• 行业另一确定事实时间中,每部电影长度变长

    Another established fact of this industry is the increase in movie duration during this period of time.


  • 这种措施出于道德不是学术考虑,可以确定的事实是,在分数线以上并不存在这样类似的“边界区域”;

    That this tactic is morally, rather than academically, motivated is made very clear by the fact that there is no corresponding border region just above the class boundary;


  • 大多数关于气候变化科学尤其是有关全球变暖科学,都只是事实其他方面的科学就不那么确定了,或者至少争议大。

    Most of the science of climate change, particularly that to do with global warming, is simply fact. But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed.


  • 大多数关于气候变化科学尤其是有关全球变暖的科学,都只是事实科学的其他方面不那么确定无疑了,或者至少争议大。

    Most of the science of climate change, particularly that to do with global warming, is simply a fact. But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed.


  • 事实确定如何发生的。

    In fact, I'm not quite sure how it happened.


  • 造成结果就是人类貌似产生情绪化记忆,像‘确定就是这样’,根据我们大脑事实记忆部分实际如何回忆起来不同。

    As a result, it appears that people can have an emotional memory that says, 'I'm sure about this,' that differs from what the factual memory part of our brain actually recalls.


  • 就产生了一个相当明显问题为什么事实研究人员还不能确定

    This raised a rather obvious question: Why? Truth is, the researchers aren’t sure.


  • 这样分区分区扫描程序确定事实我们com . bdaum . HTMLEditor . editors中发现一个XMLPartitionScanner

    Such partitions are determined by partition scanners and, in fact, we find a class XMLPartitionScanner in the package com.bdaum.HTMLEditor.editors.


  • 因此如果考虑可靠性价值确定不仅仅没有用处而且事实还有害处

    Therefore certainty is not only something of no use, but is in fact damaging, if we value reliability.


  • 因为某些原因确信自己患有与艾滋病相关的病症,为了确定这是否是事实一周医院做了检查

    For some reason, he'd convinced himself his illness was Aids-related and that week he had gone for a check-up to find out the truth.


  • 事实本可以确定自己对营养素需要这样非常昂贵的,而且结果目前的推荐日摄食量的结果非常相似

    The fact is, you could have your very own nutrient requirements determined, but it would be terribly costly, and would likely bear strong resemblance to the current RDAs.


  • 认为赤字无法确定的,因为本月两个处理提议已经证明了这样事实(文章)。

    But it is wrong to suppose that the deficit is unfixable, as two proposals for fixing it have shown this month (see article).


  • 带着确定团队事实多大程度使用这个过程目的篇文章剩下部分提出了几个度量您过程的方法

    The rest of this article suggests some ways to measure your process, with the goal of determining how much of the process your team actually used.


  • 事实科学家依然没有一个确定答案解答人类为什么做梦

    The truth is, science still doesn't have a definitive answer to the question: why do we dream?


  • 相对于假设这些真相不言而喻,干脆持怀疑态度,直到能够用逻辑确定就是不争的事实

    Instead of assuming that thesetruthsare self evident, suspend judgement until you’ve have confirmed that there is reality behind the logiic.


  • 事实由于测试的内容太多,所以无法确定一个工具包适合

    In fact, there are too many to test to determine which one best fits your needs.


  • 确定事物感到不自在无从知道的事物事实很激动——确实就是我们试图通过科学培育的。

    Being uncomfortable with uncertainty, in fact being excited about not knowing - that's really what we're trying to foster through science.


  • 验证是否使用可以简单确定事实维度查询命名规则。

    Verify whether a naming convention is in place to easily identify fact and dimensional queries.


  • 形式化语法确定语言事实一种适当方法

    Using a formal grammar to specify the language is in fact the appropriate technique.


  • 让我们从这样事实开始美联储市场了的风险一种先入为主且根深蒂固的兴趣

    Begin with the fact that both the Fed and the markets have an overwhelming long-term interest in risk being priced correctly.


  • 事实专家们甚至都无法确定目前太阳能发电成本多大

    In fact, the experts don't even agree on how much solar electricity costs today.


  • 事实,这时,甚至价值如何定义的都不能确定

    In fact, how is it even recognized as being valuable?


  • 事实主要障碍土耳其如果确定2009年加入欧盟机会已经为零

    Indeed, the main obstacle will be Turkey, if it concludes during 2009 that its own chances of joining the EU have vanished.


  • 即使没有其他内容这次讨论突现事实考虑API消费者使用模式确定合适设计过程中扮演了举重轻重的角色

    If nothing else, the discussion has highlighted the fact that consideration of the usage patterns of API consumers plays a large part in determining an appropriate design.


  • 这些前瞻性陈述包括了一些已知未知风险和不确定因素事实结果会同这些预测产生巨大的分歧

    These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the statements.


  • 现在考虑这种情况,央行债券价格确定高于市场均衡价格的水平;事实上,这时央行实行的是债券最低价格政策。

    Now consider the case in which the central bank wants to establish a bond price that is above the market equilibrium price; in fact, the central bank is then pursuing a minimum price policy for bonds.


  • 现在考虑这种情况,央行债券价格确定高于市场均衡价格的水平;事实上,这时央行实行的是债券最低价格政策。

    Now consider the case in which the central bank wants to establish a bond price that is above the market equilibrium price; in fact, the central bank is then pursuing a minimum price policy for bonds.


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