• 石油合同往往没有确定拥有天然气以及因此可以使用

    In old petroleum contracts, it's often not clear who owns the gas and therefore who can utilize it.


  • 迄今为止海外最大工程工程项目中的石油合同

    This is far in the overseas Chinese oil contract of the largest engineering construction projects of the total package.


  • 马来西亚石油合同往往认为是世界上复杂石油合同之一

    Malaysian petroleum contracts are usually regarded as one of the most complicated petroleum contracts in the world.


  • 由于各国争夺战后基础设施,公用设施石油合同将会出现普遍竞争。

    She says much of the wrangling will take place in the corridors as countries jostle for post-war contracts over infrastructure, utilities, and oil.


  • 法国俄罗斯反对这场战争,纯粹是因为他们在这之前已伊拉克签署了有利石油合同不过巧合而已!

    France and Russia's opposition to this war is not about the purely coincidental fact that both countries have lucrative, pre-existing oil contracts with Iraq.


  • 法国俄罗斯反对这场战争,纯粹是因为他们在之前已伊拉克签署了有利石油合同不过巧合而已!

    France and Russia's opposition to this war is not about the purely coincidental fact that both countries have lucrative, pre-existing oil contracts with Iraq. Furthermore, the interest of many u.


  • 索马里易动怒的首相aliMohamedGedi优素签订石油合同——包括一个中国公司的——而没有告诉时不禁勃然大怒。

    Somalia's prickly prime minister, ali Mohamed Gedi, was furious when Mr Yusuf signed oil agreements without telling him, including one with a Chinese company.


  • 六月份石油部长萨拉·特尼就六个油田重新开发的长期合同面向35个国际公司公开招标时伊拉克发生了争抢这些利润丰厚石油合同的狂潮。

    Iraq sparked a scramble for lucrative oil contracts in June, when Shahrastani opened bidding to 35 international companies for long-term contracts to redevelop six oil fields.


  • 其中左右石油公司已经进入完成石油经纪人的佣金分配最后的石油合同签约阶段,有5石油公司已经开出信用证银行资信证明进入装船发货阶段!

    About ten of them involving in allocating commission & signing contracts , and there are 5 petroleum corporations have opened L/C and bank reference letter towards to make shipment.


  • 伊拉克仍然没有一项石油法律这会暗中破坏履行合同信仰

    Iraq is still without an oil law, which undermines faith that contracts will be honoured.


  • 但是一份石油衍生产品合同条款可以很大区别。

    But the terms of an oil derivatives contract can vary greatly.


  • 伊拉克计划外国公司签署新的合同,但现在落后于计划几年正如伊的石油一样。

    Iraq's plans to sign big new contracts with foreign firms are years behind schedule, as is its new oil law.


  • 一家公司或者投资者衍生产品合同例如石油或者小麦或者担保抵押,其买单一家银行交易员那里

    Instead, when a company or an investor wants to buy a derivative contract for, say, oil or wheat or securitized mortgages, an order is placed with a trader at a bank.


  • 将来卖出手中多头合同时,他又增加期货石油供应从而降低了期货石油的价格。

    When he sells his long contracts in the future he would increase the supply of future oil, hence lowering future oil prices.


  • 另外,埃及石油分成合同税制也2005年开始投入使用其中包括40-55%公司税

    Egypt maintains a predictable petroleum-sharing contract regime combined with 40-55% corporate tax, which has remained unchanged since 2005.


  • 即使是以资金运作要求高而著称的埃克森石油公司也也已冒着更大的风险俄罗斯罗斯纳尔福德公司签订了大西洋黑海的开采合同

    Even Exxon, renowned for its capital discipline, has struck riskier-than-usual deals in the Arctic and the Black Sea with Russia’s state oil firm, Rosneft.


  • 巴西石油巨头Petrobras发现竞标合同公司实际上没有足够的信贷不得不被迫举行下一轮投标

    Petrobras, the Brazilian oil giant, found that the firms bidding on its contracts didn't actually have the credit to do so, and it may be forced into another round of bids.


  • 虽然Transocean公司声称这个合同能够保护他们免于由于4月20号爆炸导致的美国历史上严重的海上石油泄漏事件责任

    Transocean asserted that the contract protects them from liabilities in the April 20 explosion that triggered the worst maritime oil leak in U.S. history.


  • 西班牙Repsol石油公司古巴海域探井合同年末将要到期

    It is due in Cuban waters by the end of the year, contracted by Spain's Repsol to drill an exploratory well.


  • 他说:“我们承认这些合同,我们已经通知了所有石油公司这些合同不具有法律效力。”

    "We do not recognize them and we have informed all the oil companies that these contracts have no standing," al-Shahristani said.


  • 荷兰皇家壳牌公司星期六宣布因为激进分子的攻击,公司不能兑现合同里关于输送石油义务。 这家公司的设施受到围攻期间受害最大

    Royal Dutch Shell, whose facilities suffered the most during the siege, declared on Saturday that it would not be able to meet its contractual obligations on oil deliveries due to militant attacks.


  • 欧洲天然气定价是有几十年历史长期合同方式,合同价格石油挂钩

    Gas prices in continental Europe are mainly set by a decades-old system of long-term contracts, linked to the price of oil.


  • 预计合同期将定为20年。根据合同石油公司同意这些油田生产石油收取一定的报酬。

    Contracts are expected to be structured as 20-year deals, in which companies agree to produce oil from the fields in exchange for a per-barrel fee.


  • 预计合同期将定为20年。根据合同石油公司同意这些油田生产石油收取一定的报酬。

    Contracts are expected to be structured as 20-year deals, in which companies agree to produce oil from the fields in exchange for a per-barrel fee.


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