• 国都可以可以言之确凿地声称它们的债务量可控制的。

    Both countries can plausibly argue that their debt loads are sustainable.


  • 例如确凿A处理水平控制水平好吗,还是只是偶然

    For example, can you say for certain that treatment a is better than the control treatment, or could it just be due to chance?


  • 某人证据确凿证明无罪的时候,我们也许会正义得到了伸张

    We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.


  • 记住唯一需要担心颇具传染性,另一科学事实确凿地证明了一点

    The only concern to keep in mind is that smiling is very contagious and it is, definitely, another proved scientific fact.


  • 某人证据确凿证明无罪有罪的时候,我们也许会正义得到了伸张。

    We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.


  • 课程重点让学生能够将设计思想清晰确凿传达创作团队成员以及观众。

    The emphasis here is on communicating design ideas clearly and with assurance to members of the creative production team and to the audience.


  • 意味着那些坚信某一问题的人不得不指南一样证据确凿提出他们争论

    It means that those who feel very strongly about an issue will have to present their argument just as strongly as the guidelines.


  • 我们必须确凿地欢迎作为审美价值回归这种价值生命肯定接近的。

    And we most certainly must welcome back "beauty" as the aesthetic value that is most closely aligned with an affirmation of life.


  • 证据十分确凿地指向Lincoln不只是因为认识并且Steadman工作,还因为Steadman最近停车场与Lincoln吵架亲自解雇了他。

    The evidence is already heavy against Lincoln: Not only did he know and work for Steadman, but Steadman personally fired Lincoln recently after an altercation in the parking garage.


  • 尽管没有有关多元宇宙的确凿证据理论学家们还是不停揣摩它们

    Although there is no evidence for these multiverses, that has not stopped theorists from speculating about them.


  • 如果看到某个产品不断得到广告宣传,那么知道对于个产品名副其实的确凿证明说明这个产品代表了很高价值

    If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it represents good value.


  • 确凿的证据表明木卫二存在片汪洋,那里人类寻找生命的绝佳

    We have very strong evidence that a vast sub-surface ocean exists on Jupiter's moon Europa. It's an incredibly compelling place to explore in our search for life beyond Earth.


  • 确凿无误告知由于不是白种人模特工作会很难——没有清楚的了。

    She has been explicitly advised that she will find it harder to get modeling work because she is not Caucasian - and you don't get too much more clear-cut than that.


  • 绿叶那一道道脉络牡丹一丝丝线条确凿无疑告诉它们时是多么认真多么专注!

    But every vein of the green leaf, every line of the peony, just told me with complete sureness how carefully and how devotedly you were drawing then!


  • 许多史学家言之凿凿宣称,那段历史叙述才是确凿无疑”的版本

    Many historians argue vehemently that his or her account of history is the "true" version.


  • 每个部落文学紧密交织日常生活架构中去,反映密切相连的确凿无疑美洲生活经历

    Each tribe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of lining with the land.


  • 正如本次评测噪音图形图像看到那样,无论是测量点还是可见的噪点,A77确凿无误竞争对手更多。

    As you can see from the graphs and images on the noise page of this review the A77 is unequivocally noisier than its competitors both in terms of measured and visible noise.


  • 任何主要造船厂目前为止没有确凿迹象,而且非常相当可能,一个如此享有声望计划那时开始公布

    As yet there are no firm indications of building at any of the major dockyards and it is quite possible that the initiation of such a prestigious project would be publicised at the time.


  • 石头就不可避免击中堆有关如何拯救建议可是这些建议很少有确凿数据可以说明手洗盘子就能拯救北极熊

    You can't cast a stone without hitting a list of tips to save the planet, but few of them come with any hard data on how hand-washing your dishes will save polar bears.


  • 石头就不可避免击中堆有关如何拯救建议可是这些建议很少有确凿数据可以说明手洗盘子就能拯救北极熊

    You can't cast a stone without hitting a list of tips to save the planet, but few of them come with any hard data on how hand-washing your dishes will save polar bears.


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