• 目的探讨原发睾丸类癌临床病理学特征免疫表型、鉴别诊断及其组织起源。

    Objective: to study the clinicopathological characteristics, immunohistochemical features and histogenesis of primary testicular carcinoid tumor and its differential diagnosis.


  • 结论彩色多普勒超声检查诊断睾丸扭转首选辅助检查,早期诊断手术探查可以提高睾丸的存活率

    Conclusion Color doppler ultrasound is the first choice in assistant diagnosis of testicular torsion. Earlier diagnosis and operations research could improve the testicular survival rate.


  • 年轻人睾丸可能肿块医生切除所有器官时,他们发现一个疤痕

    A young man may have a lump in his testicle, but when doctors remove all the organ, they find a big scar.


  • 如果癌症已进入晚期可能需要化疗可能未受影响睾丸产生巨大影响

    If the cancer is at a more advanced stage, it will probably require chemotherapy, and this can have a dramatic effect on the unaffected testis.


  • 这种产品是以虫草人参皂苷睾丸鹿茸等为主要原料制成资源食品

    The product is a new resource food made of main raw materials, including cordyceps fungi powder, ginsenoside, donkey spermary, hartshorn and so on.


  • 一夫多妻的动物中,睾丸输出精子浆的量较大

    Production of testicular output sperm and spermatic fluid is also larger in polygamous animals.


  • 虽然研究只有一小样本,但是这些发现意味着穴居人和早期人类睾丸激素今天男人烧得更旺。

    Although the researchers only looked at a handful of specimens, the findings suggest that Neanderthals and early humans were more testosterone fuelled than modern men.


  • 有规律锻炼可以提高的身体机能并且产出各种能让感觉良好的化学元素比如睾丸激素内啡肽。

    Regular exercise improves your energy levels and produces various chemicals - for example testosterone and endorphins - that put you in a more positive state.


  • 库扎瓦解释到:“之前研究显示,大部分的父亲睾丸激素水平低于单身子女男性,但都没有提及初始睾丸激素水平较的男性是否更容易维持一段稳定的感情和生育子女,而新的研究结果证实事实并非如此。

    Previous studies have shown that fathers in general have lower testosterone levels than single men without children.


  • 许多便宜的治疗结肠癌睾丸癌的药物紧缺的情况下,许多非洲国家可能买得起如此价格不菲乳腺癌治疗药物的。

    It is unlikely that many African nations will be able to afford such a costly medicine for breast cancer, when far cheaper ones for colon and testicular cancer are going wanting.


  • 查明睾丸激素影响是否影响老师生育能力研究组老鼠骨钙素基因取出。

    To find out if this effect on testosterone production might affect mice's fertility, the team knocked out the gene for osteocalcin in a group of the rodents.


  • 如果梅尔的确将抑郁归结男性更年期”,睾丸激素低下,可能这位54演员感觉到了雄性激素的下降。

    If Mel did blame depression on "male menopause," meaning a low testosterone, it's possible that the 54 year old actor is feeling a drop in his hormones.


  • 并且,由于睾丸激素下降通常健康问题结果并非成因,所以,比方肥胖人士,发现他们一旦减肥激素水平通常会反弹。

    And since testosterone deficiency is often the result of other health problems rather than the cause of them, obese men, for example, often find that once they lose weight, hormone levels bounce back.


  • 虽然我们采集、保存移植睾丸组织方面没有卵巢方面这么领先,但所有这些对于睾丸组织也是正确

    All of this holds true for testicular tissue, too, although we are not so advanced in successfully removing, storing and transplanting testicular tissue as we are with ovarian tissue.


  • 父亲他们孩子第一个睾丸激素的降幅最大孩子长,依赖减少的时候,激素又会反弹吗?

    Does testosterone, which appeared to decline most steeply in fathers during their child's first month, rebound as children become older and less dependent?


  • 男性经绝期其它名称还有:睾丸缺乏症老年雄激素缺乏症迟发性性功能减退

    Other terms for so-called male menopause include testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency of the aging male and late-onset hypogonadism.


  • 1800年代末意大利里雅斯特,名叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德医科学生受命研究雄性鳗鱼睾丸。他假设鳗鱼睾丸体腔内结成的白质

    In the late 1800s in Trieste, Italy, a medical student named Sigmund Freud was assigned to investigate the testes of the male eel, postulated to be loops of white matter festooning the body cavity.


  • 就是他们为什么利用精心设计定量模式跟踪个人交易商各种指标交易数量睾丸激素含量

    That's why they employ elaborate quantitative models and track all sorts of metrics on individual traders, from volume of trades to levels of testosterone.


  • 研究英国加拿大科学家进行通过化石指骨长度他们计算已经灭绝类人和人类祖先睾丸激素水平

    The study was carried out by British and Canadian scientists who worked out the testosterone levels of extinct apes and ancestors by looking at the length of fossilised finger bones.


  • 话说,更多睾丸女性睾丸素相对较少的女性爱冒险,而且光谱低端男性数据呈现类似的关系

    In other words, women who had more testosterone were more risk-loving than women with less, while the data for men at the lower end of the spectrum displayed a similar relationship.


  • 因为替勃龙含有睾丸激素其中一个额外好处就是能够振奋女人爱情生活击退绝经期时出现症状

    Because the drug contains testosterone, one of its added benefits is that it helps perk up many women's love lives as well as combating the symptoms of menopause.


  • 本周神经元研究刊物报道,研究者决定通过基因工程去掉神经系统中的睾丸受体雄性小鼠进行研究。

    In their study, published this week in Neuron, the researchers decided to look at male mice which had been genetically engineered to lack androgen receptors in their nervous systems.


  • 偏好风险决定的交易商学校声称患有多动症而停不下来的男孩子,睾丸激素是他们最好的替罪羊。

    From financial traders' propensity to make risky decisions to badly behaved schoolboys' claims to be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, testosterone makes a perfect scapegoat.


  • 这些鼠任然保留肌肉其他部位睾丸受体因此他们身体具有阳刚性;研究者通过观察小鼠迅速增加的和正常循环的激素的反应。

    These males still had androgen receptors in their muscles and elsewhere, so they had masculine bodies, and they experienced the testosterone surge and responded to normally circulating testosterone.


  • 男子分出每天小时的时光来照料孩子们-在嬉戏喂食洗澡个人卫生阅读他们穿衣服时候,他们的睾丸激素水平是最低的。

    And men who spent more than three hours a day caring for children - playing, feeding, bathing, toileting, reading or dressing them - had the lowest testosterone.


  • 美国科学家芝加哥大学500位男性女性MBA学员唾液样本检验了睾丸酮的含量。参与研究的人员被要求玩一个电脑游戏,评估它们对待风险的态度。

    Scientists in the U.S. measured the amount of testosterone in saliva samples taken from 500 male and female MBA business students at the University of Chicago.


  • 美国科学家芝加哥大学500位男性女性MBA学员唾液样本检验了睾丸酮的含量。参与研究的人员被要求玩一个电脑游戏,评估它们对待风险的态度。

    Scientists in the U.S. measured the amount of testosterone in saliva samples taken from 500 male and female MBA business students at the University of Chicago.


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