• William认为比较代码成本,要长期成本短期成本,而不是看角色

    According to William a better way to compare the code is by looking at the short term and long term costs irrespective of the role. According to him.


  • 通过比较研究公路货运企业短期成本长期成本性质,得出了公路货运企业成本垄断性

    Through comparing the characters between the short-term cost and the long-term cost of road freight enterprise cost, the weak monopoly of the road freight enterprise cost is discussed.


  • 包括居民短期租房成本及其生活质量影响

    This includes the impact of short-term lets on housing costs and quality of life for residents.


  • 关注放在一边,这预算劳动力市场短期预算来看以一可接受成本提供了一个必要推动

    That concern aside, this budget provides a needed lift to the Labour market at an acceptable cost to the short-term budget picture.


  • 分析应当清楚地表明短期中期长期成本优势

    This analysis should clearly show the short -, medium -, and long-term cost benefits.


  • 短期之内这样做会帮助他们省去利息成本创造了危险错配他们薪水收入由一种货币计算债务却是由一种计算。

    It saved them interest costs in the short term but it also created a nasty mismatch: their wages and revenues were in one currency and their liabilities were in another.


  • 另一个同样强大的群体希望市场按照自己意愿行事,而不管短期社会成本如何。

    Another equally powerful group wants to let markets work their will, regardless of the short-term social costs.


  • 由于部分收益率决定银行企业借贷成本,事实证明,推动经济增长的进程中,长期收益率短期汇率重要

    Because such yields determine the borrowing costs of Banks and firms, long-term yields are arguably more important than short-term rates in driving growth.


  • ,就房子或是昂贵跑车一样,一些无形好处无法通过短期成本效益分析得到体现的。

    'The intangible benefits... Cannot be reduced to some kind of short-term cost benefit-analysis, as though one is purchasing a piece of property or an expensive sports car,' she says.


  • 短期运行中,费用可能会多一些但是长期运行有助于您的企业节约实现成本

    This may be a bit more expensive in the short run, but in the long run could help your organization save money on implementation costs.


  • 但是最后玩得高兴结识朋友,你付出了短期成本你获得了长期利益

    But you end up having a great time and meeting new people. You paid a short-term cost but got a long-term benefit.


  • 即使短期利率急剧下降,30年抵押贷款成本过去个月还是在上升

    The cost of a 30-year mortgage has risen over the past six months, even as short-term rates have tumbled.


  • 其他产品生产线,因客户交易限制短期转嫁增加的成本能力公司不开手脚提价

    But with other product lines, BASF's hands have been tied by customer deals that limit its ability to pass on higher costs in the short term.


  • 大型银行短期拆借利率已经变为六月份水平而且防止违约成本已经打破了记录

    The rate that big Banks charge each other for short-term money jumped to three times the level in June, and the cost of protecting against their default broke records.


  • 来自欧洲其他地区竞争对手开始担忧海湾公司他们盈利颇丰长途业务产生的影响成本运营商对他们的短期业务所产生的影响一样糟。

    Rivals in Europe and elsewhere are beginning to fear that what the low-cost carriers did to their short-haul operations, the Gulf airlines could do to their profitable long-haul business.


  • 当然短期利率不是资金成本长期利率才是

    Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital; the long-term interest rate is.


  • 可能短期内节约培训成本如果此以往,您变得一团糟。

    You might get away with skimping on training in the short term, but you will get burned if you do so for too long.


  • 短期成本值得掂量美国顶尖商学院学费高达10万美金,这不算生活费以及这段时间里你放弃工资收入

    But the short-term costs are also weighty: two years at a leading American business school can cost $100,000 even before you take living expenses and forgone income into account.


  • 这种设计结果将证明IT更具成本效益的方式支持短期业务需求能力

    This type of design in turn demonstrates IT’s ability to support short term business needs in a more cost effective manner. Some suggested best practices include


  • SOA强大的思想而且利用业务灵活性节约长期成本、可在短期实现的架构。

    It's a powerful idea and one delivering near term via cost savings an long term through business flexibility.


  • 由于的养殖需要几年的时间,并且成本昂贵,全球市场可能在短期内对需求增长作出反应。

    But because sheep can take years to raise and are expensive to maintain, the global market is unlikely to respond to the increased demand anytime soon.


  • 负责范围广泛的各种责任包括短期长期财务规划成本控制现金管理会计和人力资源管理

    She is responsible for a comprehensive range of responsibilities including short and long term financial planning, cost control, cash management, accounting and human resource administration.


  • 负责范围广泛的各种责任包括短期长期财务规划成本控制现金管理会计和人力资源管理

    She is responsible for a comprehensive range of responsibilities including short and long term financial planning, cost control, cash management, accounting and human resource administration.


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