• 万钟杜兰大学细胞分子生物学系研究助理教授

    Manjong Han is an assistant research professor in the department of cell and molecular biology at Tulane University.


  • Johnson2002犹他大学研究助理教授开始开发技术

    Johnson began developing the technology in 2002, when he was a research assistant professor at the University of Utah.


  • 它们脆弱。” 许敏,她是文章合著者,也是费英堡学院研究助理教授

    They're very fragile and delicate, " said Min Xu, a paper coauthor and research assistant professor at the Feinberg School.


  • 卡内基梅隆大学硅谷校区研究助理教授盈还是决定留下来

    But Mr. Zhang, now a research assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon's Silicon Valley campus , has decided stay.


  • 找到这个古生物化石真是太了不起了,”CharlotteLind q vist,她是纽约布法罗州立大学研究助理教授这项研究的牵头者。

    "Just finding such an ancient fossil was pretty magnificent," says Charlotte Lindqvist, a research assistant professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo and lead author of the study.


  • 堪萨斯大学传播学研究助理教授杰弗瑞•霍尔称,无论酒吧里你是更喜欢挪陌生人身边,还是宁愿坐在那里等着有吸引力目标靠近,只要认清自己行为特征,就能帮助你渡过感情关系中的惊涛骇浪。

    the rocky seas of relationships, according to Jeffrey Hall, assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas.


  • 拉斯·泰利医学博士,医学助理教授,是乳腺癌研究治疗》杂质在线发表这份研究报告的第一作者

    Rastelli, MD, assistant professor of medicine and first author of the study published online in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.


  • 现在麻省理工学院的助理教授开始研究如何才能破坏生物膜

    Lu, who is now an assistant professor at MIT, began researching how to destroy biofilms.


  • 主持研究波士顿塔夫大学心理学助理教授堂娜穆这项研究也许会父母们对小宝宝观看电视内容施以限制

    Parents may want to limit what their infants see on television, based on the study, said Donna Mumme, assistant professor of psychology at Tufts University in Boston, who led the research.


  • 威廉姆·帕克美国杜克医学院外科助理教授,他还是这个研究成果第一作者。 他强调只是一种假设不是实验证明

    William Parker, the senior author of the study and an assistant professor of surgery at Duke, emphasized that this was a hypothesis, not experimental proof.


  • 助理教授布莱恩·海尼克说:“我们来说,火星发现岸线项重大收获。”他还补充称,研究表明湖泊存在于人们认为的火星寒冷干旱期

    "Finding shorelines is a holy grail of sorts to us," said assistant professor Brian Hynek, adding it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry.


  • “可预见性让资源充分得到了运用,人们能够因此有效地进行多重工作”巴斯克说道。他是赖斯大学助理心理学教授,也是这项研究主要设计者。

    "Predictability can free up resources so a person can effectively multitask," said Basak, assistant professor of psychology at Rice and lead author of the study.


  • 这样网络世界不能反映人类本性Zeynep Tufekci表示,她是巴尔的摩马里兰大学社会学助理教授研究科技社会影响

    That online reality does not reflect human nature, said Zeynep Tufekci, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore who studies the social impacts of technology.


  • AbigailBairdVassar Colleg心理学助理教授,从事青少年的思维成长研究

    Abigail Baird is an assistant professor of psychology at Vassar College who studies brain development in adolescence.


  • 610发表物理评论快报篇文章详细介绍助理教授EvaZurek博士后pioBaettig研究成果。

    The research, published June 10 in Physical Review Letters, details the findings of ub Assistant Professor Eva Zurek and ub postdoctoral associate Pio Baettig.


  • 对于斯坦福大学心理学系助理教授BrianKnutson来说是一个非常让人迷惑前提今年他将他的四个同事一道进行这项被广泛关注的研究工作。

    That's the intriguing premise of a highly publicized study this year by Brian Knutson, an assistant professor in the psychology department at Stanford University, and four colleagues.


  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院助理教授,在2007年发表了一篇关于肥胖研究报告,并且国际上引起了一阵骚动

    Fowler, an associate professor at the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, created an international uproar in 2007 when they published a study on obesity.


  • 大学三五法学院医学院研究博士,然后再干若干年住院实习生博士后或者助理教授

    Three more years of college, three or four or five years of law school or medical school or a Ph.D. program, then residencies or postdocs or years as a junior associate.


  • 上述建议根据的,它建立在医学博士伊山·哈克研究基础上。伊·哈克是维克森林大学助理教授,其研究成果于今年310发布网上

    This suggestion is based on the results from a study by Ihtsham Haq, M.D., an assistant professor of neurology at Wake Forest University, and published online March 10 in NeuroImage.


  • 我们研究证实,我们的味觉噪音环境不够灵敏,”康奈尔大学食品科学助理教授罗宾·丹多

    'our study confirmed that in an environment of loud noise, our sense of taste is compromised,' said Robin Dando, assistant professor of food science at Cornell University.


  • 印第安纳大学助理教授、“揭示真相”项目主要研究之一Flippo Menczar接受《科技评论》杂志采访时称,“我们认为此类伪草根网络技术已经普遍应用。”

    Flippo Menczar, an associate professor at Indiana University and one of the principal investigators on the project, told Technology Review, "We think this technique must be common."


  • 第一工作临时助理研究第二份工作一位教授月兵役期间临时顶替工作。

    His first job was as a temporary research assistant, the second as temporary replacement for a professor who had to serve a two-month term in the army.


  • 在内部研究报告作者助理教授电气工程J

    Inside, the study's author, assistant professor of electrical engineering J.


  • 助理教授们认真研究这个问题。

    Several assistant professors went to the workshop to examine a model.


  • 乔治亚理工学院的助理教授罗伯特·罗森伯格手机幻听现象进行研究

    Robert Rosenberger, an assistant professor at the Georgia Tech Institute of Technology has studied the delusional calls.


  • 助理教授认真研究了这个问题

    The problem was gone carefully into by the assistant professors.


  • 助理教授认真研究了这个问题

    The problem was gone carefully into by the assistant professors.


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