• 沈阳细河底泥研究对象,通过对其矿物组成,考察了其制作底泥陶粒的可行性

    The component and mineral composition of the sediment from the Xihe River, Shenyang City was analyzed, and the feasibility for producing haydite by the sediment was investigated.


  • 我们主要矿物燃料包括——石油汽油——他们组成都包括碳,已经我们的地球积压数百万我们现在将它使用和燃烧,让它快速归还大气中。

    Our main fossil fuelscoal, petroleum and gasoline — are made up of carbon that has been compressed in the Earth for millions of years and we're now burning and rapidly restoring to the atmosphere.


  • 它的主要组成硫酸盐、硝酸盐氯化钠矿物粉尘

    The major components of PM are sulfate, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, carbon, mineral dust and water.


  • 人们这么是因为玻璃很多矿物不同,它并不形成晶体而是构成随意混在一起组成,就液体中一样。

    The reason people say this is that unlike many minerals glass isn't formed into crystals but made up of its constituent molecules all jumbled together at random as they would be in a liquid.


  • 以下成组成蛋白质氨基酸矿物脂肪和脂肪酸、维生素和其它生物活性少量碳水化合物

    Meat is composed of protein and amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, vitamins and other bioactive components, and small quantities of carbohydrates.


  • 介绍煤系高岭概念矿物组成及其化学简述了煤系高岭岩生产工艺关键工序

    This paper introduces the concepts, mineral compositions and chemical components of the coal measure Kaolinite, and expounds the production techniques and key processes of the coal measure Kaolinite.


  • 文章通过包钢生产烧结质量检测数据统计析,研究了包钢烧结矿的化学矿物组成对其冶金性能影响,提出了包钢烧结矿质量指标的适宜范围。

    Based on the testing data of the quality of sinter, the influences of chemical composition and mineral composition on metallurgical properties of the sinter are investigated.


  • 论述煤灰熔融性温度测试气氛、煤灰矿物组成因素之间关系

    The relation between ash-fusion temperature and some factors such as measurement atmosphere, composition of ash and mineral matters were discussed.


  • 矿物组成化学接触交代夕卡岩明显差别

    No distinguished difference can be found between magmatic skarn and contact metasomatic skarn in mineral assemblages and chemical composition.


  • 化学理化性质矿物组成方面粉煤灰应用于铸造涂料可行性进行析。

    The feasibility of applying the fly ash to mold coating is analyzed from aspects of chemical composition, physicochemical properties and mineral component.


  • 血浆血液另一组成主要成水,此外,血浆的组成还包括维他命矿物蛋白质激素其他天然化学物质

    Plasma is another part of the blood. It is mostly water. It also has some vitamins, minerals, proteins, hormones and other natural chemicals.


  • 根据样塑性指数相同,而CBR值差异很大实验结果,土体颗粒组成矿物方面研究了对填料CBR值的影响

    The influence factors of CBR of expressway subgrade materials are studied, such as the soil particle sizes and mineral components.


  • 得出不同保护组成的镜下组织、各种矿物类型

    The different phase constituents and ore types and compositions of different mould powder are determined.


  • 研究了氧化焙烧矿物组成形貌特点以及矿物

    Mineral constituents, morphological characteristics and mineral composition before and after oxidizing roasting were studied.


  • 析了不同形状立窑熟料矿物组成形成条件

    The composition of clinker from shaft kilns, the mineral substances as well as forming conditions were analyzed.


  • 作者对产自云南马关-麻粟坡带、广西钟山八步矿区黑色电气石进行了矿物组成化学析测试。

    It shows that there are apparent differences in black tourmalines mineral components and chemical elements from their different producing mines.


  • 矿物化肥主要也是工业废水组成

    It is a major constituent in minerals and fertilizers, and is a component of industrial wastewater.


  • 方铅矿化学热电性微量元素组成的研究表明,方铅矿黄铁矿外的另一种重要的富金矿物

    As proved by study on chemical compositions, thermoelectricity and micro-elements compositions of galena, it is another important mineral with rich gold and silver contents except pyrite.


  • 磷酸钙类陶瓷矿物组成类似生物相容性,被视为典型的生物陶瓷。

    The typical calcium phosphate bioceramics have good biocompatibility and similar compositions to bone minerals.


  • 电子探针成显示,基质矿物组成斑晶矿物组成相同,均斜长石辉石橄榄石组成

    The groundmass has the same mineral components as phenocryst, and is composed of plagioclase, augite and olivine.


  • 表明矿物乳剂昆虫行为干扰作用与其组成相关

    The results suggested that the influence of mineral oils on the females could be related to the composition of oils.


  • 试验结果表明由于尾矿颗粒组成矿物因素影响尾矿料充填的地基土层具有不同于天然地基的少黏性土层的特殊性

    The result shows that owing to the effects of the grain and mineral composition et al. , the characteristics of foundation filled with tailings possesses the specialty other than that of natural soil.


  • 矿石物质典型矿物组合同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及布和相关析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题

    An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - topic dat...


  • 发明公开一种矿物热敷理疗理疗袋本体填充物组成,理疗袋 本体由透气性好的布料制成,填充物主要成天然矿物盐。

    The invention relates to a mineral salt hot compress physiotherapy bag, which is formed by physiotherapy bag main body and stuff. Wherein, the main body is made from ventilate cloth;


  • 矿石物质典型矿物组合同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及布和相关析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

    An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is...


  • 现在结合海带酪氨酸两个组成甲状腺激素矿物协助生产

    NOW has combined Iodine (from Kelp) and Tyrosine, the two integral constituents of thyroid hormone, with the minerals Selenium, Zinc and Copper, to assist in its production.


  • 矿石物质典型矿物组合同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及布和相关析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

    An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - top...


  • 矿石物质典型矿物组合同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及布和相关析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

    An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - top...


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