• 危机期间,石油价格暴跌

    Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.


  • 石油价格到了每桶9元。

    Oil prices fell to $9 a barrel.


  • 石油价格昨天一阵暴跌。

    Oil prices took a tumble yesterday.


  • 石油价格几乎达到近年来最高水平

    Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years.


  • 石油价格上涨使欧洲陷入严重的经济衰退

    The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.


  • 石油价格没有变化

    There has been no movement in oil prices.


  • 石油价格1992年余下时间里应该保持稳定

    The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.


  • 危机时期每桶石油价格20元至40之间波动

    During the crisis, oil prices fluctuated between $20 and $40 a barrel.


  • 抗议者们找到一种新奇示威方式反对石油价格飙升

    Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.


  • 我们石油价格刚刚已经到了100美元一桶意味着什么呢?

    We've just hit $100 barrel price of oil, but what does that mean?


  • 在这十年结束之前美国石油工业达到环保标准成本预计为每桶精炼石油价格10%。

    The United States petroleum industry's cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade.


  • 禁运西方引起恐慌,导致石油价格飙升。

    The embargo created panic in the West and caused oilprices to shoot up.


  • 认为甚至苏丹最为依赖石油价格下跌时候现在的形势还仍好的

    Even with the decline in oil prices, on which South Sudan depends to pay its salaries, the times are good, and in his opinion they have rotted out the South Sudanese elite.


  • 截止至目前,全球供应链似乎还完好无缺一定程度上受到石油价格剧烈下跌帮助

    So far, those supply chains seem to be intact, partly helped by the sharp drop in the price of oil.


  • 今年飓风季节相对平静伊朗石油出口威胁消除使得近期石油价格下跌

    Both the relative calm of this year's hurricane season and the diminishing threat of an interruption to Iran's oil exports seem to have contributed to the recent fall.


  • 尽管石油价格最近飙升到创纪录水平可是墨西哥由于油田产量降低而没有得到多少好处

    Although the price of oil has reached record levels recently, the country has not been able to take full advantage because production at Mexican Wells is slowing.


  • 俄罗斯国家预算严重依赖石油其他自然资源销售税收可是过去一年来石油价格大幅下跌。

    The Russian national budget relies heavily on taxes from the sale of oil and other natural resources, and oil prices have dropped sharply over the past year.


  • 不过石油价格攀升增加了部分发达国家通胀压力贸易赤字加剧了高额汽油税引发的的紧张状况

    Nevertheless, the oil price rise has increased inflationary pressures and trade deficits in some of the developed countries, as well as exacerbating tensions over the level of gasoline taxes.


  • 尽管美国人来说油价已经历史新高,可欧佩克按照通货膨胀美元疲软计算表明石油价格低于去年

    Despite prices being near all-time highs for Americans, Opec calculations show that its oil prices have fallen over the past year when inflation and the weakening dollar are factored in.


  • 石油价格猛涨运输费用变得更贵,当SARS流行病那样的席卷亚洲或者地震袭击日本供应链中断。

    When oil prices soar, transport grows dearer. When an epidemic such as SARS hits Asia or when an earthquake hits Japan, supply chains are disrupted.


  • 由于欧佩克认为真实石油价格下降没有其他经济诱因的情况下提高石油产量,使油价更加低廉

    Since opec maintains that in real terms its oil prices are actually falling, it has no economic incentive to increase oil production, which would only lower oil prices further.


  • 美国石油价格信息服务公司汤姆·克洛萨指出,这些基金经理能够大宗商品价格造成巨大影响包括油价

    Tom Kloza of the oil price Information Service says the managers of those funds can have a big impact on commodity prices, including the price of oil.


  • 他们指出由于出口石油价格不断增长,伊拉克现在预算盈余美国预算赤字其他经济问题作斗争。

    They note that Iraq has a budget surplus as a result of the rising price of its oil exports, while the United States is grappling with budget deficits and other economic problems.


  • 石油价格大幅度下跌影响刚果赤道几内亚加蓬尼日利亚那样石油收入总收入一半以上国家

    The steep drop in oil prices has impacted countries such as Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Nigeria, where it generates more than half of all revenues.


  • 第二产出强劲商业消费兴旺工资增长扎实并且石油价格这一价格低了消费者消费)也在下滑

    Output growth in the second quarter was strong; business spending looked perky; wage growth was solid and high petrol prices (which had dragged down consumer spending) were falling.


  • 这些方案根据具体国家需求设计,以帮助减少高涨动荡石油价格(直接或间接)引起家庭收入下降

    The programs will be tailored to the needs of individual countries to help reduce the fall in household income caused-directly and indirectly-by high and volatile oil prices.


  • 不错对于食物石油价格激增解释——全球需求超过全球供给增长——这场危机之前三四年间已清晰可见。

    Yes, the explanation for the explosion in food and oil prices - global demand exceeding the growth in global supplies - was apparent in the three or four years that preceded this crisis.


  • 这种趋势加上投资者推断石油价格持续走促使价格进一步攀升,随之滋生了市场投资者更多投机行为。

    This trend, combined with investor assumptions that oil prices will remain high, have helped boost prices further, which has in turn fed more investor speculation in the market.


  • 石油价格可能会再次爬升欧元区已经安然度过最近次的油价受挫,而且应该能源进口任何多余花费

    Oil prices may climb again, but the euro area weathered the recent spike fairly well and should get back a good slice of any extra it spends on energy imports.


  • 石油价格可能会再次爬升欧元区已经安然度过最近次的油价受挫,而且应该能源进口任何多余花费

    Oil prices may climb again, but the euro area weathered the recent spike fairly well and should get back a good slice of any extra it spends on energy imports.


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