• 理智适应方式当然调整我们能源系统减少污染

    But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution.


  • 因为森林空气中的污染,所以现在它们变得越来越受欢迎了。

    Nowadays forests are increasingly welcome because they suck in carbon pollution from the air.


  • 是否污染使我们生存的星球危如累卵不用争论

    There is no longer a debate about whether carbon pollution is placing our planet in jeopardy.


  • 由于我们额外的污染海水中溶解全世界海洋表面逐渐

    The surface of the world's ocean is slowly turning to acid as our extra carbon pollution dissolves in seawater.


  • 我们出资数十亿阻止污染,以使我们的燃煤电厂更加清洁

    We're investing billions to capture carbon pollution so that we can clean up our coal plants.


  • 拉德以市场制方式减少污染计划差点儿就掉进了获两党支持而通过的圈套。

    Mr Rudd came within a whisker of snaring bipartisan support for a market-based scheme to cut carbon pollution.


  • 当然能源——清洁的能源,有助于减少导致气候变化污染

    And, of course, it's the energythe clean energy that helps cut the carbon pollution that contributes to climate change.


  • 欧洲很多电力公司帮助其他公司建立减少污染排放系统很好

    European power companies which helped set up the continent's carbon-trading system did extremely well out of it.


  • 我们设置第一国家标准以限定发电厂可以释放天空污染。 岸。

    We 've set the first-ever national standards limiting the amount of carbon pollution power plants can release into the sky.


  • 大臣打算下月发布英国第一预算拉开架势引入严格联合王国控制污染的条律。

    Ministers are poised to introduce strict limits on UK carbon pollution when they announce Britain's first carbon budget next month.


  • 今年不会推动国会通过排放交易计划污染进行收费;这项行动至少推迟2013年。

    Instead of using this year to get parliament to adopt an emissions-trading scheme that would put a price on carbon pollution, action will now be delayed until 2013 at least.


  • 我们必须发现生产清洁可再生能源,我们要减少污染排放,因为这会威胁我们气候

    We've got to discover and produce cleaner renewable sources of energy that also produce less carbon pollution, which is threatening our climate.


  • 相反,蒂克尔建议制定一个污染全球限额然后把这些污染许可证开采加工矿石燃料公司

    Instead Tickell proposes setting a global limit for carbon pollution then selling permits to pollute to companies extracting or refining fossil fuels.


  • 同时气候变化恶果变得如此明显和严峻,以至于人们不会接受继续今天程度排放污染

    At the same time, the consequences of climate change will become so starkly apparent that continuing to emit carbon pollution at today's levels will be unacceptable.


  • 法案3个月内再次提交参议院审核,法案计划在2011年7月澳大利亚引入污染减少计划。

    The bill, which would have led to the introduction of a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in July 2011, will return to the senate in three months.


  • 服务器意味着需要空间(减少数据中心占用的空间)更少用于制冷电力(减少污染)。

    Fewer servers means less required space (minimizing the data center footprint) and less power for cooling (minimizing the carbon footprint).


  • 我们承诺通过全面能源气候问题立法创造工作机会降低我国外来石油依赖性同时减少污染

    We are also committed to passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation that will create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and cut carbon pollution.


  • 如果遵从英国擅自引导富裕国家他们污染削减40%,贫穷国家将把他们的碳污染量削减60%。

    The rich nations, if they follow the UK's presumed lead, will cut their carbon pollution by 40%. The poorer nations will cut their carbon pollution by 60%.


  • 可以自豪美国过去8个提倡清洁能源降低污染做的工作超过我国历史上任何一个时期

    And I am proud to say that the United States has done more to promote clean energy and reduce carbon pollution in the last eight months than at any other time in our history.


  • 随着燃烧化石燃料的发电站继续建造而不是关闭它们,这些发电站最近聚焦捕捉封存它们制造污染技术

    With fossil fuel-burning power stations continuing to be built rather thanclosed down there has been recent focus on technologies that capture and storethe carbon pollution produced.


  • 佐伊补充说,研发电动车其他清洁能源工业有助于减少美国外国石油依赖并且遏制造成气候变化污染

    Zoi adds that developing the electric car and other clean-energy industries will also help cut U. S. dependence on foreign oil and put the brakes on climate-changing carbon pollution.


  • 原因乊天然气——如果安全萃取将成为合适燃料,既能为我们经济提供能量,又减少导致气候变化污染

    One of the reasons why is natural gas - if extracted safely, it's the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change.


  • 周五美国国会众议院以219- 212微弱优势通过一项气候变化法案标志着美国打击污染方面向前迈出一步

    The us House of Representatives narrowly passed a climate change bill Friday by a vote of 219-212, which was a step forward in fighting against carbon pollution.


  • 也要可自豪美国过去八个月里推进清洁能源利用减轻污染方面作了很多努力,美国任何历史时期都没有的。

    It is a new era. And I am proud to say that the United States has done more to promote clean energy and reduce carbon pollution in the last eight months than at any other time in our history.


  • 没有任何国家躲过污染害,因此我们必须巩固哥本哈根坎昆取得的成果,我们子孙拥有一个安全、更清洁星球

    No country can hide from the dangers of carbon pollution, which is why we must build on what was achieved at Copenhagen and Cancun to leave our children a planet that is safer and cleaner.


  • 政客们可能会解决污染科学家们则会排放斗争。

    Politicians may tackle polluters while scientists do battle with carbon emissions.


  • 政客们可能会解决污染科学家们则会排放斗争。

    Politicians may tackle polluters while scientists do battle with carbon emissions.


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