾性世俗棱角还有一点分明爱憎。不明所以又理所当然的爱憎。

    Every child, besides some tough temper, some rough edges just not be smoothed by secularity, there is another thing, namely, the kind of clear-cut love and hate which had no reason and so happened.


  • 时代转变体现在细节上,比如,一面能清晰反映人们面容的镜子,过去日本人只能使用平的铜镜,而那个时代已经逝去。

    For example, everyone was fascinated by the new glass mirrors that showed their faces so clearly; before then, the Japanese used only dim bronze.


  • 鞋子后跟了。

    The heels on his shoes had worn down.


  • 枚硬币上的文字了。

    The inscription on the coin had worn away.


  • 它们一代代风雨阳光闪闪发光

    Smoothed flat by generations of wind and rain, they glitter in the sun.


  • 台典型阿富汗汽车轮胎全部被磨平刹车吱吱作响——完全不能盘山行。

    A typical Afghan car has bald tires and squeaky brakes—not exactly ideal for zigging and zagging through the mountains.


  • 开始粉刷之前,需要填补各处窟窿缝隙然后整。这些工作完善,刷漆容易房间就会越漂亮

    The more you do to fill in the holes and cracks, then sand it, the easier it is to paint -- and the better the room looks.


  • 过去30年里东亚女性受教育状况得到极大改善,几乎磨平男性文化教育差异

    Women’s education in East Asia has improved dramatically over the past 30 years, and has almost erased the literacy gap with men.


  • 通过利用深呼吸代替发泄怒火习惯随着时间逐渐磨平知道完全消失

    By using deep breathing as a replacement for giving in to your anger, your bad habit will get worn away over time until it disappears completely.


  • 女儿们似乎他们男性亲属的责任集于一身——但随之却是磨平了棱角

    Daughters seem to embody their male relatives' agenda-but with the rough edges planed away.


  • 许多建筑物长出斑驳苔藓,雨水磨平它们的棱角。这些建筑物大都就地取材本地岩石建造而成,周围环境浑然一体,仿佛是从土壤中自然出的。

    Many of these structures, lichen-patched and rain-smoothed and built from local rock, match their surroundings so well they seem to have grown up organically from the soil.


  • 砂纸磨平所有打算粘贴彩纸或是涂上油漆桌面

    Use a fine grain sandpaper to sand all the surfaces you want to stick paper to or paint over.


  • 制造这种喇叭非常简单塑料融化制成模型然后安装妇女磨平锋利边缘工序完成

    Making the trumpets is simple: plastic is melted into a mold and then it sets.A small group of women take off the sharp edges to finish off the process.


  • 制造这种喇叭非常简单塑料融化制成模型然后安装,妇女磨平锋利边缘工序完成

    Making the trumpets is simple: plastic is melted into a mold and then it sets. A small group of women take off the sharp edges to finish off the process.


  • 幸存有赖于磨平生活艰辛大众电影画面都是呈现一种出柔和的色彩。

    In the movies, which exist partly to smooth over the rough patches in our collective life, the same basic picture takes on a more benign coloration.


  • 每年一月,新的雕像R.S.Owens 公司铸造然后成型,抛光。这家公司由1982年开始负责奥斯卡小金人的制造

    New statuettes are cast each January, then molded, polished and buffed by workers at R.S. Owens &Company, which has made the awards since 1982.


  • 大部分法律都会涉及诉讼、判决上诉三个过程随着时间推移,判例逐渐成型,判决也会使得法律更加完善(直译貌似是“法律的棱角”,因此应该可以意译为“对法律的完善”吧)。

    Most laws lead to prosecutions, convictions and appeals: over time, a body of case law builds up and judges smooth the rough edges.


  • 不得不每天面对这样单调而又乏味生活时,她感觉自己的一点点磨平,生活如同白开水一样索然无味

    When she had to face every day, so monotonous and boring life, she felt a little bit of heart in removed, as in life, like water boring.


  • 后来随着时间推移学会可以遗忘,心里创伤慢慢时间的手发现不该的人,伤了爱自己的人。

    Later, as time goes on you can learn the forgotten, the trauma of heart was time to hand slowly removed, only to find a loved one should not love, but love hurt themselves.


  • 每个人都自己个性必要把自己所有棱角磨平取悦所有的

    Everyone has his personality, we have no need to being pliable to please all people.


  • 轮胎磨平了,不安全

    Your tire is bald and unsafe.


  • 这些崎岖不很快摩托车胎了。

    These rough roads soon wear the tread of motorcycle tyres off.


  • 再次习惯于现在安静,习惯于现在的知道岁月磨平的刚强

    When used again, now quiet, now accustomed to bland, I do not know, is my strong years bald?


  • 轮胎面花纹已被磨平应该一个新的

    There's no tread on this tyre, you should put on a new one.


  • 满身时候拥抱你,我磨平所有棱角,可后来只能看着别人接近完美的你。

    You covered with thorns when I hold you in my arms, I polished you all the edges and corners, later, I was only looking at others hold you close to perfect.


  • 毛茸茸的顶部早已酷似保险箱隆起球形旋钮

    The crested top was milled and knurled like the knob on a safe.


  • 指甲-修剪指甲并用锉刀指甲,趾甲的粗糙边缘卡住袜子导致指甲脚趾水泡产生尤其是下坡时。

    Toenails - Trim your toenails straight across and filethem smooth. Rough edges will catch on your socks and help cause black toenailsand toe blisters, especially on downhills.


  • 指甲-修剪指甲并用锉刀指甲,趾甲的粗糙边缘卡住袜子导致指甲脚趾水泡产生尤其是下坡时。

    Toenails - Trim your toenails straight across and filethem smooth. Rough edges will catch on your socks and help cause black toenailsand toe blisters, especially on downhills.


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